Princess Against the World

Chapter 361 Abnormal Rules

"Pluto? What is it!"

"The Underworld Girl is an organization, and there are all women in it, collectively known as the Underworld Girl! They cover their faces with black veils and wear black robes. If a man sees their true appearance, they must self-destruct their appearance, and then give the man's eyes to him." Dig it out! If you lose your virginity, kill the man first, and then apologize with death!"

Ling Luoyu gasped in pain: "Where are these perverted rules?!"

The key now is, what are these perverts doing here? !

Before he could make up his mind, he saw a group of people headed by Elder Wuxin flying towards him.

The surrounding disciples quickly avoided the sides and let them pass.

At the foot of the mountain, three women in black clothes and black robes stood tall. On the black veil covering their faces, a blood-red flower of the other shore was embroidered, and the charm of death revealed the determination of death.

Seeing Elder Wuxin, the leading woman flicked out a black post.

"Elder Wuxin, long time no see!"

The fluctuation of profound energy caused Ling Luoyu's eyelashes to tremble slightly.

Eight levels of mysterious gods! ! !

Elder Wuxin stretched out his palms slightly, and his profound energy flowed out continuously. He received the invitation from the woman in the void, his face as heavy as iron.

"Ming Baibing, what are you doing here?!"

The two streams of profound energy met, and there was a dull crashing sound with a "boom".

After the impact, the profound energy did not affect the surrounding people, but was deliberately controlled by the two of them within a certain range, secretly competing.

"In the name of my mistress, come to your underground world for a share!"

"Underground world?!" Elder Wuxin smiled coldly: "What? You are also planning for Tianshi?!"

There was a tacit understanding between the two, and they withdrew their profound energy at the same time.

Mingbai flicked the sleeves of the ice robe lightly, turned around and stood up, with a somewhat cold voice.

"Elder Wuxin, what my mistress means is that even though your Lun Dao academy is against the sky, you can't take the world into your pocket and grow up alone, so we, the underworld girl, want to pick up some bargains, as long as you leave out things. !Elder, please report back to Your Majesty, we only come here with ten people, as for how much we can get, it depends on our own good fortune!!"

Before Elder Wuxin could answer, she had already turned around and left with the people.

From this point of view, it seems that regardless of whether Lun Dao Academy agrees or not, they will participate.

Elder Wuxin looked down at the post and whispered instructions to the people around him.

"Send someone to follow them, find out where they live and other conditions before reporting back!"

Wu Yefeng was about to say something to Ling Luoyu, but found that she had disappeared like hell.

He couldn't help turning his head around, frowning slightly.

"These three young masters, why do they always come and go without a trace, talking like gods?!"

Ling Luoyu hid herself in the chaotic environment, and teleported to catch up with the three ghost girls.

This is the last fragment of the Black Cauldron, and it must be obtained recklessly.

As soon as the spiritual sense swept over the three of them, Ming Baibing stopped abruptly, and suddenly turned his head to look behind him.

The other two were instantly alert: "Auntie, what's wrong?"

Ming Baibing shook his head slightly, "I seem to feel that a divine consciousness is spying on us!"

The eighth level of the mysterious god is almost close to the state of observing the air, and his perception of the world is extraordinary.

A slight change in the air is enough to arouse her vigilance.

Ling Luoyu quickly withdrew her consciousness, not daring to startle her again.

Ming Baibing's voice was suspicious: "It's strange, why is it gone again??"

A black-clothed underworld girl suddenly said bitterly: "Auntie, you are sneaky, you must have no good intentions!"

Mingbai snorted coldly, turned around with his sleeves shaken.

"No matter what they do, we're not here to cause trouble anyway! As long as we keep our heads down and don't overdo it, Lun Dao Academy won't trouble us!"

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