Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 2 Chapter 33: Wen Meizen has a fever

April 1st, April Fool's Day.

Early in the morning, when Xia Yi got up and passed the dressing table, she was almost startled by herself.

In front of the mirror, Xia Yi was wearing a black rabbit ear headband, a black tight-colored dress like a one-piece swimsuit, a black bow tie under the white collar, and a tail-shaped thing on the buttocks of the tights. The arms are covered with white sleeves, and the legs are black net socks, just a pair of black high-heeled shoes under the feet, otherwise it is a bunny girl.

Just when Xia Yi felt ashamed for her outfit, the phone rang.

As soon as it was connected, Xia Yi heard Chen Yizhe's laughing voice, she said angrily, "You can still laugh?"

"Sister Xia, happy holidays!" Chen Yizhe laughed.

Xia Yi was stunned for a moment, thinking about it, her birthday was in September, she asked in confusion, "What festival?"

"April Fool's Day!"

Although Xia Yi has heard of this western folk festival, but where would she pay attention to it? If Chen Yizhe didn't say it, she certainly didn't know that today was April Fool's Day.

"What a fool to dress like this, you are ashamed." Xia Yi lowered her head and saw the extruded white piece, listening to Chen Yizhe's laughter, wishing that these two swaying things could become smaller, see if he still laughs laugh out loud.

"Don't you think the look is cute and **** now?"

After listening to Chen Yizhe's words, Xia Yi subconsciously raised her head and looked at the mirror again, only to see the fluffy bunny ears shaking on her head, her large white **** exposed, and the fluffy tail of her **** also following Xia Yi's little movements. Stop panning.

How cute and **** is this? Xia Yi only felt ashamed, and she didn't know when Chen Yizhe put on this dress for herself, anyway, she didn't feel at all.

"Don't be as naughty as your dad in the future!" After hanging up Chen Yizhe's phone, Xia Yi gently stroked her belly, which was already showing signs of being small, and said to herself.

In the second week of March, she had an ultrasound scan, and it was confirmed that they were fraternal twins. Now she can't help talking to the children in her womb every day, even if they shouldn't hear or understand now, this is a kind of love for children inherent in motherhood, and it has nothing to do with rationality.

When he went home at night, Xia Yi had changed back to his home clothes. When he saw Chen Yizhe, he gave him a direct glance and pinched him a little at his waist. Seeing Chen Yizhe pretending to be in pain, Xia Yi couldn't help laughing and laughing. After a while, she became like a child, but Xia Yi felt even more infatuated with him.

During dinner, tvb, which was broadcasting SARS news, suddenly inserted a news. Leslie Cheung, only 46 years old, jumped from the terrace on the 24th floor of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Hong Kong to bid farewell to the world.

His jump cast a layer of sentimentality on this happy holiday.

"Why did you commit suicide so well?" As a young literary woman, Xia Yi was also infatuated with her brother.

"Isn't he suffering from depression?" Chen Yizhe remembered the last sentence of Leslie Cheung's suicide note, "I have never done bad things in my life, why is this happening?" At the same time, he also remembered Lin Xiaolin in his previous life.

He then sighed, "Once a person can't control himself, he can only go to destruction!" This sentence is also his constant vigilance for himself. The greater the ability, the more powerful the control force is. Otherwise, you will only lose yourself in fragmentation.

The instinct of life is to survive, but why does the idea of ​​self-destruction arise? Where is the brain going wrong? Chen Yizhe is a little curious. If there is a chance in the future, he will definitely study this topic.

"It is estimated that Mei Cen will be very sad to hear this news." Xia Yi said a little sadly.

Wen Meicen is obsessed with Leslie Cheung because of the song "I", just like the lyrics "I am me, fireworks of different colors, the sky is wide, I want to be the strongest bubble", and now the fireworks curtain call, the bubble has also burst .

"You can call her later. When an idol dies, a little girl like her must be sad." When Chen Yizhe said this, he forgot that he was actually younger than Wen Meicen.

Xia Yi is accustomed to it, and it is estimated that in her subconscious, she has regarded Chen Yizhe as an adult in her twenties and thirties.

"I finished talking to her at noon today, but she seems to have a cold and a fever." Xia Yi said worriedly.

Hearing Xia Yi's words, Chen Yizhe frowned.

"Shouldn't it be sars?" Xia Yi also knew that Chen Yizhe had been paying more attention to the symptoms of colds and fever this year, and repeatedly told them that if he was not at home, they should notify him immediately and not go to the hospital.

Moreover, Xia Yi also read the newspapers and periodicals that Chen Yizhe bought back. Although there is no SARS news in the newspapers and periodicals, but watching the relevant news from TVB and Hong Kong and Taiwan, you can know that the epidemic situation in Hong Kong is still relatively serious. The mainland itself is the birthplace of SARS, and there is no chance that there is no news at all. If there is no news about this kind of thing, it is often bad news.

"I hope not, I will call Mei Cen later." Chen Yizhe said.

After the meal, Chen Yizhe called Wen Meicen.

After a long time, the phone was connected.

"Are you resting?" Chen Yizhe asked.

"Well, my head is a little dizzy." Wen Meicen's voice was a little hoarse and tired.

"Has the fever gone?" Hearing her tone, Chen Yizhe knew that she hadn't received the news of Leslie Cheung's death, but he didn't plan to tell her either.

"Not yet."

"Then pay attention. If the fever doesn't subside when you wake up tomorrow morning, let me know as soon as possible, you know?" Chen Yizhe said very seriously.

"I see. It should be fine to wake up tomorrow. You and Sister Xia don't have to worry."

"Well, then you should rest now!" Chen Yizhe said with a smile.

Waking up the next day, Chen Yizhe called Wen Meicen uneasy, and it took a long time for the call to be connected.

"The fever has not subsided yet?" Chen Yizhe asked.

"Well, I kept repeating it last night. I'll go to the hospital to have a look after the assistant arrives." Wen Meicen said in a daze.

"Don't go to the hospital yet!" Chen Yizhe said immediately, "You are staying in the dormitory now, and I'll go by plane right now."

"Ah?" Wen Meicen's head became clearer now, "Why are you flying so far? It's just a minor illness."

In February, when it came to SARS news, the South was in a hurry, while the North was quiet. Beijing didn't even broadcast a single SARS news throughout March, so it's no wonder Wen Meicen didn't pay attention.

"You listen to me, I'm going to the airport now!" Chen Yizhe said Once people enter the hospital, they will definitely be quarantined. She, you must know that the mortality rate of SARS is more than one tenth, which is why Chen Yizhe repeatedly told them to notify him of a cold and fever as soon as possible.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Yizhe said to Xia Yi, who was beside him, "I've been to Beijing, and if there is no accident, I'll be back tomorrow!" Xia Yi stayed at home alone, and Chen Yizhe was more at ease. Like a rock, and then there's Ant-Man.

"Well, you have to be careful when you go out, then I'll help you pack a set of clothes and bring them to wash." Xia Yi said gently, just like the wife's advice to her husband.

It was already 10 o'clock when I arrived at Bao'an Airport. Due to the rush, Chen Yizhe did not book a business class ticket, but only booked an economy class ticket to the Capital International Airport at 11:10, and the boarding pass showed The location is still next to the last row by the window.

After getting on the plane, Chen Yizhe found a girl wearing a mask sitting next to him, with a worried look in his eyes. When Chen Yizhe walked into the seat, he glanced at it. He was wearing black stockings and his feet were very slender, but the girl's exposed eyes made him feel as if he had seen it before.

Based on Chen Yizhe's memory now, if he feels familiar, he must have really seen it, but this kind of viewing is often just a passing encounter.

Soon after the plane took off, the girl beside me asked the flight attendant for a cup of coffee.

After the flight attendant delivered it, the girl did not drink it, but held the coffee in the palm of her hand and looked out the window of the plane, as if the coffee was just for heating.

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