Rebirth 2003

Chapter 104: Raise prices

   When Lu Yang was in class this morning, the phone vibrated. Lu Yang took advantage of the professor who was instructing to write on the blackboard, took out the phone and glanced at it. Feng Tingting actually sent the number.

   As mentioned earlier, Lu Yang was so familiar with Feng Tingting's number that he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to. Therefore, when he saw the number, Lu Yang was startled, and then clicked on the message.

   "Lu Yang! What were you talking nonsense last night?"

   Lu Yang, who had no idea what happened last night, was naturally confused when he saw the content of this message, so Lu Yang asked, "What?"

   Then Feng Tingting's reply message came again.

   "Pretend to be stupid? I didn't expect you to be such a person, I misunderstood you!"

   The completely innocent Lu Yang felt that Feng Tingting seemed a bit convulsive today. He didn't know what she was talking about. After thinking about it, Lu Yang sent such a message.

   "What kind of person I am, I know myself, and you don't need to worry about it!"

   Then, there was no more. After Lu Yang sent this message, Feng Tingting never responded.


   Lu Yang muttered silently, deleted these few messages, and took back his phone.

   For Lu Yang, Feng Tingting may have a convulsion today, but for Feng Tingting, who is in class at this time, what happened last night is really weird.

   First, Lu Yang sent such a message to her, and then another girl who claimed to be the Student Union called her and said that she wanted to confirm one thing, but just as the phone started, she hung up.

   Sitting in the classroom, Feng Tingting didn't listen to what the professor on the podium was talking about. She was just thinking about the last night's messages and the inexplicable phone call.

   Until the end of class, she still couldn't think of any clues. Under strong doubt, Feng Tingting took advantage of the time when class was over and dialed the number she called last night.

   She didn't know that Cao Xue got up this morning, so she added her number to the blacklist, so the call was naturally unreachable.


   That night, when Lu Yang went to the Dragon Race Internet Cafe to collect the turnover for the past two days, Lu Shuping, who was sitting behind the host and checking the accounts with Lu Yang, mentioned something to Lu Yang.

"Boss! As of today, 22 of our premium membership cards have been sold. We will surely be able to sell a lot of premium membership cards in the future, but we only have 19 seats on the third floor. In the past two nights, almost all of them were on the third floor. It’s full. I’m afraid there are more than 19 senior members coming at the same time. There are no seats on the third floor. Those senior members will be noisy!"


   Hearing this news, Lu Yang was a little surprised. "It's only been a few days, but 22 of them have been sold?"

   Lu Shuping nodded. "Because the Internet access fee for premium members here is only 80 cents per hour, so many people charge up premium membership cards!"

   It stands to reason that this is good news, but as Lu Shuping worried, after some time, when the premium membership card is sold out, I am afraid that during peak periods, the seats on the third floor will not be enough.

   After thinking for a while, Lu Yang asked, "How is the attendance rate on the first and second floors during the peak season here? How many seats can be filled?"

Upon hearing this question, Lu Shuping smiled bitterly, and said, "Boss, you have been here recently. During the peak period, our place is already full. There will be a few seats available on the third floor, but I guess It won’t be long before the third floor will be full. Even if the members come, there will be no place to sit."

   In this situation, the first thought of a well-capitalized boss is probably to expand the business, such as buying one or two of the next door and transforming it into an Internet cafe.

   But when Lu Yang got out of this Internet cafe, he already had a debt of 300,000 yuan, so where is the money left to expand his business? So after weighing in his mind for a while, Lu Yang took an idea.

   "In that case! Then let's raise the price! For temporary card users, the hourly internet fee is 2 yuan, junior members are 5 yuan, and intermediate and senior members both are 2 yuan!"


Lu Yang's decision shocked Lu Shuping, and said, "Boss! Isn't this bad? Such a large price increase will definitely affect our attendance rate. I am afraid that many people will not come to us to surf the Internet in the future. NS?"

Turnover is related to Lu Shuping’s commission. Last month, she only received 600 yuan in basic salary. This month, she will definitely get 500 yuan in bonuses. This will greatly increase the cost of Internet access. Now that she can get her basic salary, nearly half of her income has dropped. Of course, she wants to persuade Lu Yang to change her mind.

But in response to her persuasion, Lu Yang shook his head and said, "This is no way! Just like you said, if you continue like this, even if the senior members come, we won't have the opportunity to give people the Internet. If the situation continues, not only will it lead to dissatisfaction among those members, but we will also lose the opportunity to make further money. That's it!"

   "But...Why are the senior and intermediate members the same price after the price increase?"

   Lu Shuping is really anxious.

   "The environment on the third floor is better than that on the second floor. Senior members have already enjoyed better treatment. The price is the same as that of intermediate members. I don't think there is any big problem!"

   "But with the price increase so much, the attendance rate drops drastically, and our income will also drop!"

   Lu Shuping was still not ashamed to say directly about her salary.

And Lu Yang didn't think about it for a while. He thought that Lu Shuping was really considering the interests of Internet cafes, so he patiently explained: "The lower attendance rate does not necessarily mean that we Internet cafes will make less money every day because our prices have increased. As long as the attendance rate does not drop too much, we will only make more money this time when we increase prices!"

Seeing that Lu Yang was determined to raise the price, Lu Shuping, who was worried that his income would fall sharply, couldn't help it. He hesitated, "But boss, if the turnover drops and there is less than one thousand yuan a day, what should I do with my bonus? "

Lu Yang, who didn't think about it at all, froze for a while, and then laughed. Although Lu Shuping thinks this way, it seems a bit too practical, but Lu Yang is not angry. He works outside for nothing more than salary, Lu Shuping It is also human nature to worry about damage to one's own interests.

"In this way, Internet cafes have been doing well recently. According to our previous agreement, you can definitely get 500 yuan more per month. Let's do this! The price increase this time is what I mean and it has nothing to do with you. If your salary is up to If it’s less than 1100, I’ll supply it to you! Isn’t that okay?"

   "Huh? Thank you boss, then!"

   Lu Shuping was a little surprised, she saved her own interests, and the Internet cafe belonged to Lu Yang again, so naturally she would not raise objections again.

"That's it! Tomorrow you go to the advertising company to get a few notices, print out a few of the price issues I just mentioned, and paste them in the conspicuous places on each floor! At the beginning, there will be a lot of people. Dissatisfaction, but dissatisfaction will always pass, so let's do it!"

(Thanks to Wang Yingjiayou, Ming Luotian, Bandit Robbery**, Xiyang Li Zailai, and others for their rewards. Congratulations to Wang Yingjiayou for becoming the first deacon in this book. The third one is here today. Ask for a recommendation ticket for collection. )

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