Princess Against the World

Chapter 493 An Embarrassing Move

"Sir Ling, you bully people too much!"

Amidst the roar, Liang Buhuan crazily rushed over with his profound energy, regardless of whether his own cultivation was his opponent.

"I fight with you!"

Ling Luoyu looked at him like an idiot: "..."

I really don't know where the governor's confidence comes from!

I have already suffered a dull loss just now, and I dare to come up to "fight" without thinking!

What qualifications do you have to fight? !

A cold light flashed sharply from his hand, beheading Ling Luoyu unexpectedly.

Sneering gradually, Ling Luoyu flipped his fingertips, and the soul blade pierced out of the air.


The weapons collided, and the cold light was instantly blown away.


Pierce obliquely into the wall on one side, three inches deep.

Liang Buhuan didn't even see Ling Luoyu's attack clearly, and the weapon in his hand disappeared in an instant.

The weapon was gone, but his moves did not slow down, and he still rushed in front of Ling Luoyu.


It's embarrassing! !

His original move was to pierce Ling Luoyu's throat with a weapon.

But now, the posture is still there, but the weapon is gone.

He pointed his wrist at Ling Luoyu's neck waggingly, and stopped there without embarrassment at a distance of one foot.

Looking from a distance, a man covered in dust and distress stretched out a hand, and persistently stretched it not far from the boy in white.

I know, I understand that he wants Ling Luoyu's life, but I don't know, I thought he was begging for money from the young master!

Her eyelashes drooped slightly, and Ling Luoyu glanced at his hand with watery eyes, and hooked her lips with an evil smile.

"Captain Liang, do you want to take off the weapon before posing?!"

Liang Buhuan: "..."

He's really embarrassing now!

Whether it is to withdraw the move or not, it is a shame to throw it home.

After being ridiculed by Ling Luoyu's evil smile, he suddenly jumped up and pinched her neck directly.

"Without a weapon, I will strangle you to death..."

This anger and arrogance are quite a bit like a fat man.

It's just that Ling Luoyu he met.

Turning around lightly, Ling Luoyu stooped and kicked.


Right in the face.


Amidst the screams, he staggered, then took two steps back abruptly, before barely stopping his feet.

As the saying goes, don't slap someone in the face when you hit someone, and don't expose your faults when you curse!

Regardless of what Liang Buhuan said, he was also a dignified governor.

Now being kicked in the face by someone, how can he swallow this breath.

"Dare to hit me in the face?! I'm going to kill you..."

Amidst the resounding slogan, Liang Buhuan's moves suddenly went full again, his profound energy burst out, and he seemed to be about to fight to the death.

Ling Luoyu stretched out her right hand in a leisurely manner: "Come on!"

Liang Buhuan's tricks this time were really strong, his right hand came with the power of the Xuanhuang, but his left hand suddenly hit a heavy blow, hitting the wall on one side.


Amidst the sound of the impact, the holed and fat gable collapsed.

Amidst the dust splashing, he suddenly flew up and rushed towards the hole.

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Cooperating with this guy's attack just now, it was actually repairing the plank road in the open, stealing Chen Cang in secret!

Obviously he was attacking him, but secretly he was preparing a retreat for himself.

It's really hard for him!

With Emperor Xuan versus God Xuan, Liang Buhuan would be a fool if he didn't leave!

Although it was very embarrassing to leave, it was much better than staying here and being abused!

As soon as his figure flashed out of the hole, the whistling sound behind him chased after him like a shadow.

He didn't even have to look back to know what it was.

Despair suddenly: "Again?!"

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