Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 6 Chapter 62: High Court Controversy

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

In the face of the defeat of the Western Territory, and a major defeat that is related to the stability of the society, the death of the Jins, the misunderstanding between the father and son of Jiang Yawan, the secret battle between the queen and the concubine ... all are clouds!

The Empress Dowager held the DPRK meeting for the first time!

"Sufficiently enough for the town's western army to use it for three years to burn it up?" Xue Chang heard the news and vomited blood. "This, how is this possible ?!"

No wonder he was mad—from the time when Empress Dowager Gov’t came to power, to the latter two who were fighting for power, and now the Jiang family is in charge, the reason why his prime minister is as stable as a mountain is to make money and toss, and toss two generations of foreign relatives to toss, always guaranteeing most Li Min lived and worked in peace and contentment, as well as the supply of the two frontiers.

In other words, the burnt batches of the Zhenxi Army were completely made by him with a grain of rice and a millet!

The national elite like Zhenxi Army can imagine the cost of eating and wearing! What is the weight that is enough for them to use for three years? Just look at the Manchu culture and civil war now without a good face, we know the result! With such a big loss, how could Xue Chang be bleeding? !!

"It is expected that Han Jishan will not make a false report about these major events ... I will discuss the matter of accountability, etc. Let me discuss the countermeasures first: Now the Zhenxi Army is stuck in Shazhou City. If Shazhou City breaks, there will be no more than two hundred miles in the future. The danger can only be guarded, but only to retreat to Wangcheng! "The queen mother was pale with sickness, and now she became pale because of anger." But Wangcheng has insufficient reserves of grain and grass, and can't supply the army! What can Zhu Qing do? "

"Shazhou is Xiangzhou, so you can use Xiangzhou government treasury first to respond!" King Huainan immediately said, "At the same time, speedily transfer heavy grain from the treasury to West Xinjiang for war!"

"Although the weather has been smooth in recent years, the state treasury is very substantial!" Jiang Tianyi's face was not very good-looking, said lightly, "However, the two sides of the west and the north fought at the same time, and the consumption was not small! Need to be added! If this will be added to the Zhenxi Army, I wonder if it has been given to the Zhenbei Army? "

King Huainan frowned: "Whether the Ximan soldiers came under the city, wouldn't hesitate? If Wangcheng loses, Ximan will be able to drive straight ahead-even Xiangzhou will be affected! An accident may be the recurrence of Xiangzhou's chaos in Gaozong!"

In Rui Gaozong, the Zhenxi Army also suffered a major defeat once, retreating from Shazhou all the way to Xiangzhou, even losing Xiangzhou. As a result, Ximan killed and ransacked in these two states-mainly Xiangzhou, because of the bitter cold in Shazhou, the oil and water are far less than Xiangzhou. As a result, the population of Xiangzhou dropped by as much as 50%, and it was difficult to recover for decades.

"Isn't Wangluo and Suofengguan repaired at the back of Wangcheng?" Jiang Tian was surprised. "These two barriers are the emperor Gaozong's pity for his people after the chaos in Xiangzhou. If you really ca n’t keep it, backing out of these two levels is enough to protect Xiangzhou! "

"These two barriers may not be safe!" It was Xue Chang who spoke this time. He could be regarded as recovering from the huge blow, and his face was gloomy. "After all, the rebellion in Xiangzhou has been the thing of Emperor Gaozong for so many years. , These two levels have never experienced the threat of soldiers coming under the city! Can not the combat readiness be relaxed? "

"The Zhenxi Army can replace the original defenders of these two levels!" Jiang Tianyi retorted.

"That wouldn't work!" Xue Chang didn't even think about it. "Ruan Qingyan submitted the document asking for the two levels to be repaired four years ago, enumerating the current situation of the two levels-even the gates were broken, let alone other places! However, due to various reasons, the funding has not been maintained. How can it be safe even if the Zhenxi Army replaces the original garrison? Especially if the food and grass are not resolved, and the army is uncertain, how can it be maintained ?! "

Jiang Tianchi frowned: "There is still such a thing ?! Why aren't these two levels repaired? The treasury didn't seem to be very tight four years ago?" The tone was rather unpleasant, apparently suspecting that Xue Chang had changed his methods to maintain his students.

The simple soldier Shang Shang Yi Taizhang replied: "Xue Xiang is not bad-mainly when Gu was in power in the past, the defenders of the two locks, Luo Man and Luo Feng, will all be Gu's gatekeepers, claiming that Gu's support , And thought that Shazhou and Wangcheng were standing in front, but they had just dismantled two Xiongguan gates and sold them! So ... "

"Why don't you give money for repairs?" Jiang Tianyi asked impatiently.

He used to be a subordinate of Yi Taizhang, but now he is just as level as Yi Taizhang. When he speaks in such a public tone, he seems to be scolded by his superiors. Just worrying about the Jiang family ’s current power being held back, he said lightly: "Because the two gates were almost emptied, it would not be a small number to be repaired. At that time, although the treasury was not very tight, northern Xinjiang was already at war. , Just in case, this expense was temporarily pressed down-this is after I discussed with Xue Xiang, I falsely accused Qin Guogong, and the Grand Duke also agreed! "

I heard that it was a practice approved by Qin Guogong, and Jiang Tianzhang gave up, but his frown remained tight.

"How much can the state treasury's grain store now provide for the Zhenxi Army to supplement the needs of the Zhenbei Army?" The Queen Mother frowned when she heard this.

Only Xue Chang was able to answer this question: "It's just the beginning of the year and it's still early to the autumn harvest. It can only be allocated to the Zhenxi Army for two months! The rest must be raised from local treasuries!"

"Two months?" The Empress Dowager's face was not very good. It was only in early February and two months later in April. Even if the time for sending the grain to the West Xinjiang is not enough, I am afraid that it will not support the autumn harvest! Not to mention that it is time for the autumn harvest to not immediately become the forages of the Zhenxi Army. After all, they must be harvested and collected, and then escorted into Beijing, put in storage, and then transferred to the end ...

"How much can each treasury raise? How long does it take?"

Xue Chang's answer is still not very optimistic. It is mainly a question of time. Although the distance between Beijing and Shazhou is far away, fortunately, the forage in the treasury is readily available. You can start to assemble and arrange operations as soon as you continue to do so. However, the treasury in various places was troublesome. For the sake of the court, they were afraid to give up, but it was difficult to say if they gave more.

Moreover, it is impossible for the treasury in each place to send people directly to Shazhou-these are second in Xue Chang's consideration. He is most worried that under the current political environment of Dari, this sudden insertion The levy of food will certainly bring a catastrophe to the bottom of Li Min: "The court levied one and sent down to the people. I am afraid I have said ten. In this case, the emergency policy has become a harsh policy. How can we not lose the hearts of the people ?! Although the defeat and the loss of the Zhenxi Army also involved the country, it seems that it is only a shortfall of gains and losses. Once it disturbs the people, it is related to the stability of the community! "

"Especially, it seems to be the time for spring ploughing. If you disturb the people at this time ..."

After hearing the words, the Queen Mother frowned deeply. She knew the virtues of her party feathers. She was too clear that Xue Chang's worry was definitely not groundless!

… It can't be said that the Jiang family is corrupt officials. The current political situation is that as long as the Jiang family is relied on, some people will also violate the national law. Holding power and losing control, can't greed run wild? Of course, there are people who can hold it-but most of them can't hold it!

"Spring ploughing is not good, autumn harvest will be affected! At that time, the situation will worsen, and the consequences will be even affected by the town's northern army!" Xue Chang has not finished, "So Chen suggested, whether it is in West or North Xinjiang, Can you consider peace? "

This was really frustrating. Yi Taizhang, who had just helped him prove it, was displeased and said, "Although Xue Xiang's remarks are based on the difficulty of considering the pastures, but they are too exaggerated, don't say other, Let's talk about Ximan and Beihu. Which side is not insatiable? Especially in this time, the western army of the town was defeated. Ximan can be described as a mighty man. Even though Beihu has been defeated in a row, it will be hopeful to learn this news! At this juncture, we went to propose a peace, wasn't it because we were throwing ourselves into the net and letting their lions open their mouths ?! "

"Zhenxi Army's defeat was due to the heavy destruction of spies, the incident was too abrupt, and the whole army was caught off guard!" Xue Chang calmly said, "It is not a real military defeat! As long as the grain is caught, the army's heart is stable and I want to come It is not difficult to counterattack! At that time, the western spirit will be frustrated, at least if the northern Xinjiang proposes peace, we will not suffer a lot! "

North Xinjiang has always been in the downwind, but Jiang Tianchi wanted to go all out in one fell swoop, but was unwilling to break too much, and adopted a strategy of steady fight and steady progress, which was very time consuming. North Hu's side can be said to be miserable in the past two years. If peace talks can be held, they can't wait for it--Darui's defeat in the Western Territory can indeed give them hope of a big lion opening, but as Xue Chang said, if the town ’s western army Fighting a beautiful counterattack, Beihu's hopes are shattered, and he will certainly talk about it obediently.

Jiang Tianyi's face was gloomy: "Zhenbei Bocheng inherited the ambitions of his ancestors. It took years of planning to have today's situation. Could it be a shortfall?"

It was Qin Guogong ’s intention to completely kill Beihu, and then Jibei Hou—now Qin Guogong is still lying on his bed, but Jibei Hou has already taken a step, and he can no longer see Ningjing in Northern Xinjiang.

Jiang Tianchi finally took advantage of the death of his uncle to dig into Beihu, and then he took the advantage. If he paid for the money in West Xinjiang, he missed the opportunity to completely eradicate Beihu, let alone two generations from the Jiang family. Considering the struggle, considering that this opportunity may not exist again in the future, it is no wonder that Jiang Tianmao cannot accept it.

Moreover, Jiang Tianzhang was keenly aware: "Xue Chang's words are so nice, it is clear that he is justifying the child of Qiu Jinglan!"

Listen to what he says and what he says!

What was "four years ago Ruan Qingyan wrote a letter asking for repairs to the two barriers", what was "a big defeat was because he was severely destroyed by spies", what was "not a real military defeat", what was "not difficult to counterattack" ... Finally, the transition to peace was not, Everyone is implying that this time the Zhenxi Army could not blame them for losing the battle. They could only blame them for being too cunning, and if Xue Chang's suggestion was adopted next, the Zhenxi Army really counterattacked sharply. Then Jiang Tianyi promised that afterwards, Xue Chang I will definitely seize this point: "Of course, there have been previous defeats, and subsequent counterattacks are counted as crimes!"

Jiang Tianji never hoped that Qiu Jinglan would get through so well!

"In short, first move the grain that can be allocated to the Zhenxi Army from the state treasury to Shazhou, and order them to keep the Luofeng Pass anyway!" As I said before, the Queen Mother ’s political ability is so different, so listen to it. It is also difficult to make a decision. In the end, she has so many years of experience in being pushed in front of the stage, and she has a clear priority, "Ximan must not be allowed to enter Xiangzhou!"

The Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Military Affairs did this together. Now that the dilemma of Zhenxi Army's rice-free operation has been dealt with, the discussion of accountability will begin next! R638

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