Rebirth 2003

Chapter 227: Fighting storm


   Lu Yang quietly came out of Tong Yaqian and their dormitory and returned to his dormitory. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Shao Dahai pruning a lot of roses in the living room, and there were some decals on the table.

   Lu Yang was taken aback, and said, "Boss! Didn't you send it to your girlfriend the other day? Why did you buy so much again?"

   Shao Dahai's fat face was reddened, and his expression was a little embarrassed. He changed the subject and said, "Why haven't you eaten at this time?"

   Lu Yang: "Go right away! Who are you going to give this to?"

   Shao Dahai’s awkward expression made Lu Yang realize that the other party’s flowers were not sent back to his girlfriend.

   Shao Dahai thought for a while, put down the paper cutter in his hand, and stood in front of Lu Yang and asked, "Lu Yang! You can help me see! How is my outfit today? Isn't it handsome?"

   Lu Yang looked at him speechlessly, only then did he notice that Shao Dahai's whole body was clean and refreshed today, and his sparse hair was blown with a hair dryer.

   waved his hand, Lu Yang said, "Very handsome! Go on! I'll change my shoes!"

   After shopping with Tong Yaqian for so long in the afternoon, Lu Yang's feet sweated. After he was idle, he felt uncomfortable.

   Shao Dahai continued to trim his roses while humming in the living room. When Lu Yang was changing shoes in the bedroom, Qian Xiaoyu flashed in his heart, thinking that Shao Dahai was probably going to give Qian Xiaoyu the flowers. When he came, he was on the train. It was two days after Shao Dahai. No less courtesy to Qian Xiaoyu.

   However, Qian Xiaoyu is not so easy to chase. She would not say whether she would like it or not. Zhou Shaofeng, who was in the same class with her in college, was not a good one.

On the train, Lu Yang saw that Zhou Shaofeng was interesting to Qian Xiaoyu. Not only was he interesting to Qian Xiaoyu, he had also practiced Taekwondo. Before, when Lu Yang was in the Sanda club, he saw that guy wearing Taekwondo. Clothes, passing outside Sanda Club.

   Few people who practice martial arts have good tempers.

   When he changed his shoes and came out of the bedroom, Lu Yang casually reminded Shao Dahai: "Be careful! Don't be seen by Zhou Shaofeng!"

   Hearing Lu Yang's reminder, Shao Dahai didn't lift his eyelids, and said with disdain, "Be careful, what is he doing? That thin guy! I'm afraid he won't succeed?"

   Obviously did not put Zhou Shaofeng in his eyes. Even though he saw that Zhou Shaofeng was interested in that Qian Xiaoyu on the train, he dared to talk to Qian Xiaoyu in front of Zhou Shaofeng on the train. Is he still afraid of him now?

   "He has practiced Taekwondo!"

   Lu Yang reminded him again before going out.

   Shao Dahai: "He has practiced the Jiuyin Scriptures, is it my bird's business?"

   Lu Yang shook his head, stopped talking nonsense, and went out to the restaurant outside the school. On weekends, the school cafeteria did not serve food. At a small restaurant in front of the school, he ordered two dishes and one soup. Lu Yang sent a text message to Tong Yaqian on his mobile phone, asking if he wanted to bring her some food, and Tong Yaqian replied that Xu Xiaoman had brought it to her.

   Lu Yang smiled slightly before eating his own.

   When Lu Yang came back, Shao Dahai was no longer in the dormitory. There were only a few stubble and rotten leaves left on the table in the pile of roses. Lu Yang smiled and went back to his bedroom to prepare to code the chapter for tonight.

   One chapter was coded, and soon after the second chapter was coded, Shao Dahai came back. When he opened the door, he made a loud noise. Then he pushed open the door of Lu Yang's room and walked in with a grin. Zhi smiled proudly and said, "It's done!"

   "Get it done?"

   Lu Yang was a little surprised, "Qian Xiaoyu was taken by you?"

   "Of course! She took all my flowers!"

   Shao Dahai sat down on Lu Yang’s bed and saw that there was a banana in a convenient bag in the bed. He reached out and broke one, peeled the skin and ate it with big mouthfuls.

   Lu Yang is a little bit unbelievable, Qian Xiaoyu is so easy to chase? Can't help asking: "What did she say? Did you agree to be your girlfriend?"

   "No! But I put the flowers in front of her, she didn't return it to me!"

   Before Shao Dahai's voice, the door of the dormitory outside was knocked, and Qian Xiaoyu's voice sounded at the same time: "Mr. Shao! Is Ms. Shao inside? Open the door!"

   Lu Yang looked at Shao Dahai with a non-smiling smile. This was a naked face slap! Lu Yang guessed out of ten that Qian Xiaoyu sent flowers back.

   Shao Dahai guessed this too, his face changed, he threw the banana peel on the ground and strode out to open the door.

   Lu Yang didn't go out, but bent over, picked up the banana peel and threw it in the trash can, listening to the movement outside with only his ears.

   First, the sound of the door opening, and then Shao Dahai’s enthusiastic voice sounded: "Ah? You are here! Please come in, please come in!"

   Qian Xiaoyu's voice was followed, not too big or too small, "No! I won't come in anymore! Give you back this bunch of flowers!"

   Shao Dahai: "Huh? I gave it to you. How can I get it back? No way! You get it back soon!"

   Qian Xiaoyu: "If you don't answer, I'll leave it at your door..."

   Shao Dahai: "Hey hey! How can you do this? Take it!"

   Then came Zhou Shaofeng's angry voice: "Fuck you! What are you doing, fat guy? Do you dare to pull?"

There was a mess of sound. Lu Yang didn't hear well, and ran out of the bedroom. It was too late. Shao Dahai had a five-fingerprint on his face and was hiding his head, while Zhou Shaofeng had already rushed into the living room, punching and kicking. , While beating and cursing: "I'm so fat! I have tolerated you for a long time! You are getting more and more energetic, right?"

   Lu Yang saw that Zhou Shaofeng rushed into the living room to hit someone. He rushed to push Zhou Shaofeng away and said angrily: "Zhou Shaofeng! You are too much! Get out of here!"

   Shao Dahai who was rescued by Lu Yang quickly scolded and hid behind Lu Yang.

   Many interns were already watching outside the door, and Qian Xiaoyu was anxiously calling Zhou Shaofeng not to hit anyone.

Although Lu Yang is not very happy with Shao Dahai sometimes, Zhou Shaofeng rushed into their dormitory to beat people. If Lu Yang is still indifferent, he will not be able to mix up in the future. No one will be able to look at him. No matter how much Shao Dahai is now His roommate, who was also his roommate and classmate before.

   Qian Xiaoyu and Wang Cuicui have rushed into the living room and grabbed Zhou Shaofeng who still wanted to do it.

At this time, Zhou Shaofeng's eyes seemed to burst out of fire, staring at Shao Dahai behind Lu Yang, then staring at Lu Yang, gritted his teeth and pointed at Lu Yang, and said, "You! I've seen it! Isn't it from Sanda Club?" There is a kind of singles with me!"

Zhou Shaofeng has already angered Lu Yang, and Lu Yang is not a good husband. If ordinary people provoke him, he may not care about it. However, Zhou Shaofeng is also practicing boxing. His face sank and stared coldly at Zhou Shaofeng’s eyes, saying, "I’m afraid. You can't do it! Let go if you have the courage!"

   The inside and outside of the door were messy, Xu Xiaoman and Xu Heng also came over when they heard the movement. Seeing the rattling atmosphere in the living room, Xu Xiaoman rushed in to persuade Lu Yang, but Xu Heng was watching the play with his arms outside the door.

   "Qian Xiaoyu, please get out of the way!"

Seeing Lu Yang's unwillingness to give up, Zhou Shaofeng was even more angry. With a sweep of his two arms, Qian Xiaoyu and Wang Cuicui who were holding him were swept behind him, and they rushed up suddenly with a kick. Taekwondo is mainly about kung fu on the legs. Quick and ruthless.

   There was an exclamation inside and outside the door. No one thought that Zhou Shaofeng would still be able to fight with so many people persuading him.

Xu Xiaoman also subconsciously let go of Lu Yang and stepped aside, and Shao Dahai, who was standing behind Lu Yang, retreated even more in terror. So far, Lu Yang has only practiced boxing with others, and has never encountered this kind of indoor experience. Fights, but they were all trained. When encountering such a thing, he couldn't give up. He immediately leaped forward on one side of his body, avoiding Zhou Shaofeng’s kick, and his shoulder slammed into Zhou Shaofeng’s chest. .

The reality is not a martial arts movie. There are not so many routines. It is impossible to have dozens of tricks. It's just that Zhou Shaofeng, who was standing on one leg, was knocked out by Lu Yang more than a meter away and banged against the wooden door of the dormitory. , The dust on the door frame fell down a lot in an instant.

   There was another exclamation inside and outside the door.

   Zhou Shaofeng was defeated by one move, and became more angry. He got up as soon as he gritted his teeth and rushed to fight with Lu Yang. How could Lu Yang let him make the move first? The calf of the right leg flicked outwards, like a switchblade suddenly popped out, and a leg swept on Zhou Shaofeng's calf. Zhou Shaofeng, who had just gotten up, immediately fell to the ground with a puff, and still wanted to get up, it was heard from outside the door. With the scolding of several old teachers, when the other interns saw that three or four old teachers had already arrived, they rushed up to drag Zhou Shaofeng out.

   Many people look at Lu Yang's eyes again, and they are already in awe. Since the internship, Lu Yang has always given everyone a low-key impression, and he rarely speaks and I don't see any publicity.

On the contrary, it was Zhou Shaofeng. Almost everyone knew that he was not easy to provoke, because Zhou Shaofeng usually looks at people with a fierce intent. Many people have heard that he has practiced Taekwondo, but they did not expect to fight Lu Yang in just a few seconds. , Was actually brought down by Lu Yang twice.

As soon as a few old teachers came, the scene was immediately controlled, and it was impossible to fight again. At this time, even if Zhou Shaofeng was still unconvinced in his heart, his reason returned to his mind, knowing that he was not in college now. This was a big deal, and he was returned to the internship school. Not to mention that his future work is temporarily unavailable, and his diploma may not be available.

   The old teachers are also very nervous at this time. They live in this small building. If they get to the scene after the incident, they can still fight these people. Then the school leaders will definitely criticize them by name.

   At the moment two old teachers stopped at the door, and the other old teacher called to inform Vice Principal Sun.

   Not long after, Deputy Principal Sun’s dog-leg Director Chen came to the scene, first swearing at both sides in a vigorous manner, and then ordered all relevant people to go to Vice Principal Sun’s office to accept punishment.

   Even Qian Xiaoyu was not spared. Several old teachers and all the interns who were onlookers were taken away!

   "Lu Yang! Thank you just now!"

   On the way to the vice-principal Sun’s office with Director Chen, Shao Dahai walked next to Lu Yang, and said thank you in a low voice.

   Lu Yang glanced at him coldly, without speaking.

   This time, he was completely innocent. He didn't recruit anyone and didn't provoke anyone, but he had a fight with Zhou Shaofeng. RS

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