President Shen Always Top Up Money

Chapter 111: Dawn of victory

Wu Fei stood idly in the crowd and watched the imagination.

Today, he finally understands what is called a nonsense.

At the moment when the noise occurred, many people went out to check on the situation. If someone left the balcony at this time, it would be as fast as 204 to kill 214 and then come back. It is indeed not easy to be found.

The initial sound was from 201. 201 tonight only lived in two groups, 201 and 414, respectively. When people ran to see the situation, 201 had been killed, 414 held a **** 10 card in his hand, claiming that the other party tried to kill himself, and he bought a double-edged sword, and counterattacked at a critical moment. The other planner was killed, but his contractor also died with the other party.

However, unlike Shen Xing, Shen Xing killed 320 and the **** card fell from the opponent. Many people have seen this, so 320 is a spade. There are not many planners left in the level. Judging from the situation, the number of people on both sides should still maintain a basic balance, but everyone is very important. One more person in the camp will have a winning chip. If you kill one of the spades to wash the identity of the other spade, you will lose the reward. Therefore, everyone still believes in Shen Xing's speech and identity.

But when everyone rushed to 414, the situation was basically settled, the contractors of 201 and 414 were dead, and no one could determine whether 201 was a spade, and whether the truth was the same as 414 said.

Now there is something wrong with the two houses. 404 Shen Xing and 414 planners are the only survivors of the two houses. But from the suspicion point of view, 414 planners are suspected to be much larger than Shen Xing.

In addition, 308 was almost killed. When the sound in room 201 sounded at that time, room 308 in room 202 was the first to open the door. Unexpectedly, he was killed at the moment of opening the door. The murder weapon was a A silver poison needle that was not easy to be found penetrated the heart of 308. Because 308 bought a protective cover for himself, he only retrieved his life.

However, from the monitoring point of view, the opening of 203 door was more than 202, and the door of 203 was opened after the attack of 308, and the talents inside came out. Prior to this, only the crew on board arrived. So the biggest suspect is the 216 and 402 of 202.

It's just that it's night. Someone can fish in the muddy water before killing the fish. After understanding the situation, everyone went to the house without further analysis and discussion. Shen Xing went back to Room 203, and 414 went to Room 202. The two rooms 201 and 204 were completely empty.

This night was all right. Until the next morning, when the planners walked out of the room with their contractors, they saw a **** **** 10 painted on the wall in the middle of rooms 203 and 202.

It was a death notice from a **** spade.

After careful examination, it was found that the pigment used in this death announcement was special. It was invisible to the naked eye under the light, and the red color appeared only under the sunlight. Special is special, but it is not rare. Bronze planners can buy it in the system store, and the price is not expensive.

Last night, because of what happened in rooms 201 and 204, many planners and contractors gathered in this corridor. From the monitoring, it can be seen that almost everyone has ever passed this wall, but because the wall is a dead end for monitoring, So from the monitoring, we can only see who has been here, but we can't see who reached out and painted this **** on the wall. The real blood-stained spades must have been calculated at this point before choosing this method, so that everyone has suspicions, but can not find the real blood-stained spades.

Still can only start from the murderer to analyze.

Everyone walked to the restaurant on the sixth floor and seated in the hall that was originally full. At this time, there were only 12 people and a cat, a total of 8 households. Because 315, 414 who died the contractor last night and 404 represented by Shen Xing are not contractors.

Seven people died last night, 214 killed by unknown persons, 320 killed by Shen Xing, 201 killed by 414, and 414 contractors killed by 201.

The main doubt in Room 204 is who jumped in from the balcony and killed 214 with 320. In Room 201, the doubt lies in the respective identities of 201 and 404.

Still the same theory, there are too few people left now, and there is no reason to disguise identity by killing people from the same camp. So the camps of 201 and 414 are almost certainly different. Now 414 claims that the dead 201 is a spade, but it is also possible that he is actually a spade, or one of them is a blood-stained **** belonging to the "third camp".

The dead 320 must be a spade, 214 should be other suits. Because the number of spades is less than other suits, if one is replaced by one, the situation is still favorable to other suits.

After clarifying the death of a **** last night, the other suits are also more confident. 301 proposes that, according to the current speculation, the two team planners in Room 201 obviously belong to different camps, since it is impossible to confirm which one is. The real spades, anyway, 201 is already dead, it is better to throw 414 to death, so that although there may be a loss of other suit allies, but they can ensure that they wiped out two spades.

According to the comprehensive analysis of the previous days, the total number of spades and blood-stained spades will not exceed four. After the elimination of two spades, the remaining spades plus blood-stained spades will be up to two. Pcs.

Even if 414 was voted to death, they still have 7 households left, tonight is 2 to 5. Suppose that the other suits suffered a big loss tonight, and they were killed. They will also be 2 to 3 when they vote tomorrow. As long as one true **** is dropped, there is one **** and three other suits to find out the true **** The chances of surrendering or even killing spades will be greater.

On the contrary, if you do not vote for 414, if 414 is really a spade, then the current situation becomes 3 to 8, if you die three other suits tonight, the ratio of spades to other suits becomes 3 to 2, black Peach won steadily in this level.

So regardless of whether 414 is a **** or not, in the case of uncertainty, it is safer to die.

216 and 402 are suspected of killing 308. Almost all people alive are suspected of killing 214. In the case where another definite **** cannot be found, it is indeed safest to cast 414.

No one has an objection. At this time, if you raise an objection, it is likely to make yourself suspect. Only the 402 contractor, the little girl who was late on the first day said: "I don’t oppose the analysis of 301, but I want to remind you that although 404 killed 320 as a spade, it cannot prove that he must belong to us. Other suit camps. In order to avoid the strength of spades, blood-stained spades also have an incentive to kill spades."

Of course, Shen Xing is not a **** spade. If he is a blood-stained spade, I will definitely receive news of his identity change. Wu Fei said in his heart, but there was no way to refute. Because he could not expose Shen Xing as his contractor.

Shen Xing nodded: "Your analysis makes sense, but I do have other suits. In fact, it is relatively simple to see if the blood-stained spades are out. The blood-stained spades are going to commit crimes every night, but I have many nights. There are obviously no hands-on conditions. As long as I am excluded from the **** spades, I can be sure that I am a clear other suit. I have no contractor protection, it is better to kill, and the privilege points are very good because I bought a double-edged sword. It’s easy to speculate that it’s not enough to buy a protective cover or a double-edged sword. Spades are likely to start with me tonight, and I’ll be with you as much as possible.”

He said this very sincerely, and Wu Fei was about to believe it. Others were more inclined to have other suits.

Wu Fei was a little hesitant. Now there are not many people in Spades. He is not sure whether 414 is a Spade, but the 301 just analyzed is more like other colors and a little like blood-stained Spades. Although he knew he couldn't decide anything, Wu Fei voted 301.

But sure enough, the last one was killed 414.

At the end of the meeting, there were only 216, 301, 308, 315, 402, 404, and 417 guests on board. Of course, Wu Fei understands that Shen Xing and himself actually belong to the same household.

Wu Fei's pressure suddenly became much greater.

He actually wondered what Shen Shen wanted to kill 320 last night. Everyone can analyze that after 201, 320, 414 died, the total number of spades and blood-stained spades should be no more than two. He is a spade, so there should be a **** spade.

That is to say, now he has come to a time when he is fighting alone and forming a camp by himself. The best strategy now is to continue to pretend to be other suits, find the **** spades and throw the other party to death, and at the same time use the hand of the **** spades to eliminate the other suits.

It seems that there are 7 households, but there are actually 6 households. This information is his biggest advantage. As long as he and the blood-stained spades kill another suit each other, there will be only left when they vote silently tomorrow. Four households-one spade, one **** spade, two other suits.

If he could find evidence to vote for the **** spades to die when he voted silently, only he and two other suits stayed overnight, and he won.

Of course, this is just the best scenario he envisioned, and the **** spades must have thought so. And there may be accidents he did not expect.

In the evening, all planners continued to be divided into two groups, almost killed, 308 who had bought a protective cover, 404 Shen Xing and 301, which also used up the privilege points and needed protection, there were 216, 402 and 402 who had tried to murder 318 suspects and no contract The Wu Fei and 315 were in a group.

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