Rebirth 2003

Chapter 140: Wen Ju has a convulsion again



It may be that Lu Yang and Cao Xue hugged for a long time, or the old man couldn’t see this kind of scene. Anyway, Grandpa Cao Xue suddenly coughed and awakened the two who had reunited after a long time. When they separated, Cao Xue bowed her head. , I'm a little embarrassed, Xuebai's cheeks are a bit red, but there is a bright smile on his face. Lu Yang hasn't seen this kind of smile for more than half a year, and Grandpa Cao Xue and his little aunt have not seen it for more than half a year.

   At this moment, anyone can see the joy in Cao Xue's heart.

If it were before, with Cao Xue’s personality, as if there were so many people in the hall under the gaze of grandpa and aunt, she couldn’t be like this. Even if she was separated from Lu Yang, she still quietly grabbed Lu Yang’s One hand, tight, can't bear to let go for a moment.

   "Uh...Xiaoxue! Would you like to introduce your boyfriend to your aunt?"

The young woman next to the old man spoke. Cao Xue looked up at Lu Yang with shame and joy, blushing and introduced to both sides. Lu Yang realized that the young woman in front of him was Cao Xue’s little aunt. She scolded her before. Cao Xue, he's still full of fire! If it weren't for the eagerness to walk in front of Cao Xue, he would have the heart to go up and hit others.

   Seeing that his Cao Xue was being scolded, he couldn't hold back the fire in his heart. At this time, he was a little scared. The two were not married yet! If you offend Cao Xue's family, the trouble will be big.

   That evening, Lu Yang invited a table at a nearby hotel and invited Cao Xue’s mother and Cao Xue’s grandfather’s family to the scene. Cao Xue’s mother, grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt, and cousin were all present.

   In order to prove to Cao Xue's family that he has the ability to feed Cao Xue, Lu Yang didn't care about how much he would cost that night, so he let the signature dishes with alcohol volume be served, and all the drinks and beverages were the best.

   I heard that Uncle Cao Xue was also here, and Lu Yang also specially prepared two packs of Soft China.

   Cao Xue has always been by Lu Yang's side. If it was before, she would definitely persuade Lu Yang to save a little bit and not waste it like this, but tonight she only felt very happy. Let Lu Yang spoil the money there.

   She said to herself in her heart: Just this night! Even if there is no wedding, she will stay with Lu Yang all her life.

   This is the biggest difference between Cao Xue and Feng Tingting. Cao Xue is more emotional, but Feng Tingting often has the upper hand with reason. So in the year of graduation, when a man who was better than Lu Yang in every aspect pursued her, she chose to leave Lu Yang.

For the same reason, in society, men who really fall in love are usually the little sensual women. As for those strong women who are more sensible than sensible, few men will like it, because you don’t know when, she is like you. Will betray you, and even abandon you.

   The atmosphere at the banquet was very good. The sincerity shown by Lu Yang made Cao Xue's family feel relieved. They had learned from Cao Xue in the afternoon that Lu Yang was not born in a wealthy family. Every penny is earned by hard work. Think about it, if you don’t really like a woman, who would look for her with such great effort? Who would ask the woman’s family to eat a meal with so much hard-earned money?

   After dinner, Lu Yang and Cao Xue first sent Cao Xue's grandfather and uncle's family home, and then the two went to a nearby hotel and closed the door. The two of them hugged each other tightly, as if wishing to fit each other into their bodies.

   Then it’s crazy kissing, undressing, going to bed

   After half a year of separation, both of them behaved very crazy in bed. Cao Xue, who had always been conservative, also let go of it tonight. Time and time again, as if to make up for the past six months, for a long time, the two people took a break from the rain and hugged each other to sleep together.

   Until this time. The two people started chatting.

   Cao Xue spoke first. "Honey! Thank you!"

   The low voice is full of affection.

   Lu Yang hugged her tightly, suddenly kissed her fiercely on the face, and then suddenly smiled and said, "Don't run away from now on!"

   Cao Xue smiled sweetly and arched his shaggy chin with her small head, and mumbled.

A few months ago, she felt that the sky had fallen, and the whole world seemed to be black and white, but today, when Lu Yang suddenly appeared in front of her, she knew that everything had passed. At that moment, Her world has brightened, and she has always thought about it too much. Lu Yang really loves her, more than she thought.

After the two were tired of being together for more than an hour, Cao Xuecai reluctantly left Lu Yang's embrace, with a trace of apology, and said: "Lu Yang! Time is running out, I should go back, or my mother understands that I should scold me! "

Lu Yang was also reluctant, but he also knew that when he came, Cao Xue would spend the night with him in the hotel. He had a bad reputation for Cao Xue, and Cao Xue’s mother didn’t look good, so he nodded and stepped forward to hug her again. I kissed her for a long time before dressing with her, and then sent her back downstairs to her grandpa's house.

   Watching Cao Xue enter the yard, and waving his little hand with a sweet face, Lu Yang's heart was full of joy, and it took a long time for Cao Xue to disappear before he went back alone with a smile.

   Tonight is another starry night. Even in the city, you can see the twinkling stars in the night sky. Looking up from time to time, the smile on Lu Yang's mouth never disappears.

   That night and Tong Yaqian were watching the stars on their balcony, but the mood at that time was far from being able to walk on the empty street with him at this time.

   This really shows that whether a person is happy or fortunate is not whether there is someone by his side, but whether there is someone in his heart.

  With love in my heart, when I am alone, I will be very happy, without love in my heart, and I feel lonely in the huā cluster.

   This good mood has been accompanied by Lu Yang into his dreams. In the dream, he and Cao Xue returned to the night when they first met. Cao Xue, dressed in white, was more beautiful than they remembered.

   Two days later, Lu Yang took Cao Xue's hand and boarded the train back to H city. In two days, Lu Yang had already obtained the new appointments of Cao Xue's mother and grandfather's family. Don't worry, let Cao Xue follow him back to H city.

   The day before he left, Lu Yang offered to help Cao Xue’s mother buy a house of their own here. After being considered, Wu Yonglì refused, but Cao Xue’s grandpa and grandma did not agree, so she gave up.


When returning to the rental house in the evening, as soon as he put down his luggage, Cao Xue rolled up his sleeves, went to the kitchen to fetch water, looked for rags, and started cleaning the house. While doing the cleaning, he smiled sweetly and said that Lu Yang was a man. Bad pig. She made the house so dirty after not being away for a while.

   is just a joke on Lu Yang, but her mood is very high, while doing hygiene. While humming a little song happily.

   Lu Yang watched with a smile. She was jokes and felt sweet. He went to the study to turn on the computer, clicked a song to play in a loop, and came out to clean it up with Cao Xue.

   Ai Lìjie’s "ita" came out from the computer speakers. It was the same song. When I listened to it with Tong Yaqian that night, I just thought it sounded nice and didn't have any special feeling. I listened to it again today, but I felt that my whole heart was relieved.

   After finishing the sanitation, the two of them went to the nearby supermarket and bought a lot of ingredients, holding hands. It took more than an hour before they made a large table of dishes. Then both of them sat beside the dining table in great mood, opened a bottle of red wine, turned off all the lights, lit only one red candle bought in the supermarket just now, and played a candlelight dinner.

   After the meal, Cao Xue was about to clean up the dishes, but Lu Yang, who was already unable to wait, picked it up. Kicked open the door, walked to the bed in a few steps, pressed Cao Xue's petite body under her body, and did something not ashamed or embarrassing.

   The moon outside the window was so ashamed to hide in the clouds.

   The next day, Lu Yang got up from the bed refreshedly, after washing. I soaked a pot of Huangshan Maofeng, sat in front of the computer, turned on the computer, canceled all the automatic updates that had been set, and then called up my saved manuscripts from the computer's hard disk. I passed five chapters up in one breath, and at the end of the fifth chapter, I wrote such a sentence.

  ——I am in a great mood today! I have added three more chapters to everyone, so that everyone can share my joy. These three chapters have been added. If you don’t ask for a monthly pass or a subscription, I’m happy for today! Very happy!

   Then I landed at the starting point today, and the book fans who followed the book "Three Warlords" were [excited].

   There is no sign at all! When I woke up, the author didn't ask for monthly tickets or subscriptions, and didn't ask for anything, so he took the initiative to add three chapters. What is going on? This is to surprise everyone!

   So, many readers who finished reading today's five chapters bubbling in the book review area.

  冭阳里赱 came: "Does anyone know what happened to Wen Ju today? Add three more chapters without asking for a monthly pass? It's not going out in the morning to buy early, and I have found the money? Ten yuan or one hundred yuan?"

  Wang Ying’s family has: "I love to hear and hear, and I love to hear and hear! I strongly wish Wen to have the present every year and every year! It is best to have such a good mood every day!"

  Yy Wandering Life: "Wen Da is so cute! The universe is the most cute! There is wood? There is wood?" 998? : "By the way, Wenda! Since today is in a particularly good mood, don't you think you will add three more chapters, a little bit less? Would you like to have another ten chapters and eight chapters? You haven't broken out for so ~ I guess you must have saved another one hundred and two hundred thousand manuscripts, right? Come on! Let's have another ten chapters and eight chapters, three chapters are really not addictive!"


   One day, Wen Chou suddenly added three chapters this morning for no reason. Many people knew about it, even some authors who followed this book.

   So, that night, in the dark realm, everyone had a good chat, and suddenly someone mentioned it.

The cat who fell in love with fish: "Hey! Does anyone know what Wen Chouju is smoking today? This guy unexpectedly added three more chapters today. Everyone guesses whether this dead pervert wants to add more popular monthly ticket lists. Huh? Today’s three chapters are preheated, right?"

Squiggly: "No? Come again? The last time he was addicted? Wrong! In such a short period of time, he won't save another 200,000 manuscripts, right? Oh my god! What a fate! Why so much? Abnormal! Give us the handicapped gangs a way to survive! Is there a law? Is there a law?"

   A dark hole: "I don't speak, I just watch!"

   East and West are inferior to the West: "The gang with the same hands, expresses the silent tears"

ps: Thanks for Binghuang and rewarding 100 points, thank you for not popular stealing incense, Datang investigating huā, just don’t want to reward 588 points, thank you for rewarding 688 points, and thank you all for your monthly pass. It’s a bit late to write the chapter. This is the first chapter on the 25th. When I wrote the last chapter, I felt my mood fluctuated a lot, and I was always crying. It took more than an hour to adjust my mood before I started writing this chapter. Thank you. support.

   The fastest update, please read it without pop-up window.

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