Could it be that the fat man puts more emphasis on sex than friends, and when he has a wife, he forgets her brother? !

But as far as she knows, Fatty is not such a person!

The little servant was very observant, and smiled with embarrassment: "Third young master, if you have any words, the little one can convey it on your behalf..."

Ling Luoyu lowered her eyes and smiled: " don't have to tell him, I've been here before!!"


The little servant murmured in response, and bowed to send Ling Luoyu away.

Ling Luoyu's thoughts were all on Feng Chenglin's body, and he walked into the Jude Teahouse absentmindedly.

The tea little er greeted you with a wide-eyed smile: "Third Master, the second master is waiting for you in the seventh private room upstairs..."

Ling Luoyu lowered her eyes in response, lifted her clothes and went upstairs, and pushed open the door of private room No. 7.

"Second uncle..."


A woman's scream came, causing Ling Luoyu to raise her eyes in shock.

A flamboyant woman was sorting out her clothes, and at a glance, it was half exposed.

And on the brocade couch behind her, a man lay there lazily, looking over with seductive eyes, calm and calm.

It seems that Ling Luoyu is a good thing to bump into the two.

At the moment, he put his hand on his forehead, covering his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I went to the wrong room... The two of you continue, continue..."

At the moment when the door was closed, Ling Luoyu couldn't help but look at the man curiously again.

His long hair was loose, hanging down on the brocade couch, and the water blue satin robe was casually pressed under him.

The complexion is fair and delicate, almost pale, with silver eyebrows like frost, black eyes like stars, and sexy thin lips under the peak of the nose, smudged with a faint rosy color.

Such a man has a sense of luxury all over his body.

As for the woman, she was pretty good looking, but she had a strong taste of butter powder. Even with the golden hairpin and the peony silk skirt, it was hard to hide her vulgarity.

How could such a fresh and refined man hook up with such a vulgar fan? !

The moment the door closed, the corners of the man's lips faded into a playful look.


The woman was still arranging her clothes in a panic: "I've been caught, what's the point?!"

"Shen Lian meditated, calm and calm, calm and calm! Interesting... Interesting!"

The man's fingertips hooked lightly, and his black eyes faded with a stream of light, wrapping around the woman's wrist.

"Everyone is gone, what are you wearing? Let's continue..."

Ling Luoyu took three steps back and looked up at Yajian.

number six.

She just lowered her head to think about Feng Chenglin's affairs, so she didn't look up to read the number, but pushed the door open, assuming that it was almost the same.

Walking towards Room 7 on the side, Ling Luoyu's eyes sank unconsciously and suddenly looked at Room 6.

"Did you make a mistake?! You don't even bring down the latch when you do things in the daytime?!"

Muttering, she pushed open the door and entered.

This time she was more cautious.

When he saw Ling Yunxi standing in front of the window with his hands behind his back, he opened the door wide.

"Second uncle..."

"Shh!" Ling Yunxi suddenly pursed his lips and greeted Ling Luoyu: "Yu'er, look at this..."

In the southwest corner of the teahouse, a group of beggars were gathered around, enjoying the sun.

"What's wrong?"

"They are not beggars!"

Ling Luoyu stared at it, and soon found the clue.

The naked and exposed places of these beggars are dirty and dark, but the underside of their necks, which are inadvertently exposed, are clean and white.

"I often walk in the capital, and I know beggars, big and small... but these people are unfamiliar!"

Ling Yunxi looked at Ling Luoyu and lowered his voice.

"Are they coming for us?!"

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