Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 86 The soles of your feet are slipping so fast!

Except for his own yard, not everyone in the mansion is qualified to break vases, Fujin is naturally qualified, but Ge Ge is not. If you want a few sweet-scented osmanthus in summer and two good plum blossoms in a vase in winter, you have to ask Fujin first.

Naturally, no one cares about the kind of worthless small flowers such as roses and crape myrtle, but no one would cut such flowers back and put them in vases, because they think they are too cheap.

Most of the peonies in this peony garden are famous products, and Fujin can be said to be quite generous, which shows that he is very satisfied with Mu Jin this time.

Mu Jin thanked her, and immediately ran away after rubbing oil on the soles of her feet.

When Li Fangfujin turned around in a breath of anger, Mu Jin had already walked away, so angry that she sneered: "Smart teeth!"

Everyone pretended not to hear.

Fujin smiled: "I think Mu Gege is lively and cheerful, which is pretty good."

Li Fangfujin sneered and stopped talking.

Mu Jin's vicious son was brought back by Fujin to fight against him, so he naturally turned towards her.

It seems that Fujin really had this idea a long time ago, why didn't he notice it? I regret it!

After Mu Jin left Nai Fei Wo, she felt better again.

It's the last wave of flowers in late spring, and they are so gorgeous that they really fascinate people's eyes.

Mu Jin strolled around and returned to the pavilion when it was almost time to leave.

What she didn't know was that just as she left, Geng Gege wanted to leave for fear of causing trouble, but before Fujin could speak, he was reprimanded by Li Fangfujin, which made her turn pale and dare not say a word. Of course it didn't work out.

Naturally, Fujin would not openly quarrel with Fujin Li, besides speaking for a Geng Gege, then her Fujin would be too cheap.

So, with the example of Geng Gege, no one who was interested in the crowd dared to propose to go for a walk or enjoy the flowers, and all sat there talking and chatting honestly.

When Mu Jin came back to see her, she secretly admired her: They can sit still so well, their concentration is really good.

After half a day, Fujin was already a little tired, and was about to disperse everyone, when he suddenly saw Fourth Master coming.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they stood up in unison, both surprised and happy. Even Song Gege, who was as calm as Song Gege, subconsciously stroked his bun and tugged at the front of his clothes.

"It's the master!"

"Master is here!"

Only Fujin saw Si Ye holding Da Gege with one hand, his eyes suddenly shrank, his face was slightly stiff, and he subconsciously glanced at Li Fang Fujin, meeting Li Fang Fujin's proud eyes, Fujin tightly pinched his sleeve It was only with his hand that he held back the emotion that was about to explode.

she hates

Da Gege has just turned six years old, and has inherited Li Fangfujin's beauty, and has already begun to show the appearance of a beauty at a young age. Wearing a pink cheongsam embroidered with orchids, her hair is combed into two small bags, tied with a red hair rope, and a circle of fine red coral beads is wrapped around her. The makeup is beautiful and lovely.

As soon as Fourth Master came, everyone stood up and saluted and said hello.

Da Ge squatted down to greet Fujin in a well-behaved manner, calling him "the mother of the mother", Fujin tried his best to look loving, but the stiffness on his face seemed a bit reluctant.

When Da Gege switched to calling Li Fang Fujin "Emiang", although he was still well-behaved and did not act like a baby, the intimacy between mother and daughter was completely different from when they faced Fujin just now.

"Er Niang, are you tired? Let's go back!"

Li Fang Fujin caressed her head affectionately, and smiled at Fujin: "Sister, I'm really tired, so I'll go back first!"

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