Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 6 Chapter 44: When I don't know your thoughts!

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

The swing stayed here at the National Mansion, Qiu Qilan was delicious and delicious hospitality, and occasionally took her to please Mrs. Tao—so after a few days, the next person sent out to listen to the news came back to life, with a look of face Ashamed: "Little incompetence. I walked around the residence where Qiu Gongzi and Mei girl lived for the past two days. I still couldn't find out what happened in the middle. Today, I got closer, and was found by the people in Qiu Gongzi's house. When she caught Mei, she got out of her identity! "

"..." Qiu Qilan was a little speechless. The guard she sent was still pretty good. The impression was that she was clever. She didn't want to show her stuff-she paused. "Can't blame you all, Qiu Nie and Mei Xue. It ’s all in this way. Mei Xue ... what did she say after she knew you were sent by me? "

"Mei Mei said that someone was indeed referring to the host of Yishu County, but Qiu Gongzi thought it was inappropriate and rejected it."

Qiu Qilan pondered: "What kind of person?"

"Last year's No. 1 champion Cheng Xide, his uncle is Cheng Linjin, an academician of the Hanlin Academy, and is the father of Xue Xiang and the father of Mrs. Xue Xiangcheng and Sun Chengcheng!"

"Cheng Guoxi's cousin?" Qiu Qilan was taken aback. "The champion of the last subject? This is not a small one!"

Although the swing is now expensive as the county owner, the status is not ordinary. However, from the perspective of power, her county title is not as good as her personal relationship with Qiu Qilan-after all, the swing is not officially recognized by the blood of Xixi Wangfu, even if it is recognized, she and Qiu Nie's father was a prostitute, and he has passed away. He has never been the king of Xihe, and it is not very noble to talk about it.

The Cheng family is not only Xue Chang's iron confidant, Cheng Xide is a promising champion, even if he is married to a serious royal family chief. However, Cheng Xide turned to a swing from a reckless family, and Qiu Qilan naturally felt a little incredible: "This is Cheng Xide's own meaning, or is there something to say?"

"According to the person who delivered the message in the middle, Cheng Xide himself fancyed the Lord of Yishu County, so Cheng Hanlin proposed the marriage on his behalf." Inhumane "But Qiu Gongzi thinks that the character of Yishu County Lord and Cheng Xide may not agree, so Gracefully declined. "

"Where is the swing? What does she think of it?"

"The owner of Yishu County did not pay attention to Sid, and had no opinion on the treatment of Qiu Gongzi."

Qiu Qilan was a little confused: "Then she came to our house, did she really stay a little longer?" Listening to this meaning, the swing does not seem to come to avoid trouble-honestly, Qiu Qilan does not think of Cheng family. It's the kind of dogged people. Because of their family's style, children have been reluctant to marry a swing, and they will never mention it again after being rejected.

"Not all of them. Girl Mei said that because you are pregnant again now, but the old girls who have joined hands have changed a batch. When the large room returned to Beijing, they brought the second and fifth bedroom people, worried that year Seventeen grandsons are poisoned and things like that happen again. The lord of Yishu County has nothing to do, so he sends the lord of the county to show you something ... Mei said that you are good, after all, to them! "

That's pretty much it! She said how could the swing come all right to stay? This cousin in the blood is not someone who loves to knock on the door!

Qiu Qilan breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I will take her as a friend." There is indeed a lot of worry for someone with a "Tianya" background from a swing to sit in the yard. Jiang Yashuang is usually absent and she can be a companion.

In mid-June-it is only half a month before Wanshou Festival and Princess Lexin have fallen, and the whole Mount Zizi is so busy!

In fact, as originally planned by the royal family, this year's summer vacation was cancelled, and the special ceremony for the princess of the princess stayed in Beijing.

However, considering that the Empress Dowager Jiang has reached the age and the prince Chu Shao is too young, the princess can not help but heat up, and offered to drop the ceremony at the palace, anyway: "Under the heavens, there is no land for the king. The palace is like this, the palace It's the same, they're all married in the royal family, all the same. "

Queen Mother Jiang doesn't matter. She has always been in good health. When she was young, riding and shooting was not inferior to men. If she didn't avoid the summer, she felt that the cold room was more stuffy. But at this age's discount rate, the little prince who has not yet reached the age of one has really worried the empress. So after Princess Le Xinchang insisted, the queen praised her and was allowed.

In this way, the emperor is naturally extra busy. Although both the Longevity Festival and the falling ceremony of the princess are a happy event, many things can be directly used in the falling ceremony after being taken out on the Longevity Festival, but they ca n’t be completely unchanged. This makes Princess Lexin Chang so shameless!

In short, in the heat of the sky, a less obtrusive decree arrived at the National Palace: after the Mid-Autumn Festival, Jiang Huizhi will be officially welcomed into the palace, ranking the concubine!

"Mother see it?" After Jiang Huizhi took the order, he sent the housekeeper back to the room, sneered, pointed at the splendid decree, and gritted his teeth. "It is a good day after the Mid-Autumn Festival-now is June, Asano I was staring down at Wanshou Festival with Princess Lexin, who will come to care about the date when I entered the palace? When July passes, in August, I will pack tickets and the **** of the Xin family will be a big deal In the Mid-Autumn Festival, after the Mid-Autumn Festival has been forgotten, there will be many concubines in the palace! "

The thing that makes her most angry is not here yet, "I went to the palace as a concubine on August 16th, and on August 24th was King Wei welcoming the daughter of Wang's wife as the concubine Wei! This is because I was deliberately ignored in the middle! Concubine! At that time, I am afraid that the degree of attention will be worse than that of the uncle and the uncle before! "

Xiao Dou's bitterly said: "Now we have a downside in this room, and the queen mother is helping the queen. You can think of it in thoughts and thoughtfulness. What makes you feel tired after you get back from Yixian on the road? You will have a reunion with your family again. What day did August 16 let the Emperor let King Qin watch ... Can you say we can say no? "

"... Someday!" Jiang Huizhi paused for a while, cutting his teeth. "Someday!"

The news was malicious to them, but it was very bland to others-Qiu Qilan casually instructed people to send a gift to the big room, and it was okay.

Jiang Tianhe sent his daughter-in-law, Zhao, to personally bring a gift to the door and said to Xiao Dou: "This year there are many royal happy events. After all, the kings and princesses are full of the filial piety of the emperor. The princess has grown old and should not be delayed! The queen's maiden is so busy that she doesn't touch the floor-thinking that Huizhi is also the oldest, and it has been said that the position of the concubine is reserved for her, and she will not be taken in Gong, I'm afraid that it's going to come out! My mother did her best to arrange for Huizhi this year. This time is hasty, and I hope that Mrs. Dad will not see strange people! "

Xiao Dou's heart scolded her for being cheap and selling well, but she had to call her daughter on the scene and thanked Queen Xin for her thoughtfulness and care.

After finishing Jiang Tianhe, he personally talked to Mrs. Tao and Mrs. Ou: "The little prince under the lap of the queen is not yet under the age of one. Even if a palace person joins hands, it is inseparable from the queen's care! This situation has to worry about this and that, It's really hard! If Hui Zhi chooses to choose the queen after entering the palace, he has no conscience! "

Mrs. Tao has always disliked the big house, but for a while she disdain to talk to a great-nephew and didn't want to fall into disuse, so she smiled and said, "It's all a family. Provocative? Tianhe, you have to be careful, don't let the screwdriver get into the hole! "

Mrs. Ou said lukewarmly: "You know she's busy, why not help her with the help of Emperor Zizi, Baba's running back to do what?"

In the past two years, Houfu of Jibei did not go to the Zizishan for the summer. I was afraid that Qin Guogong would have a good deal and could take a hand. Mrs. Ou personally sent a message: "How can an uncle or an uncle be unable to sleep and be a nephew and The reason for being a nephew's happily going to summer? "

Therefore, on a hot day, Hou Fu also shrank in the house next to the summer.

But the Xin family went to the summer to avoid the heat.

This time, Jiang Tianhe heard that the decree to hire Jiang Huizhi had been ordered, and Tete brought Zhao's back to Beijing to string together. However, he did not get the desired answer in front of his aunt and mother, and was rather depressed. "This is not Seeing that it's very hot this year, don't worry, come back and see? "

"Then you have finished watching, why should you go!" Madam Ou said in a stupid manner. "The queen has her own idea of ​​doing things. Would you like her to spare no effort in drumming? I'm afraid you have too much strength, but instead Messing with the Queen's plan! "

Xin Yanbing gave Jiang Huizhi such a time to enter the palace.

The reason for the original purpose was also very grand, and it was hard to say anything in the big room. But now that Jiang Tianhe made such a fool, he was too late, but it seemed that those reasons were excuses. The truth was that the queen deliberately suppressed Jiang Huizhi!

Mrs. Ou is very upset. "The queen is His Majesty's wife, and the eldest prince is under her knee. Who can move her firmly? What do you say?"

Jiang Tianhe grieved: "Isn't she afraid of her arrogance. After entering the palace, she arrogantly reaches the queen? So beat it in advance to avoid ..."

"So she won't be angry enough, and when she won't be proud of the queen, she won't be able to find the right to punish her father and brother for punishing the lawlessness, so as to give you Xin Jiateng's position ?!" Mrs. Ou was not polite before she finished talking. "I'm getting old, but I'm still not confused! When I don't know what you think!"

"..." Jiang Tianhe's true intentions were said to be broken, and he shouted, "How can that be? This is the second uncle? Who dares to live with the big house?"

Mrs. O sneered: "You may not be able to hear what I say now, and I am too lazy to talk! In short, don't jump up and down! No greed is too much, and the queen is also affected!"

Speaking regardless of her daughter's embarrassment, she was called directly to send her out!

When Jiang Tianhe was driven away, Mrs. Ou sighed "This day!"

It's impossible to survive! !! !!

This is what Qiu Qilan thinks about, and she vomited to death, stroking the raised abdomen and sighing: "I can only give birth in November, and half a year ... How can I live ?!"

Jiang Yashuang was very distressed, but he couldn't help. He couldn't help it, and asked, "Or should I discuss it with my elders and send you to the emperor?" He thought his wife had such a fierce pregnancy. Passed by, maybe it was too hot in Jingli, would it be better to go to the mountain?

"I'm alone?" Qiu Qilan was dying and pointed to the room next to him. "What about An Er, Lang Er ?!"

"..." Jiang Yashuang wanted to say that he could bring it with him, but think about the backlog of documents in his hands. Even if there were staff to work overtime and help, the time is very tight. How can a parent or other person be assured that the former car of Jiang Jinglang was poisoned?

"Take it with you?"

"Don't toss, just stay boiled!" Qiu Qilan shook her head. "The mountains are big, and I can't worry about them running east and west!"

"... When this child falls to the ground, I can help you clean up!" Jiang Yashuang had no other choice but to coax, and said fiercely, "I don't learn the thoughtfulness of the elder brother Langer at all! It should be hit!"

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