Rebirth 2003

Chapter 138: Cao Xue came back

In the early morning of the next day, Tong Yaqian woke up early. The first thing was to turn on Lu Yang's computer, log in to the mailbox, and see that there was no new mail in the mailbox. Although she had prepared such a mentality in her heart, Tong Yaqian still felt disappointed.


She wants to be with Lu Yang. Cao Xue is a big rock on her heart. Cao Xue hasn't gotten it right here. Even if she gets together with Lu Yang in the future, she will always be at ease. She will always worry about what Cao Xue doesn't know. It was time to appear in front of Lu Yang, and then all her efforts were wiped out.


   Although she also knew that this possibility was extremely small, Cao Xue had already gone abroad, but still absconded abroad with her father's huge amount of corruption, and she might not dare to come back once in her lifetime.


Exiting the mailbox, turning off the computer, Tong Yaqian got dressed and walked out of the room. Just after taking a breath of fresh breakfast air on the balcony, Tong Yaqian heard something in the yard. Looking down, she saw Lu Yang shirtless and wearing only one piece. Long trousers, practicing a set of boxing skills there.


Usually Lu Yang wears clothes. Tong Yaqian never knew that his muscles would be so obvious after he took off his shirt. In the thin light of the morning, Lu Yang pressed his lips tightly, and his body was tight. Boxing, one side of the foot keeps moving forward, left, and right, and from time to time there are several fierce legs, sweeping and side kicking, which are very powerful.


   "Is this Bajiquan? It really isn't suitable for girls to practice..." Tong Yaqian was shocked when she saw Lu Yang's martial arts.


   always thought that Lu Yang was a gentle boy, never knew he had such a tough side.


but. This does not affect Tong Yaqian's admiration for him. A man who can be a literary and martial artist, as long as his temper is not violent. It will only be more attractive.


   A set of boxing techniques, Lu Yang practiced several times in a row before finally stopping. Under the warm sun in the morning, his naked upper body was already covered with a layer of fine sweat.


   Every time he practiced boxing, he tried his best. Without sweating, the training effect would not be achieved.


   Xiao Hei. The **** dog has been squatting at the root of the wall since Lu Yang practiced boxing, with a pair of dog eyes open. He blinked and looked at it, and didn't know if it understood it. After Lu Yang finished training, he smiled when he saw that he was still looking at him. Walked over and bent over and touched Xiao Hei's head. I don’t know if it’s because I already know that Lu Yang is one of the owners of this house, or because Lu Yang’s fists just scared him. When Lu Yang touched his head, Xiao Hei held his tail and lowered his head, and he was very docile. His appearance was not at all the ferocious appearance when he met Lu Yang for the first time.


   "Brother! What kind of martial arts did you just now? When did you teach me?"


   Lu Fei's voice suddenly rang from the gate. Only then did Tong Yaqian on the balcony know that she and the **** dog were not the only ones who watched Lu Yang practice boxing just now.


   Lu Yang looked up at Tong Yaqian on the balcony. Nodded to her as a greeting, and then took the towel handed over by her younger sister Lu Ying, wiped the sweat from her body, and asked her younger brother. He just shook his head and said, "I'll talk about it when you enter the university! I'm in my third year of high school, so concentrate on studying!"


   School starts in September, and Lu Fei is going to be in the third year of high school. As for my younger sister, Lu Ying, the high school entrance examination is over long ago. After a while, we will know if she has been admitted to high school. For Lu Ying, Lu Yang doesn't worry much. Lu Ying's grades have been good since she was a child, so it shouldn't be a big problem to get into the first high school!


   It is Lu Fei. As a boy, his mind is not as focused as his sister. He is more playful. Although he is sensible, his grades can only be regarded as intermediate and upper. It is a bit difficult to take a good university.


   When it comes to studying, Lu Fei stopped, leaving his sister Lu Ying to make faces at him and laugh at him.




   After breakfast, Lu Yang asked Tong Yaqian whether he wanted to go to the county town or go fishing in his fish pond.


   There are really not many things that can be done in this summer.


   Tong Yaqian rolled her eyes twice, and said with a smile: "Let’s fish! But I can’t, you have to teach me!"


   Lu Yang smiled and nodded. Fishing is the best. He doesn't want to go to the county seat. Shopping on a hot day is not something to enjoy.


So, Lu Yang went to the warehouse to find fishing tackle. The fishing tackle at home was very simple. He used to buy frugally. The fiberglass rods cost 20 to 30 yuan each. There were a few hooks, but they were only five yuan. Also a bargain.


   Lu Yang always only fished for crucian carp in his shop, and other fish were reluctant to do harm. Therefore, these cheap goods were enough to use. This is also the main reason why Lu Yang has two hands in crucian fishing.


Hearing that his brother and his "sister-in-law" were going fishing, Lu Fei actively went to the vegetable field to dig earthworms. After Lu Yang found two sets of fishing tackles, he soaked some rice with white wine. Lu Fei had dug more than a dozen small earthworms there. .


At noon, Lu Yang picked a large watermelon weighing more than ten kilograms from his own melon field to quench Tong Yaqian's thirst. Tong Yaqian did not lie this time. She really can't fish. Earthworms can't wear it, so she throws hooks. Nowhere, but even if a novice is a newbie, there are times when she is lucky. Most of the day she has caught four or five crucian carp.


   Lu Yang took the fishing belt to play, but still caught more than 20. At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the temperature reached the highest level of the day, and there was no fish to eat. The two took away their fishing rods and went home to rest.


   On the second day, Lu Yang took Tong Yaqian to the county town for a long time. On the third day, Tong Yaqian finally left. Lu Yang's mother was enthusiastic about staying, and she was too embarrassed to stay. After all, she and Lu Yang knew that they were not real boy and girl friends. It was almost the time to come here for two or three days, and she was not embarrassed to continue.




On the day Tong Yaqian left, City J, Cao Xue’s mother Wu Yongli’s cold and fever finally healed, and Cao Xue didn’t need to continue to substitute her for lessons. This evening, after dinner, the mother and daughter entered the room shortly afterwards, Cao Xue hesitated After a whole day of thinking, I finally told my mother.


   "Mom! I want to go out for two days."


   Wu Yongli glanced at her daughter with her eyes downcast. She probably guessed what her daughter wanted to do, smiled a little, touched Cao Xue's hair, and nodded in agreement.


   Mom agreed, Cao Xue was not too happy, but barely squeezed out a smile, and said thank you mom.


   The next morning, after his mother went to work, Cao Xue went out carrying a small cloth bag, and came out from the h city railway station at about four o'clock in the afternoon.


Tong Yaqian’s emails let her know that Lu Yang has been in her home for the past two days. Cao Xue suddenly wanted to go back to the rental house and take another look. If Lu Yang is still here, she may not be able to make this determination, but now she knows that Lu Yang is not there. , So she thought, and then came.


Therefore, when her mother agreed with her to come out for two days, she was not so happy, because it was not something to be happy about, just want to come and see if it has changed, and see how she lived with Lu Yang. Many places day and night.


   She has never returned the key to the house to Lu Yang. She forgot when she bid farewell last time, but this time she can come back quietly.


   approached the familiar neighborhood, Cao Xue's eyes started to flush, opened the door with the key, and saw every piece of furniture inside that had not changed its position, and her tears slipped quietly off her face.


When she walked into the study, she knew that this should be the place where Lu Yang spent the longest time. The familiar computer, familiar tables and chairs, everything still looked like in her memory, and it came to her mind that she was sitting on the computer chair that afternoon. Lu Yang sat next to him, shouting to watch a movie, but quietly eating her tofu. The original image was very wretched. At this time, she felt so warm and heartbroken to think about it.


  Tong Yaqian said that Lu Yang had been thinking of her all the time, she knew it, because Lu Yang would write her an email every few days, even if she never returned, she hasn't stopped for half a year.


But Tong Yaqian wanted her to tell Lu Yang that she would never come back in her life and wanted to take her place. Cao Xue panicked. Just like Tong Yaqian was afraid of her charm, she would also be afraid of Tong Yaqian's charm. If Tong Yaqian did her best Pursuing Lu Yang, and she is not by Lu Yang's side, she doesn't know how long Lu Yang can hold on.


   That night, Cao Xue didn't eat or drink water. She just took off her coat and slept on that bed. Lu Yang seemed to be lying beside her in a daze.


When she woke up the next day, she left. When she came, she told her mother for two days, but after only one day, she went back. She dared not move anything in the house, fearing that Lu Yang would come back. When I found out, maybe, it was time for Tong Yaqian to take care of him!


   The dust and cobwebs in the house made Cao Xue a little bit painful. Only from those details, Cao Xue knew that Lu Yang was not doing well after she left.


After Tong Yaqian left, Lu Yang began to pack his luggage. When he came back this time, he just wanted to see what the house was like. As for the small water plant that he wanted to build on the day he came back, Lu Yang didn’t want it for the time being, and offended it. With the village elder's wife and daughter, it is much more difficult to do this. He doesn't have the thoughts to spend on it now.


   Before leaving, Lu Yang told his father that he would build a well behind the house and then buy a set of simple pumping equipment to install. Then, it would be no different from using tap water.


   When he returned to the rental house At the beginning, Lu Yang did not realize that Cao Xue had come back. Cao Xue was too careful and did not leave any traces in the house.


   It wasn't until the night that I coded two chapters. After washing and going to bed, Lu Yang realized something was wrong. He concentrated and sniffed the mouth of the quilt twice. Lu Yang smelled a familiar scent, a faint scent, that was...


   The fragrance of Cao Xue!


   Lu Yang is too familiar with Cao Xue's breath! How could they not remember Cao Xue's breath after sleeping in the same bed for so many nights?


  The sense of sleepiness disappeared without a trace. Lu Yang got excited and opened the quilt. Lu Yang carefully searched for the bedside. Not only did he turn on the headlight in the room, but also the bedside lamp.


Finally, a few minutes later, Lu Yang found a hair that was more than half a foot long on the pillow. Cao Xue had gone for half a year. Lu Yang's bed sheets had already been changed several times. It stands to reason that there could not be hers on the bed. Breath, and this—hair! (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thanks to the magic diamond for wanting to reward you with your love, thank you for rewarding 5 coins again, this is the third update of the guarantee today, and the chapters with additional changes will be put up before 2 o'clock. )

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