Out of the corner of his eye, Feng Chenglin ran over with a fat body.

"Three young masters, you scared me to death! Why did you come here?"

"It's lively here, I've come here..." Ling Luoyu gestured with her lips: "Do you know the girl in the yellow dress?"

This kid loves beauty, and he knows everyone in the capital who has a bit of beauty.

Feng Chenglin squinted at him with contempt: "Ling San Shao, it's all so messed up, you still have a lustful look at the girl..."

Disdain returned to disdain, he still looked on tiptoe.

"She looks pretty, but I don't know him... It seems that she is the daughter of some family who doesn't go out much... San Shao, if you like it, I'll check it out for you..."

Fatty Feng said no one answered, and when he turned his head to look, he saw that Ling Luoyu had already walked away.

"Three young masters, you are sneaking away again...wait for me!"


The small door of the West Crossing Courtyard was closed, and a do not disturb sign was hung up.

When Shen Huang Lingyu took it out, she was stunned for a moment.

The feathers turned out to be white.

No, when her consciousness passed by, she clearly saw that it was colored.

Her mind moved slightly, and she looked at it with her divine sense.

Sure enough, the feathers are still colorful.

How is this going? !

Nothingness came out faintly: "What your consciousness saw is the colorful soul stone of Shen Huang Lingyu!"

Ling Luoyu crushed the feather shaft of Shenhuang Lingyu, and a colorful spar the size of a sesame rolled down his palm.

"Soul stone? Isn't it black?"

The piebald fox's soul stone is a small black stone.

"That's just an ordinary-level soul stone. It's different from it. When you refine it, you'll know the difference between the two!"

Sitting cross-legged, Ling Luoyu refined the colorful soul stones, absorbed spiritual power, and merged them into the chaotic primordial spirit.


Spiritual power is like a tide that bursts a dyke, madly using the primordial spirit of chaos, surging and intertwining, twisting and swallowing each other, until it turns into a gurgling golden stream.

The stream condensed and formed a vortex. The vortex was in progress, and a jade plaque slowly emerged.

"Chaos Second Heaven!"

The jade card spun out, turned into an aurora, shot into Ling Luoyu's mind, countless pictures flickered in it, and finally typed into a sentence.

Chaos double heaven, the divine eye is heavenly, and the yin is broken and the yang is recognized.


A door opening sounded behind Ling Luoyu.

She opened her eyes suddenly.

The mist that filled the sky in the chaotic secluded realm disappeared in an instant, and what appeared in front of her was a sunny world.

"Chaos Second Layer, the main thing is to exercise your divine sense. With your divine sense as your eyes, you can see a lot of things!"

Ling Luoyu frowned slightly: "When I was in the first layer of chaos... I can also use my divine sense to see things?!"

"It's not the same! Your previous consciousness was at most a pair of eyes, but the current consciousness is indeed a pair of perspective eyes, you can see the essence of things clearly!"

The figure of nothingness suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and it turned out to be a handsome and handsome little fresh meat.


"I am what your consciousness sees, it's just refracted into your eyes! The same is true for the mist here! In fact, they still exist, but your consciousness has automatically blocked them and showed you the best A scene."

Ling Luoyu suddenly realized: "I understand, if someone else came in at this time, what they saw was still a thick fog, but what I saw was the wind and the sun?!"


She couldn't help muttering: "Then this Chaos Second Layer doesn't have much effect! What's the use of seeing something?"

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