After finding the target, Shiraishi opened the mask and put away the main body. Then he took off the mask, pulled out a pair of sunglasses with large lenses, and put them on the bridge of his nose—this was the inspiration given to him by Jinping Matsuda.

He deliberately chose a style with a larger curvature and thicker temples, so that the side shielding effect is also very good. Of course, this is still not as good as a mask, but it looks much more normal than a mask, and the degree of suspicion is barely maintained within the normal range.

When he was ready, Shiraishi opened the door and got out of the car from the side that was leaning against a container. After walking a few steps, he remembered that he forgot one thing. He went back into the car and picked up the bag of fish he just bought.

As we all know, as long as Conan and Kidd are placed in the same scene, when Conan is in danger, Kidd will come to the rescue, and occasionally vice versa - this is one of Kidd's characteristics.

The second characteristic is that he is afraid of fish, and the fear of unknown reasons may be the same as the fear of heights.

Although this is not a big disadvantage, Kidd is really a super comparison, and it is rare to have flaws. It must be seized. As long as he can slow down his reaction, Shiraishi has room to manipulate props.

This is the same as throwing a pot of spider centipede southern cockroach on the opponent before the fight. The method is not very glorious, but the effect is amazing.

The party at the Suzuki family was attended by many celebrities. In addition, Kidd will also be present, reporters and fans are about to fill the port, and the scene is very chaotic.

Kuroba Kaito—that is, Kid, is hiding in a hidden place at the moment, preparing to disguise himself as Shirou Suzuki and mix with the cruise ship.

When changing clothes, he unintentionally swept into the crowd, and suddenly saw the little detective who confronted him the night before through the gap in the crowd.

This kid was impressive in every sense, thinking that when he stole the "Dark Star" today, he might have to face him again. Kidd subconsciously looked at him a few more times.

There are two people next to Conan, one is Suzuki Sonoko's best friend Maurilan, and the other middle-aged uncle is Maurilan's father.

Kidd had investigated this in advance - what he wanted to steal was from the Suzuki family, and Maurilan had a good relationship with Suzuki Sonoko, so he originally planned to change into Maurilan after boarding the ship, waiting for an opportunity.

Kidd looked at Conan and was looking forward to today's duel. By the way, he wanted to find an opportunity to ask the kid why he seemed to know him the night before.

At this time, he suddenly saw that while Maori Lan was tidying up Maori Kogoro's tie, a guy in sunglasses, who looked suspicious, passed by the three of them, and then picked up the little detective, grabbed him and left.

"..." Kidd stayed for a while, these days, someone is actually abducting and selling children? ?

His assistant Terai was covering him, but when he saw Kidd's expression was wrong, he immediately became serious: "Master, what's the matter?"

"There are traffickers." As a member of the protagonist group, Kidd, like Conan, will fight to the death to save even the criminals, let alone an innocent child of the good people.

With a serious face, he handed over the equipment used by Yi Rong to Terai, and changed it to Kidd's appearance again. Then he pressed the top hat, and flung his cloak: "I'll be back soon."

Conan was really startled when he was suddenly taken away from the queue.

But this time, he learned the essence, and instead of kicking people first, he turned his head and glanced up.

It was the black cat who caught the person, but this time, instead of wearing that weird mask, he replaced it with sunglasses.

...why arrest him again?

Conan thought for a while, thinking that he understood - what else could be the reason, he must be worried that after discovering the identity of his phantom thief, it would hinder his stealing.

After a moment of silence, Conan dared to protest: "I think we should fight fairly..."

"?" Shiraishi didn't know what he was talking nonsense about.

But at this time, Shiraishi's attention was not on Conan.

Although the famous detective had a big drive, he didn't use the force value. As long as he grabs his hands firmly, so that he has no chance to use those strange props, it is very safe on the whole.

Compared with Conan, Shiraishi is still more concerned about the Maori father and daughter. Although they can't kill anyone, being kicked and thrown is not a pleasant thing...

Relying on the long legs, the wind under Baishi's feet walked quickly, and he quickly passed through the crowd and approached the area where the container was located.

Looking back, Maori × 2 has been completely submerged in the crowd watching the excitement.

Shiraishi breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he had time to talk to Conan. He simply explained: "There is a puzzle that needs to be solved by you."

...Oh, it must be that "Dark Star" is hidden in a safe that needs to be solved in order to be opened. The black cat couldn't solve it, and Shiraishi fell asleep again.

Conan felt that he should stand firm: "I won't help you steal anything."

"??" Shiraishi gradually discovered that his and Conan's brain circuits were deviated and could not be connected.

Sounds like... the kid seems to have mistaken him for someone else?

Just thinking about it, a triangular shadow suddenly appeared on the ground and gradually enlarged.

Shiraishi glanced down at the shadow, turned Conan's hand down, and held the bag full of fish.

Conan looked up at the sky over Shiroishi's shoulder, then stared at the phantom thief swooping down with a glider on his back, stunned.

Kidd quickly caught up with the villain who robbed people in broad daylight.

The poker gun clicked and loaded and aimed at the foot of Shiraishi. Kidd smiled confidently, ready to use a smoke grenade to catch his opponent by surprise, save the child, and then bundle the gangster and send it to the police - today the port is short of everything, just No shortage of police.

However, as soon as they got close to a suitable distance, the other party suddenly raised his hand as if he had eyes on his back, and a shadow flew out of the black plastic bag, smashing his head and covering his face towards him.

Kidd subconsciously waved his cloak with a to block most of the "hidden weapons", but one fell into his arms by accident.

The fishy smell on the tip of the nose gave Kidd a bad premonition.

As soon as he lowered his head in shock, he saw a half-dead fish staring blankly, his tail twitched occasionally, and his mouth opened and closed in front of him - this on Kidd, the effect is probably the same as that of an ordinary person's collar. Almost stuffed a handful of millipedes.

Shiraishi threw away the wet plastic bag in Conan's inexplicable eyes, and was about to swing the wire again to pierce Kid's glider.

Unexpectedly, before he could make a move, Kidd reacted a lot and threw the fish to the ground. With this action, the paraglider behind him, which required precise operation, slanted for a while, and even the person with the umbrella kicked and fell. The other side of the container can't be seen.

"..." So useful?

Buy another bucket next time.

It's not quite as planned, but anyway, it works and everything is fine.

Shiraishi retracted the protruding claws, went around half the container and returned to the car, started a fire, and fled the scene calmly.

Conan sat on the co-pilot with his forehead propped, thought for two or three minutes with a serious expression, and re-ordered things from the day before yesterday to today.

Then finally, it was very embarrassing to find out... He seemed to have recognized the wrong person.

No, be confident, you have to get rid of "like".

Kidd's movements were smooth and natural just now, and he was definitely a real person, not to mention the black cat who was holding him - appearing at the same time, which meant that they could not be the same person.

...Fortunately, the night before yesterday, although he thought a lot in his heart, he only said one sentence in total, and it wasn't too embarrassing.

Conan decided to turn the matter over and pretend nothing happened.

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