Pope Behind the Scenes

Chapter 55: · Crowley

"Long story short, illegal entry into customs, robbing a Harley-Davidson store, injuring museum security personnel, taking away cultural relics by illegal means, sir, you have really made a big deal, and now I can only think about how to get you a mental health certificate. Just do it."

the lawyer said.

If Father Goldman hadn't spent a lot of money, he would never have acted as a lawyer for a lunatic like Van Helsing.

"Of course, even if you get a psychiatric certificate, you won't be released in a short time, you have to pay a lot of bail, and you will be detained for three to four months.

This is the best I can do. You should be glad that there are no casualties, or you will be locked in prison and say goodbye to your chrysanthemum. "

The lawyer rubbed his hands. Fan Helsing stared at the ceiling boredly. He said easily, "As long as I want to, I can't be locked here at all."

"In that case, you will face two years in prison!" The lawyer warned him.

"Also... a few people are coming to visit you. I never imagined that someone like you would have friends." The lawyer glanced at Fan Helsing before leaving.

Van Helsing rolled his eyes. If it was in his day, everything that was done today was very reasonable, and the police would never catch him.

He had long fled with the stone tablet in his hand, but who knew that the police's ability to act in this era would be so high.

"Are you crazy?" Su Ya, like an angry young lady with her hips on her hips, scolded Van Helsing loudly as soon as she walked in.

Fan Hai smiled hard, "The way you lose your temper reminds me of my mother, but more than 200 years have passed, and I have even forgotten where the other's grave is, maybe it is among the six million bones of the underground tomb in Paris. a member of."

Su Ya felt that she had never seen a **** like Van Helsing since she was a child...

"Stop it! The eldest lady of the Anderson family, now is not the time to blame my character, the key is to protect that stele!

And the angel ban on the outside of this stele has disappeared. Someone from the evil camp has already been eyeing it. That person should be the Russian with the devil trident. "

Su Ya's eyes widened, "The demon cultists have come to New York, and my grandfather told me that the Russian KGB men couldn't find each other's whereabouts at sea."

Van Helsing added, "Remember that Cassidian angel, did you feel that someone was using an evil magic circle to send something in the hotel? Obviously, the demon cultists took advantage of the loophole, and he risked his life to teleport directly from the sea. into this city.”

Su Ya shouted at him again loudly, "If you **** hadn't told Qiao how they organized the rune possessed by the angel, how could the angel's ban on the stele disappear and be targeted by the demon cultists."

Van Helsing begged for mercy, "Okay, all the faults are my fault, but for now you need to transfer that stele from this police station as soon as possible."

Su Ya pouted, then she thought of the warning she had seen before, and said to Van Helsing, "By the way, I saw some sights connecting the future two hours ago."

Su Ya brought the devil to the world and the seven pairs of scarlet eyes that appeared in the shadows of the space gaps in New York, and the terrible laughter.

Suya has already told her grandfather, the great priest Nozos, about this matter. Nozos is arranging for the priests in the Holy See to check some information in the ancient books.

Unless Nozos really can't find it, he will ask Pope Xiufien. After all, Nozos does not want to leave a clerical incompetent image in the eyes of His Majesty the Pope, and he has to ask him about everything. .

So Su Ya also hoped that Van Helsing, a man from two hundred years ago, might know.

Fan Helsing frowned, and he scolded in a low voice, "Can you not let me encounter such a troublesome thing as soon as I wake up."

"Do you know what kind of monster that is?"

"I can't remember it, but it must be a very terrifying and evil existence... There are seven pairs of eyes and seven terrifying laughter. Obviously, these are seven existences."

Su Ya was stunned for a moment, she retorted, "This is impossible... Although the seven deadly sins are recorded in the scriptures, the demonization of the seven deadly sins, that is, some demonology scholars in 1589 began to associate each crime with demons. Together, demons representing various crimes will lure those with the same crimes."

She went on to say, "And the demon scholars also believe that the demons of the seven crimes should have seven powerful demon commanders, that is, the seven demon kings!

However, among all the ancient books of the Holy See, the clergy did not agree with this statement, so the Seven Demon Kings were made up of unofficial folk history and were not recognized in the history of the Holy See. "

Fan Helsing scratched his hair, "Okay, little beauty, if it's not the Seven Devils, what are you telling me? I can't think of it!"

"Humph!" Su Ya snorted and went straight out. It seemed that Van Helsing didn't know much about this.

But what should I say, there is a certain reason for the existence of Unofficial History, is it true that there are seven great devils?

At the moment in the country of Genni on the other side, Nozos gathered a large number of bishops and high-level clergy in the Holy See based on Suya's prediction.

They plunged headlong into the library in the Holy See, trying their best to read through all the books to find out what the last terrifying existence was.

The seven demon kings in the unofficial history are within the scope of Nozos' consideration, but only when he finds the most accurate results can he go to ask His Majesty Pope Xiufien.

"I found it! I found it!" A gray-haired bishop was as excited as a child at the moment.

He found something similar to its description in an old yellowed book.

"It's recorded in the Yagu book...'Bakar', the tyrant of the abyss, Bakar!" The old bishop's loud voice attracted all the clergy in the library.

The Yagushu is an ancient book of Saint Itami that is two centuries later than the Zhenjing.

In the true scriptures, how the Lord created the world, the origin of man's creation, etc... All this has been recorded very clearly!

Including Satan's betrayal and fall, etc...

But Agu is a book that describes the beginning of hell, starting with Satan leading a third of the angels to fall into hell...

An ancient book on how to rule **** and become the master of hell.

The Devil's Bible read by demon cultists originated from the Book of Agu.

"Look at this... It is recorded in the Book of Yagu... The rebel forces led by Satan fought against the kingdom of heaven for seven days and seven nights, and finally fell into hell. There are also powerful existences in the abyss of hell, and the abyss tyrant Bakar is one of them. A most brutal existence.

He and Satan fought in **** for three days and three nights. The two of them fought against each other for three days and three nights. The demons in the abyss resented Satan and these outsiders!

Satan must also defeat the terrifying beings born from the abyss in order to gain a foothold in hell. The ancient demons born in the abyss are no later than the first batch of angels.

And after the abyss tyrant was defeated by Satan, he became Satan's adjutant. They worked together to rule hell. The abyss tyrant Bakar is a black dragon with seven heads and seven heads! "

The high priest Nozos held the yellowed ancient book in his hand, and there was a portrait of the abyss tyrant Bakar on it.

Seven huge dragon-shaped heads, because the demon bible believed by the cultists is mainly based on Satan and rebellious angels, and Bakar all took it with one stroke... So the believers don't have a high impression of Bakar.

"The adjutant of the king of hell." The hands of the great priest began to tremble slightly...

At the moment in the White House of the United States... The President, Donard, is preparing to take the presidential plane "Air Force One" to New York.

The other leaders of the sixteen countries one after another will also arrive in New York City tomorrow morning.

The President's car set off along the Martial Law Road in Pennsylvania, and a large number of Washington citizens protesting the "International Summit Against Heresy and Religion" have gathered on the periphery of the White House.

In fact, this situation is not only in Washington. Most of the more famous cities in the United States have held grand demonstrations to protest against the president's actions.

There are many believers in the United States, and they cannot allow the president to do such a thing.

There are even politicians and congressmen publicly accusing the president of such behavior is incorrect.

Religion itself represents a culture that transcends two thousand years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It should not be rejected as a cult by the president's wicked reasoning.

Many departments of the U.S. government are resolutely protesting against the president’s actions, and countries are suppressing them and promoting the apocalypse doomsday theory against religions.

The people can still understand it, but holding an international anti-cult religion summit is equivalent to a complete veto of the three religions.

Will all believers of the three religions become cultists in the future?

But in order to hold this summit, President Donard also signed a presidential decree.

This is the second presidential decree signed during his term.

The President and the heads of the sixteen nations have set off...in an abandoned building on the outskirts of New York.

In the evening, Joan let out a wailing with her last strength.

During the period when she was pregnant with the devil, it was like ten years of torture in hell.

Now the body and soul can finally be liberated, from a painful birth to a happy death.

Joan's belly was torn apart forcibly from the inside.

There was not a trace of blood flowing out, and her alone interior was like a shriveled lair.

The terrifying scarlet baby blinked his scarlet eyes and glanced outside, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As the son of an ancient demon, he has known too much IQ since he was born.

This is a kind of inheritance of blood.

"The great you are here!" Bonsolf rushed back from outside, and he happened to see this scene.

There was a pungent smell like sulfur in the air, accompanied by a fishy smell of blood.

Bonsolf heard the whispering voice of the other party with his own ears, and it didn't echo in his mind as before.

"Crowley!" The devil opened his mouth and whispered, "My name is Crowley!"

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