Rebirth 2003

Chapter 248: Lock range

The second possibility is that an old teacher himself has no grievances with Lu Yang, just because many people have recently said that Lu Yang is the most talented among the interns. Out of the mentality of exclusion, he quietly changed it. Lu Yang's rating.

   The third possibility is that the students in the first and third grades deceived Lu Yang. In fact, they only scored that point, or the teacher who counted the score accidentally calculated the average score incorrectly. These two possibilities are extremely small.

   If it is the second possibility, who is the old teacher? Lu Yang had an internship here, and he knew something about the jealous and capable old teachers.

   These thoughts flashed in Lu Yang's mind, and he had decided to pay more attention to the expressions and behaviors of those few people recently, to see who was the most suspicious, and then take the next step.

   Involved in this kind of office intrigue for no reason, Lu Yang was very upset, but he was already involved, and he couldn't let anyone squeeze him.

In the morning, the dean’s office didn’t give an explanation. Instead, the news that Lu Yang and others had the bottom of the score spread throughout the middle school. Lu Yang, Xu Heng, Zhou Shaofeng and Zhao Xuebing were four people. On the way to the cafeteria for lunch at noon, no matter which teacher you meet, he will look at them with strange eyes. Some have smiles, some have disdain, and others are already disgusted.

After lunch, Lu Yang returned to his residence as usual, adjusted his state, and hung up on the time code. No matter how disgusting things happened in school, it would not affect his novel. All kinds of troubles, no one’s real life, no troubles, everyone is not living in a vacuum, can’t make quick adjustments, today is in a bad mood, one chapter or two less updated, tomorrow’s mood Worse, simply stop writing for one or two days. Such a writer will find it difficult to move forward even if he is not eliminated by the online literature market.

   Unfortunately, Lu Yang had just written a few hundred words when the doorbell was rang. He frowned and walked over to open the door, only to find that Tong Yaqian was here.

   Tong Yaqian was carrying a little fruit in her hand. As soon as Lu Yang opened the door, she pushed Lu Yang aside and walked into the door by herself. Of course, it was impossible for Lu Yang to prevent her from coming in.

   "How is it? Has the great writer been hit by the morning incident?"

   closed the door easily, Tong Yaqian asked Lu Yang with a smile while changing slippers at the door.

   She probably knows what Lu Yang's annual income is now. Therefore, she is not very worried about Lu Yang's unsuccessful work. She knows that Lu Yang can't care about the hundreds of dollars in school monthly salary.

   "If you can hit me, count them as good!"

Lu Yang responded with a smile, and his tone was a bit big, which provokes Tong Yaqian's witty white eyes. Tong Yaqian glanced into the small room, saw the document on the open computer screen, and hundreds of words on the document, and shook her head. , Sighed: "You! I know how to write novels all day long! Go out of my way, right? Write during the day and stay up until one or two in the morning at night, or even two or three in the morning. How can you keep on going like this? "

   Lu Yang smiled and took the fruit in her hand, and said casually: "It doesn't matter! Who has ever seen a body stronger than me in school?"


The two talked and laughed, and when they came to the living room, Lu Yang took the initiative to make two cups of tea and sat on the sofa shoulder-to-shoulder. Tong Yaqian sighed softly and asked softly: "Lu Yang! Are you planning to leave after the internship is over? Are you here? Don’t plan to stay here, do you?"


   Lu Yang took her shoulders, and gently sniffed the fragrance of Tong Yaqian's hair, not interested in this topic.

   "It seems that I have to prepare for the future..."

Tong Yaqian was a little helpless. She came here for the internship entirely because of Lu Yang. Now that Lu Yang decided to leave after the internship, she has no reason to stay here. After all, although the environment here is good, it is far away from Province A. It’s too far, thousands of miles away. It’s not convenient to go home during the winter and summer vacations every year. What’s more, it’s too close to the border, and the public security situation is far worse than that of Province A. There are street stalls selling machetes on the street. She was shocked when the intern went out at night and was robbed with a knife.

   Living in Province A for more than 20 years, she has never heard of anyone around her who has encountered such a thing.

   The security situation in border provinces is simply incomparable with inland provinces.

Lu Yang gently stroked Tong Yaqian’s hair, knowing that because of him, Tong Yaqian’s future was somewhat affected. Otherwise, before the internship, with Tong Yaqian’s conditions, it would not be difficult to find a better internship unit, and each unit would like to cultivate by themselves. The newcomers who came out were cultivated from the internship period. As long as they have real talents, the general units are willing to give more opportunities, but Tong Yaqian's internship period is wasted here.

"That's right! I heard that you think the rating this time is wrong, do you feel angry or do you really think so?" Tong Yaqian closed her eyes and leaned on Lu Yang's shoulder, quietly enjoying Lu Yang's caress, turning the topic to today's rating Things.

   "Do you think I am a pisser?"

   Lu Yang asked with a smile, and then asked Tong Yaqian: "I wasn't there last week. Do you know which teachers did the grading this time?"

   Tong Yaqian still closed his eyes and said casually: "The two officers of the Academic Affairs Office and two female teachers, what are you doing? Can you still be Conan? Investigating the case?"

   Lu Yang smiled, but his eyes lit up, and he asked, "Which two female teachers?"

   "Ms. Mei in the office next door, and Mrs. Wang in another office!"

   "Are you sure there is Teacher Mei?"

   Lu Yang narrowed his eyes. Teacher Mei is within the scope of his suspicion. He is still one of the most suspicious people. Could it be that she used her hands and feet?

"Yeah! During the two days of the survey, I happened to have a class. At that time, I was giving a music class to Class 2 of the first grade. Teacher Mei and Teacher Wang came to our class and told me that they would take a few minutes for everyone to do one. Investigate, I can't remember it wrong!"

   At this point, Tong Yaqian opened her eyes, slanted her eyes to look at Lu Yang, wondering: "Do you think they did the trick?"

   Lu Yang didn't say yes or no, he just squinted his eyes and said: "Today, Mr. Fu from the Academic Affairs Office, in the filing cabinet, I didn't find a grading form for me."


Tong Yaqian was startled. She thought that Lu Yang’s suspicions were unfounded. Like Chen Jian, she thought that Lu Yang had spent the past few years at the university, and her mind was devoted to novels, and her professional knowledge was very weak. This led to the students’ grading this time. So low.

   I didn't expect this kind of inside story.

   "Then why didn't you tell everyone in the office today?"

   "Why should I explain to those people?" Lu Yang chuckled lightly, seemingly arrogant and indifferent.

   "You! Why are you so proud?"

Tong Yaqian nodded Lu Yang's forehead with a finger, Lu Yang smiled indifferently, he is this kind of character, in the eyes of outsiders, his indisputable attitude seems very useless, only he knows it. What other people think of him, he never cares, he does not live for others, no matter what others think of him?

"Then do you doubt Teacher Mei or Teacher Wang?" Tong Yaqian stared at Lu Yang's eyes this time. After knowing Lu Yang for a long time, she gradually understood that Lu Yang's many thoughts were completely different from what she said. Only in his eyes can he see a real idea.

   "Mei Caiping!"

   Mei Caiping is Teacher Mei.

   "She? Why don't you suspect that it is Teacher Wang? Have you offended Mei Caiping?"

  A question was answered, and another question arose in Tong Yaqian's heart.

   "You offend verbally! Don't worry about this. If it is really her, I will find out soon!"


   Within a few minutes of going to work in the afternoon, Lu Yang came to the Academic Affairs Office. At that time, Chen Jian and the two directors of the Academic Affairs Office, Teacher Fu and Teacher Wu, were in the Office of Academic Affairs.

   Seeing Lu Yang coming in, the three of them frowned subconsciously.

   Lu Yang knocked on the open door of the Academic Affairs Office twice and walked straight to Chen Jian’s desk and asked, "Director! Did you find my score sheet?"

   Teacher Fu and Teacher Wu both looked at this side, and did not speak.

   The work was done by the two of them. Chen Jian had already criticized them in the morning. Now Lu Yang is reluctant and embarrassed Although Lu Yang asked Chen Jian, he seemed to be questioning them both.

Chen Jian glanced at Teacher Fu and Teacher Wu unhesitatingly, shook his head, and said, "I haven't found it yet, Teacher Lu Yang! You don't have to come to the Academic Affairs Office to ask about this all the time. If the form is found, we will notify you. ."

   Lu Yang tickled the corner of his mouth slightly, Tai Chi pushes his hands? Continue to drag down? When will it be delayed?

   "Director! If the form is not there, you can bother Mr. Fu or Mr. Wu to send a batch of forms to the first and third grades of the junior high school, so that the students will score again to see if the average score is 37."

   "No! Teacher Lu Yang! Who knows if you have threatened those students today? Now go to re-rating, I am afraid that the evaluation is not true!"

   Chen Jian hasn't spoken yet, Teacher Wu has already frowned to retort. Listening to his reasons, it seems that there is so much truth in it.

   Chen Jian heard the words, leaned on the boss chair, looked at Lu Yang, and said, "Mr. Lu Yang! Just like Mr. Wu said, you can’t do that!"

   "I didn't threaten those students! If you don't believe me, you can go to the first and third grade students to ask one by one!"

   Lu Yang's face sank.

This time, it was Teacher Fu who spoke first: "Mr. Lu Yang! You should dispel this idea! If you have really threatened those students, we can ask them now, but they can’t tell you anything. The students are afraid that you won’t have the final exam. Let them pass, who dares to tell the truth?"

After    Teacher Fu, Teacher Wu said again: "Yes! Besides, there is no such precedent in the Academic Affairs Office! How can you evaluate the second time after you have just rated the Academic Affairs Office? You opened the Office of Academic Affairs?" RS

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