Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 405: The Suddenly Appeared Black Cat Demon

Because the wind on the roof was really strong, Liu Xing and others went back to the lobby on the third floor to discuss. After all, it would be bad if they caught a cold.

After everyone sat down, Liu Xing said: "Ishi Chuanling's idea is very good. We can indeed use traps to deal with the Gu Envoy Chaxi, and the benefits of doing so are quite large. After all, the Gu Envoy Chaxi will definitely lose his fighting power after being severely injured. But now there are more problems, such as where we can get the traps, how to get that kind of trap, and how to arrange the traps at the entrance of the top floor of the supermarket, and we can't let the Gu Envoy Chaxi notice it."

After Liu Xing asked the question, Ishi Chuanling answered, "I have only one opinion about these questions, and that is to go to Hu Cang, because Hu Cang definitely knows more about this than us."

Everyone nodded in agreement. After all, everyone here has heard of and seen all kinds of traps on TV, but if you really want them to talk about the production methods of these traps, everyone can only look dumbfounded.

Moreover, because of the particularity of time and space disorder in Panlong Town, Liu Xing and his party will always be strangers in Panlong Town. Except for Hu Cang and others, other residents of Panlong Town are unlikely to provide too much help to Liu Xing and his party, especially things like traps that can hurt people or even kill people.

Therefore, it is better to leave these matters to Hu Cang.

So, Liu Xing and his group went directly to the first floor, at this time Hu Cang was planning to close the shutter door.

"Uh, what's the matter with you, why are you all down?" Hu Cang said in surprise.

Liu Xing, as a representative, said: "Mr. Hu Cang is like this. We just went to the roof to blow the wind for a while when we were bored, and we found that we can directly reach the building where the supermarket is located from the roof, and the entrance on the top floor of the supermarket is still open, so this shows that when we attacked Chaxi, the Gu envoy might escape from the entrance on the top floor of the supermarket. So after we discussed it, we decided to install some traps at the entrance of the top floor of the supermarket, so now we come to seek your help, Hu Cang."

Hu Cang frowned when he heard this, and lowered his head in thought.

After a while, Hu Cang said: "These traps are not easy to deal with. I told you before that basically all the hunters in Panlong Town have changed jobs, so there are very few people who still keep traps in Panlong Town. Among them, Xiao Mochen is the one we are most familiar with. After all, his grandfather left all his belongings to Xiao Mochen before he died, including various animal traps."

"However, now we can no longer trust Xiao Mochen. After all, Xiao Mochen is very likely to betray us as a traitor, so unless we have to, we can't pin our hopes on Xiao Mochen, so we have very few choices now, and the only person I know who may have a trap in his hand is Wang An'an, that's right, Wang Haiyang's father, Wang An'an."

"Wang An'an's father is also a hunter, but Wang An'an's father lost his left leg due to hunting injuries when he was young, so Wang An'an's father changed his job and became a blacksmith. He specializes in making all kinds of hunting supplies at home, including animal traps. So I reckon there should be some animal traps in Wang An'an's house now.

Liu Xing nodded, but he didn't expect that Wang Ping'an would be involved in this round and round.

But this is also a good thing. Anyway, I have to go to Wang An'an to get gasoline, and now I want to get a trap, which can kill two birds with one stone.

Ever since, Liu Xing and his team decided to go to Wang Ping'an again the next day.

As for how to place the trap at the entrance of the top floor of the supermarket without the Gu envoy Chaxi not finding out, Hu Cang also gave his own suggestion.

"According to my long-term observation, although Gu Envoy Chashi stays in the supermarket most of the time, Gu Envoy Chaxi will still leave the supermarket at certain times, probably at one point in every three time points, and each time he will leave the supermarket for more than an hour, but I don't know where to go. After all, I didn't care much about Gu Envoy Chaxi before." Hu Cang said seriously.

As soon as Hu Cang finished speaking, kp Xuefeng stood up and said: "Because players have triggered another special setting of this module. Simply put, after players know that something will happen at a certain point in time, you can apply for a special judgment from me before entering the next time point. After passing the judgment, you can confirm that the next time point is the time point you chose. Of course, applying for this special judgment requires three out of five players to agree."

After listening to kp Xuefeng's words, Liu Xing and the others frowned. They didn't expect this module to have such a special setting.

However, Liu Xing thinks that this special setting is more beneficial to the player. After all, after passing the judgment, the player can know in advance what time point he will be in next, and it can also allow the player to make various preparations better.

Just like this time, if the special judgment is successful, then Liu Xing feels that his group can put the timing of killing Gu Envoy Chaxi at the next timing.

Therefore, at this time, Zhang Jingxu couldn't help but said: "kp, we are going to apply for a special judgment now, and the time we choose is the time when the Gu envoy Chaxi will choose to go out."

kp Xuefeng immediately replied: "OK, now the other four players are invited to vote. If two more players agree, then we will start a special judgment with a success value of 60. If the vote fails, the second vote will be held tomorrow."

"Agreed." Liu Xing and others said in unison.

After all, there is no reason to reject this special judgment.

Ever since, the special judgment vote was passed.

Special judgment, 36/60, successful.

"OK, then congratulations everyone for passing this special judgment, Gu Envoy Chaxi will leave the supermarket at the next point in time." kp Xuefeng said with a smile.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, that's all for today. Let's go back to our rooms to rest. After all, we'll be busy tomorrow." Liu Xing said with a smile.

Ever since, everyone went back to the room to rest with their own concerns.

Nothing happened overnight.

Early the next morning, Liu Xing was woken up by Zhang Jingxu, because Zhang Jingxu got up and started activities at dawn.

Seeing Liu Xing being woken up by himself, Zhang Jingxu said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect to wake you up, classmate Meteor."

Liu Xing shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay, isn't it just getting up early, but Mr. Zhang Jingxu, what are you doing up so early?"

Zhang Jingxu chuckled, and said, "I'm used to it, because during the time I was practicing with my master, my master kept asking me to get up at dawn to exercise, otherwise I would be punished in various ways, so now I have formed a conditioned reflex, as long as I feel the light appearing in front of me, I will wake up instantly."

Liu Xing nodded, saying that he could imagine Zhang Jingxu's "unbearable" days.

But Liu Xing thought about it again, and remembered his really unbearable past. That was his high school life. At that time, no matter how long he slept, he would wake up instantly at six o'clock in the morning.

Therefore, Liu Xing now feels a little lucky. Fortunately, his character card is a legendary high school student from the island country, not a high school student from Huaxia.

According to some "victims" in the forum, their Huaxia high school student's character card, in addition to investigating the truth of the incident and going to various mythical creatures in the module, they also have to go to bed early and get up early, and attend class seriously. . .

In addition to the exam, if there are two players, a man and a woman, then it may be considered a puppy love, and then the teacher invites the parents to debuff. . .

If it’s just debuffs, it’s fine. The problem is that as a Huaxia high school student, there are a lot of pig teammates in the module—classmates and teachers. They will interfere with the player’s investigation, or destroy the player’s plan when the player is about to do it. The most deceitful thing is that if these pig teammates die, it will have a huge impact on the player’s San value, because in the setting of the Cthulhu running team game, the player finds that the death of acquaintances will drop more San values.

Therefore, given the choice, few players would choose to use a character card whose occupation was a Huaxia high school student.

Thinking of this, Liu Xing couldn't help but sneezed.

"Have you caught a cold?" Zhang Jingxu asked with concern.

Liu Xing nodded, he did have a cold, because Liu Xing found that the word "cold" appeared on his character card, and in his attribute column, almost all attribute values ​​dropped by one to three points, and the values ​​of some skills also dropped.

It seems that I stayed on the rooftop for too long yesterday and caught a cold from the cold wind.

"Meteor, you lie on the bed first, I'll go to the first floor and get you some medicine." Zhang Jingxu left the room while speaking.

After a while, Zhang Jingxu came back with water and medicine.

Zhang Jingxu handed the water and the medicine to Liu Xing, and said, "Because it's 1999, some medicines have certain side effects, but the side effects are just making you a little dizzy, so Meteor, you should take a good rest after taking the medicine. Anyway, there is nothing important today, and you don't need Meteor to do it yourself."

Liu Xing thought about it, what needs to be done today does not necessarily require his own appearance, so Liu Xing thought it would be good to take the medicine and sleep for a while, after all, fishing makes people happy.

Hence, Liu Xing nodded and said, "OK, I will leave today's matter to you."

After Liu Xing finished speaking, he took the medicine.

After a while, Liu Xing felt a little drowsy. Although the drowsiness could be counteracted by determination of will, Liu Xing didn't do anything, so before he knew it, Liu Xing fell asleep, and the voices of Zhang Jingxu and others in his ears became smaller and smaller. . . There was also the sound of a dice falling to the ground.

I don't know how long it took, but Liu Xing suddenly felt something was wrong, and his chest felt a little heavy, but Liu Xing knew that it was not a ghost pressing the bed, but some kind of heavy object was pressing on his chest.

However, Liu Xing felt that what was pressing on his chest was not important, what was important was why his chest was being pressed by something, Liu Xing didn't think Shi Chuanling and the others would make such a joke on him.

Could it be? !

Liu Xing took a deep breath, then opened his eyes suddenly, and found a black cat squatting on his chest, a black cat with different-colored pupils.

Liu Xing frowned, knowing in his heart that this black cat was most likely a black cat demon, but why did it come to him now?

Because he didn't know what the black cat demon came to find him this time, so Liu Xing decided to stay the same. He just looked at the black cat demon and didn't speak.

In this way, Liu Xing and the black cat demon stared at each other for a long time, and the atmosphere gradually became a little awkward.

Finally, the black cat demon couldn't help but said: "Hey, boy, what do you mean by just looking at this old man and not talking? I think you should already know who this old man is."

Liu Xing raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect the black cat demon to call himself an old man. But after thinking about it carefully, the black cat demon is right. After all, the black cat demon is at least a hundred years old, so it is not an exaggeration to call himself an old man.

But now the problem came, Liu Xing didn't know how to call the black cat demon, after all, he couldn't just call it a black cat, an old cat or something.

The black cat demon saw what Liu Xing was struggling with, so he continued: "Boy, you can just call me Mao Lao."

Liu Xing heard what the black cat demon said, so he quickly said with a smile: "Uh, may I ask Mr. Mao why you came to see me today?"

Mao Lao laughed, put his paw on Liu Xing's neck and said, "If I said, I want to borrow your head, would you be willing to lend it to me?"

The smile on Liu Xing's face disappeared completely.

The cat boss smiled again, took his paw back, and said, "Okay, stop joking with you, kid. I came to you today because I have something important to discuss with you, but you must promise what I will tell you later. You can't tell anyone else. If you violate this agreement, I will really borrow your head."

Liu Xing frowned, and after thinking for a while, nodded and said, "No problem, I'm here to assure you, Mr. Mao, that I won't tell anyone about everything you tell me later!"

After receiving Liu Xing's guarantee, Mao Lao nodded and said, "Very well, I believe you will keep your promise."

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