Quick Wear: The Host is a Fox

Chapter 483: Time and Space Dialogue: I am waiting for you in the future (29)

Bai Zhen only felt a cold wind blowing from the back of her neck, causing her whole body to tremble, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on her back.

She turned her head around and found nothing unusual.

So he shrugged his shoulders and continued to stare at the notebook.

She picked up the pen and wrote, "Go ahead. How did you do it?"

There was a quick reply from the other end: "? Do you mean to communicate through this notebook?"

Bai Zhen: "Yeah."

The other side seemed to be silent for a while, considering the words.

"That's a really good question. I'm looking for that answer too."

Bai Zhen: "...What's the point of what you said or not?"

The other side continued to write slowly: "According to the theory of relativity, when our speed exceeds the speed of light, we can go back to the past, or go to the future.

But things are different now.

It is not you and me who travel through time and space, but this notebook.

As a medium, it becomes a bridge connecting time and space, and it also becomes a communication channel between you and me.

So, I also want to figure out what the principle behind this is. "

Bai Zhen scratched his head as if he didn't understand. "You don't have to tell me that. Just tell me how your tricks changed."

The head didn't reply for a full minute.

Seems to be very helpless to her.

Bai Zhen leaned on her head and waited.

After waiting, "Are you really a primary school student?"

Bai Zhen: "Boring ヽ(ー_ー)ノ"

The other side replied again: "What time are you over there?"

Bai Zhen looked at the electronic watch, it showed 10 am.

But how could she tell him so easily?

So he asked, "What time are you over there?"

The other party quickly replied: "2023 at 15:00. How about you?"

Bai Zhen frowned.

Is it 2019 now?

How did this person go to 2023?



She sneered at the corners of her mouth.

Then he took a pen and wrote in the notebook: "I am in 2030, uncle, are you living in the past?"

At the other end, the man's fingertips paused, and then wrote down in another notebook: 2023-"2030.

It is also circled with a red pen and highlighted.

The gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose reflect soft light in the sunlight.

So the snow-like clarity between his brows and eyes seemed to be melted a bit by the light.

The profile of the face is gentle, the light-colored thin lips are like a smile but not a smile, and the movement of writing is noble and elegant.

"Then where are you? Which province, which city, which street?"

How could Bai Zhen tell him her current address?

"Uncle, are you not a pervert?"

Someone called Uncle Pervert raised his brows slightly, and explained in a friendly way, "I just want to find out why through this notebook, I can have a space-time conversation. It's not malicious."

He just upholds a scientific researcher's exploration and inquiries into the unknown.

What's more, this matter will definitely become a major discovery that shocked the academic world.

Men speak truthfully.

But in Bai Zhen's view, such an explanation is not at all convincing.

Instead, it's more like a liar's self-washing.

"Okay, I get it. You don't have to talk about it anymore.

I'm so poor, I'm penniless, I don't look good, I don't have any talent.

Even if you find out my identity and address, you won't get any other benefits.

Oh, by the way, I have already dialed 110 and told the police uncle to arrest you. "


And ha~

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