Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 576 Seismic Mining Machine

That machine?

Liu Xing was stunned for a moment before he realized what the machine MiG was referring to.

The Mi.Go family’s seismic mining machine!

Because MiG was transformed into the half-human, half-machine appearance it is today after being captured by Mi. Ge, Liu Xing and others speculated that it was probably because Mi. Ge wanted to make MiG a miner. and the identity of the security guard.

In the setting of the Cthulhu Mythology, the Mi.Go family came to the earth hundreds of millions of years ago, and also controlled many areas on the earth, and some areas are still secretly controlled by the Mi.Go family. The reason why Mi. Go chose to control these areas, or the reason why Mi. Go came to the earth, is because Mi. Go wanted to collect some kind of ore unknown to humans in these places.

Of course, as the highest-ranking high-tech mythical creature race in the universe, the Mi.Go family is definitely unable to carry out inefficient artificial mining, so the seismic mining machine is a tool created by Mi.Go for mining.

There is a huge difference between the style of the seismic mining machine made by Mi.G and the mining machine made by humans. Simply put, it is a huge cube with a side length of about six meters. Small convex windows are irregularly distributed on each side of the cube. , inlaid with a mysterious substance that looks like glass but is blurry and opaque.

When the seismic mining machine starts working, the controls can be adjusted so that it can pull the strata buried deep underground upward through the rock layers above it.

That’s right, the seismic mining machine manufactured by Mi.Ge can directly dig up an entire stratum. The work efficiency can be said to be very high. Moreover, this machine can reach the deepest point of four or five miles underground, and can reach the maximum depth every time. Pulling up to a cubic mile of formation.

However, since this mining machine is called an earthquake mining machine, there will be a troublesome side effect when using this mining machine - induced earthquakes, and the intensity of the earthquake is directly related to the size and depth of the affected area.

For this reason, the Mi.Go clan prefers to use this machine only in uninhabited areas to avoid being detected by humans. . . Although Liu Xing was a little confused before entering the Cthulhu Run Game Hall, why would the Mi.Go clan worry about being discovered by humans? After all, the Mi.Go clan's individual strength is still quite strong. Even if they are discovered by humans, they will at least You can also escape intact.

What's more, for humans in this parallel world, they may not necessarily be able to understand and control the existence of machinery like seismic mining machines.

Because according to the settings of the Cthulhu Run game, it is almost impossible for a human who is not familiar with Mi.Go technology to operate a seismic mining machine, unless something unexpected happens, such as a mechanical success or something.

But having said that, although MiG did not clearly explain what he was doing under Mi. Ge at that time, MiG must have seen Mi. Ge use the seismic mining machine, so now MiG can remember the formation of the seismic mining machine. Fluctuations are also normal.

Thinking of this, Liu Xing confirmed again: "Mig, we are still quite far away from Fukushima, so can you really confirm that this earthquake may be related to the Mi Ge clan?"

MiG nodded and said seriously: "Back then, I was responsible for the safety of seismic mining machines at close range, because there are still many strange-looking creatures hidden underground, and these creatures may show signs of behavior after being disturbed. It is extremely aggressive, so every time the seismic mining machine started working, a lot of people were assigned to protect it, so I can remember the frequency generated by the seismic mining machine."

Since MiG said so, Liu Xing must believe MiG's statement.

However, in this case, it seems that the Fukushima earthquake may not have occurred naturally, but was the result of Mi.go's use of seismic mining machines. Of course, the use of seismic mining machines in Mi.go is not ruled out. At that time, a naturally occurring earthquake occurred at the same time.

But relatively speaking, Liu Xing is more convinced that the Fukushima earthquake was a good thing caused by Mi. Ge, because first of all, this is a Cthulhu running game. Basically, any event that can be related to mythical creatures will most likely end up being a disaster. It was done by a mythical creature. After all, if it was not done by a mythical creature, then where did the module of this Cthulhu Running Group game come from?

Then according to the current news about the Fukushima earthquake, almost all media have mentioned a key point, that is, the roads and railways connecting the Fukushima area to the outside world have basically been interrupted due to various reasons, and are now unable to With normal communications, Fukushima has become a complete "isolated island." Currently, apart from knowing that something may have happened at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, there is no other news about Fukushima.

This is obviously something abnormal.

The first is the communication problem. Because communication technology is now very advanced, unless all signal base stations in the Fukushima area have problems, it should be impossible for communications in the Fukushima area to completely disappear, and these signal base stations have Many of them are located in open areas, so it stands to reason that earthquakes will not be very damaging to these signal base stations.

In addition, there is the road problem in Fukushima. Although it is normal for roads to be blocked when a major earthquake occurs, it is a bit too coincidental that all roads and railways in the Fukushima area are blocked at the same time. After all, the island country As an earthquake-prone country, it is now considered a good doctor to know how to build roads to avoid or reduce the impact of earthquakes, so as to ensure the development of subsequent earthquake relief work.

When multiple coincidences occur at the same time, then you can consider the possibility that it is not a coincidence.

What's more, the most important thing is that when the person in charge of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant called the headquarters to report the situation, his voice suddenly disappeared without warning, and the phone signal at the time was also normal. This means that the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant In all likelihood, something happened to the person in charge, and when the person in charge had an accident, no sound was made at all.

This shows that the person in charge of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant may have been quietly and suddenly attacked, and that the person in charge did not resist at all after the attack.

Therefore, to sum up, Liu Xing has reason to suspect that the Fukushima earthquake was probably intentional by the Mi.Ge clan, and the Mi.Ge clan may have been planning for a long time and arranged for people to take action after the earthquake started. Various traffic arteries and signal base stations in the Fukushima area were destroyed to delay the official rescue progress of the island country.

The reason why the Mi.Go clan does this is most likely related to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, but Liu Xing still doesn't know the specific reason. . . Of course, it is not ruled out that the Mi.Go clan is making inroads in the east and west to attract the attention of all parties to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. After all, the news of the accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant has swept through the island country and surrounding countries like a plague, because people There is still a great fear of "nuclear", especially the island countries that have eaten two nuclear bombs. They know how terrifying the power of "nuclear" is, so now the island country officials recruit death squads to Fukushima with high salaries. Nuclear power plant inspection situation.

Liu Xing sighed. This is really an island country that has suffered many disasters. It seems that it will not be long before the island country becomes the first country to suffer a catastrophe in this parallel world, so his escape plan must be put on the agenda. .

But speaking of Fukushima, Liu Xing now remembered another thing, that is, the Thousand People and Thousand Faces were sent to Tokyo by Hashimoto Jun and others from Fukushima, so according to the usual cheating routine of the Cthulhu Run Game Hall , Liu Xing felt that he had reason to suspect that the clone of the next mythical creature with thousands of faces was in the Fukushima area!

If that's the case, do you still have to go to Fukushima?

Liu Xing felt like he was going to be tricked again. . .

Liu Xing touched his chin and said: "The situation in the Fukushima area is still unclear at present. It is better for us not to intervene casually to avoid various unexpected problems in the future. However, you should pay more attention to MiG. Strange fluctuations may continue to occur in Fukushima, so it is best to notify me as soon as possible."

Liu Xing knew that the reason why MiG mentioned this matter to him was because MiG wanted to use his own power to retaliate against Mi Ge who turned him into this. Therefore, Liu Xing could only comfort him in this way now. Take a look at MiG’s mood.

MiG understood what Liu Xing meant, so he nodded and said: "I understand what you mean, leader. Don't worry, leader, I won't act rashly. After all, the MiG who used the seismic mining machine in the Fukushima area is not necessarily That’s my enemy.”

Hearing what MiG said, Liu Xing was relieved, because Liu Xing knew that as a half-machine, half-human being, MiG's character was still affected to a certain extent. It was basically certain that MiG would not lie.

After chatting with MiG about the seismic mining machine, MiG left with Mr. Onikawa. After all, apart from the scratches on his body, Mr. Onikawa's clothes and pants were not much better, so he had to go back now. Get a change of clothes.

But before leaving, Kokawa Xiaofu also brought an important piece of news to Liu Xing - Dashan Meng may have gone to the Universe Country!

This morning, Kogawa Xiaofu sent a few people to monitor Oyama Meng as usual. As a result, Oyama Meng drove to Tokyo Airport early in the morning.

By the way, now that the island country officials have determined that the mastermind of the Tokyo Sky Tree explosion is Thousand People and Thousand Faces, and determined the approximate location of Thousand People and Thousand Faces, they have begun to gradually lift restrictions on aviation and shipping. But now The security level is much higher than before, and it can be said that it is difficult to get a ticket.

Back to the topic, judging from the time Dashan Meng boarded the plane, there was only one plane bound for Space Kingdom preparing to take off at that time, and the person sent by Onikawa Xiaofu to monitor Dashan Meng was still at the airport after Dashan Meng boarded the plane. There were multiple hidden sentries inside and outside. From the morning until the afternoon, Dashan Meng was not seen again, so Kogawa Xiaofu thought that Dashan Meng must have gone to the Universe Kingdom in all likelihood.

Dashanmeng suddenly ran to the Universe Kingdom, which was beyond the expectations of Liu Xing and others. After all, according to the currently known information, Dashanmeng’s status in the deep diving society should not be high, and his cultural level is relatively high. Low, almost no specialties.

So why did Dashan Meng go to Universe Kingdom at this time?

Now Liu Xing is increasingly confused about what Shen Qian wants to do.

After MiG and Kokawa Xiaofu left, Liu Xing told what MiG had just told him.

"I have heard of the seismic mining machine manufactured by the Mi.Ge clan. The Huaxia Daomen once discovered a seismic mining machine in Shu. Although the seismic mining machine was completely scrapped at the time, it was more than enough for research. So Huaxia Daomen specially went to the small island in the South China Sea to set up a research institute. Finally, it was discovered that the seismic mining machine can theoretically create a major earthquake of up to nine magnitude, and the earthquake created by the seismic mining machine There was no warning and it appeared instantly, so this Fukushima earthquake may really have been caused by the Mi.Ge clan using a seismic mining machine." Zhang Jingxu said seriously.

Ishikawa Ling shrugged and said indifferently: "Anyway, this matter should have nothing to do with us, except that we promised to avenge the MiG, but we must first confirm that the MiG in Fukushima is a modified MiG. That Mi Ge... Well, this is really a mouthful, but if I remember correctly, Mi Ge met Mi Ge in Kobe."

Liu Xing nodded and said: "Yes, it is in Kobe, and I met Zhang Jingxu in Kobe at that time. This is really fate, but having said that, Kobe is still quite far from Fukushima. I think this The Mi Ge in the two places shouldn’t be the same Mi Ge.”

Zhang Jingxu thought for a while, nodded and said: "I agree with you, Meteor. They are probably not the same Mi. Ge. Moreover, the seismic mining machine is quite large. Even a normal truck cannot fit the seismic mining machine. Mi. Ge thought. It’s quite troublesome to bring a seismic mining machine from Kobe to Fukushima, so we’ll wait and see what happens now; but do you have any thoughts about Dashan Meng suddenly running to Space Kingdom?”

"There should be only two possibilities for Dashan to go to the Universe Kingdom. The first possibility is to travel to the Universe Kingdom... Of course, this possibility should be slim; the second possibility is to go deep diving if you have something to do. I think this possibility is very high, but the specific purpose of this is unknown." Ishikawa Ling replied.

As soon as Ishikawa Ling finished speaking, there was another knock on the door.

Liu Xing raised his eyebrows, wondering who was knocking on the door. After all, Zhang Wenbing and others would contact him by phone before coming to the door.

Could it be that the deep dive club has come to visit?

Liu Xing first glanced at Zhang Jingxu and Ishikawa Ling, and then walked to the door.

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