Concubine Cheng gave birth to a seventh elder brother with foot disease.

This news was already expected by Yunluo, and seeing that Yunluo did not move, Hongyu's eyes moved slightly and continued.

"It's just about anything else, but there are rumors in the previous dynasty that the reason why the seventh elder brother is like this is because the emperor angered the heavens, just in time for the previous dynasty, the White Lotus Sect is in full swing, and the seventh elder brother has no future just after birth.

Hongyu was massaging lightly and heavily, but Yunluo's face was not as pleasant as Hongyu imagined.

Even the eldest brother looked at Yunluo with a puzzled expression, you must know that in the days when Yunluo was confined, they had heard that this concubine was showing off her might, and even embarrassed Zhongcui Palace in various places in the imperial dining room.

"E-Niang, why don't you have any expression at all?"

Yinzhen actually wanted to say why his E-niang was unhappy and didn't feel relieved.

But when he looked at Yunluo, put down the teacup in his hand, and looked at him calmly with the gentleness of Xinghe in his eyes, he was rarely a little ashamed.

He didn't know why he looked at those eyes, and he subconsciously felt ashamed, feeling as if he had made a mistake.

The eldest brother's performance is cloudy in her eyes, in fact, she doesn't have a virgin heart for Cheng Concubine, but when she relaxes, her eyes are naturally free of sorrow and joy, and they can reflect everything in this world.

The eldest brother had a conscience and saw his despicable joy from Yunluo's eyes, so he felt ashamed.

Yunluo touched his forehead gently, and his tone was instructive.

"Seventh Brother is your half-brother, he was born with a bad life, he was born with a disability, but he didn't do anything wrong, you can dislike him, but you can't look down on him, hate him, and laugh at him because he is disabled. Maybe

it was because the

words were a little harsh, and Yinchu blushed in a rare way. How could he not know that he was already such a young man, how could he make fun of other people's shortcomings?

It's just that because Seventh Elder Brother's mother became a concubine and had a bad relationship with his own mother, he subconsciously turned his anger on the child.

"Eniang, I really didn't do it right, I shouldn't be like this, and I shouldn't implicate my younger brother. E-Niang has always taught me to be a capable gentleman, but I have prejudices and I am really not a gentleman. "

The pear blossom blooms for a short time, but the breeze blows a very complete and beautiful pear blossom and falls on Yinchu's head.

Yunluo picked it up with a smile, put it in the palm of his hand and handed it to Yinzhu, whose face was a little red.

"I am a good boy if I know my mistakes, you see that even the pear blossoms in our yard want to reward you.

When you go out in the future, you must take care of those weak brothers, you yourself are not valued compared to the children, do you also want your younger brothers to suffer what you have suffered


It's just that when Yunluo said this, Yinhe felt empathy. Because in his heart, he is a little pitiful little who has no father and hurts.

His father only had the crown prince in his heart, and the other sons were just courtiers.

"Erchen must remember that with me, the younger brothers will not make things difficult for those minions who step on the low and praise the high!" For

children, the best way to educate them is to let them take the initiative to become adults. You have to trust him like an adult, teach him, make him mature, let him grow up.

When there is responsibility in him, it is when he grows up to be more resilient and courageous.

Hearing his son's earnest assurance, Yunluo's eyes turned slightly red.

"My son, the heavens will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds, strain their muscles and bones, and starve their bodies and skins,...... The act is chaotic, so it is tempting to endure what people can't.

E-Niang knows that you are having a hard time now, and the people outside have long since become snobbery because of the loss of power of our mother and son.

When Ruby heard this, her massaging hand stopped. looked at the big brother in front of him seriously. In her heart, although her mother does not worry about eating and drinking in this courtyard, she uses the best good things in the world.

But being grounded by the emperor is to be wronged. Today, I went to the Internal Affairs Office to get something, and the slaves of the Internal Affairs Office gave me a share that was not as good as the once noble.

Hongyu looked at the mother and son like this, and had already made up her mind that she must teach some lessons to those who looked down on her master.

"E-Niang, don't worry, my son will definitely become a man who stands up to the sky, and he will not give up because of the difficulties and setbacks in front of him, as long as he can always follow E-Niang, his son is not afraid of anything!"

The words of the mother and son were not in vain, and these words had already come to Emperor Kangxi's desk that afternoon.

Kangxi is actually very concerned about Yunluo and the eldest brother.

These days, seeing that Yunluo refuses to give in, although he is angry in his heart, he is still worried about it after all.

So he let Liang Jiugong beside him develop the nails he left in Zhongcui Palace.

Speaking of this, I have to say that the reason why Kangxi was able to leave so many heirs in the harem was entirely because of his ability to control the harem.

Every concubine, every elder brother, actually has his people around him. Even if everyone in the harem knew that it was the emperor's nail, they didn't dare to move.

What's more, the emperor is the master of the Forbidden City, and many people don't know about the emperor's nails.

But he didn't know that everyone up and down in Yunluo Palace had been controlled by Yunluo.

As soon as the pill is made, it will naturally fall into the clouds, and they will say whatever they say.

So in fact, these days, Kangxi has been silently paying attention to the lives of Yunluo and Big Brother.

Although through the report of the minions, he also knew that there were many minions who made things difficult for Concubine Hui and the eldest brother.

But he just wanted to take the opportunity to let Yunluo have a long memory. By the way, she forced her to take the initiative to give in to herself.

But what he never expected was that half a year had passed, even if he wanted to use the New Year Pass to release people. But the rules he copied at the time. Yunluo didn't write a word.

If it was another concubine, I am afraid that she would have finished copying the punishment day and night. After all, the holy decree is very clear, and if it is not finished, this grounding will not be solved.

But what he didn't expect was that Yunluo didn't write a word. He was angry and angry, but he couldn't help but think about it after all.

It stands to reason that Kangxi should not be like this, after all, he is an aspiring and ideal monarch.

In addition, his harem is fat and thin, and there are countless women of various temperaments and styles.

But he is like a lost heart, the cloud falls in a short time, and the changes of a month make him relax and like it for a long time.

Half a year has passed, and although the throbbing has faded a lot, it still touches his heart.

He was waiting for his woman to give in to him. But he watched the clouds fall in the record and was chic and free.

Until today, Yunluo's words made Kangxi silent for a long time.

"It's time for the emperor to eat..."

Liang Jiugong saw that the hour was not early, hesitated, and still interrupted Kangxi's stunned.

He handed over the folds of the big and small matters of the Zhong Cui Palace today. I saw that my master was stunned there for a long time and didn't come back to his senses.

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