Pope Behind the Scenes

Chapter 30: ·eccentric

Nozos thought for a while and decided to meet with the Russian diplomats first.

In fact, Nozos's meeting with foreign diplomats is a kind of arrogance from the top to the bottom.

Even if he came in person as the country's foreign minister, Nozos could consider seeing him or not, and arrange a meeting with the chief cardinal.

As for ordinary diplomats, they can directly ask the high-level cardinals of the Holy See to meet, and the foreign affairs team of the Holy See is completely responsible.

But this time Nozos still decided to meet in person, especially at this juncture, the sudden visit of Russian diplomats made Nozos think of the reasons and ideas.

He did not think that the other party came directly to congratulate Xiufien on his succession.

"Mr. Nozos." The Russian diplomat immediately behaved respectfully after seeing Nozos coming in person.

These people who are engaged in diplomatic work are very well-mannered in etiquette and speech.

The other party then said, "Today we succeeded as Pope for His Majesty Xiufien, and we feel that this should be the most noteworthy day in the world."

Nozos's brows stretched slightly, his tone became relaxed, and his guard against the person in front of him relaxed a little.

"Please take a seat!" said Nozos.

"Shouldn't I come here alone to congratulate?" He decided to ask directly, there is not much time for Nozos to make arrangements today.

It won't waste too much time on Russian diplomats, so it's a good thing to save time for both of them to be direct.

"Congratulations are the main purpose, I apologize if I disturb you a little, and secondly, if you can put a little effort into contacting us with a puzzle,

We are deeply grateful. "

Nozos's smile was a little tight, "You have even arrested people in various dioceses in Russia! Today is the day of the Pope's succession.

But none of them came from the top of the Russian parish. They were all trapped by your government, like criminals! "

"We deeply regret that, after all, there are some clergy who have done some illegal things... Of course, we are only temporarily arrested to facilitate investigation.

Those who are innocent clergy will be released as soon as possible. "

The diplomat's way of communicating was tactful, but he did not say that the government would necessarily release all the clergy.

Nozos sank his shoulders slightly and put himself in a relaxed state. During the process of the Pope's succession ceremony, he had already personally participated in the miracle.

And the devout clergymen all over the world must have experienced the miracle just now, as long as their faith in their hearts is not loosened.

Then the Holy Master... and the current Pope, His Majesty Xiufien will definitely rescue them and give them a chance to the Holy Road.

This kind of thought made Nozos feel a sense of fearlessness.

"What do you want to know?"

"Do demons really exist in this world?"


Nozos's answer was unequivocal, and the diplomat's eyes flickered.

What he thought in his mind was 'This old man must see me as mentally ill. After all, the question I just asked was only asked by a lunatic diplomat.

And the object of the question was a top leader of the Holy See.

Even if Nozos answered yes...he is a cleric of the Holy See, he can only answer like this. ’

Nozos went on to say, "America...your mortal enemy, there was also a demonic incident in Hyessersu. Just the day before yesterday, more than a thousand people died. With the blessing of the Lord, accept these poor souls into the kingdom of heaven."

The diplomat stared blankly at Nozos doing a set of movements like a magic stick, his tone was full of sadness and pity.

He couldn't interrupt Nozos's play, and the other party was an elderly man.

He went on to ask, "The devil in the city of Hyessersou was eliminated by the Holy See. As far as I know, you sent two priests."

Nozos looked a little impatient, and his tone could show it. He said firmly, "Yes, you can find out about these, even if it happened in the United States, because they didn't cover it up."

Now Nozos does not understand what the purpose of Russia sending such a diplomat is.

What is the meaning of what the other party asked?

The diplomat smiled and then said, "So what if we could provide a piece of information about demons?"

"What?" Nozos was stunned for a while. What kind of a routine was this? He read countless people, and it didn't look like he was lying.

This made Nozos unable to calm down, and because of Xiufien, there were also some recent events and the miracle just now.

To keep Nozos from saying 'Are you fooling me an old man? ' That kind of thing.

If it was in the past, Nozos would have said this, but now, since the other party has sent a diplomat, it means that they have indeed discovered something that is out of the ordinary.

Relying on their handling methods, it is very troublesome, so they came to the Holy See and chose to ask for help, or did they know the details?

Thinking of this, Nozos asked slightly solemnly, "What happened? There must be a very subtle incident in your country, and it will not cause a stir, otherwise the outside world will definitely be aware of it, which shows that your government has given pressed down."

"Yes, in the south of Novosibirsk, there was an attack in a bar in Shebalino, and more than a dozen people died, although our external investigation results only said that one died, and it was a bar fight."

Nozos looked at him and told him to continue.

At the same time, Nozos also understood that such an attack would definitely not be caused by terrorists. Otherwise, the top Russian government would not be associated with events such as demons.

"The murderer is a fanatical believer of the 'Devil Truth Cult'!"

"Devil Truth?" Nozos thought about the name, feeling a little familiar.

Then he remembered that around 20 years ago, when the Soviet Union just disintegrated, such a cult indeed appeared in the south of Russia.

Influence and deceive those ignorant people.

At that time, in the process of eradicating that cult, the Holy See also participated in it, and they also wanted to wake up the ignorant people from the cult propaganda and brainwashing.

The aftermath work is carried out by various local churches.

The diplomat then told Nozos some of the process.

After learning the details, Nozos was stunned at first, and then reacted immediately, showing a state of poise in front of the diplomat.

As if what happened in Russia was nothing to the Holy See.

The priests sent by the Holy See can kill even real demons, and can directly expel nearly a hundred evil spirits. They still care about a cultist who believes in demons.

However, Nozos takes the matter mentioned by the diplomat very seriously, especially when the year of the apocalypse is approaching, a subtle extraordinary event can cause a cataclysmic chain reaction.

Just like the flame of a star on the dry grassland, it can ignite the flames that burn the plains.

But Nozos was not able to instruct the Russians on how to deal with the cultists. All he could think of was the holy emblem and holy water.

Although Xiufien proposed to open the Holy Road for the devout clergy, it would not be completed until three months later, when Xiufien underwent his first baptism after the Pope.

Nozos expressed his deep regret to the Russian diplomat for the dozen or so citizens who were killed, and assured him that if he caused troubles similar to those of Cardiff and Chiselsau.

And if the Russian government can't handle it, the Holy See will definitely help, but I also hope that the Russian government can reassess whether the arrested clerics really need to be held in police stations or prisons.

Afterwards, Nozos went to visit the British foreign secretary, who was in the same position as the British foreign minister. Because of the influence of the British royal family, some high-level bureaucrats in this country still maintained their ancient titles.

For example, the Minister of Transport has always been called the Minister of Transport in the eyes of the British.

The word minister contains many meanings, executives or people who need to be looked up to by ordinary people to climb.

But in the UK the term seems to be defined for ministerial officials.

When Nozos communicated with the British foreign secretary, the old man's face was filled with a spring breeze, like the comfort of bathing in warm river water.

The British government not only released all the clergy as agreed, but will also assist and support the activities of Xinguang Church in the UK.

After all, Xinguang Cult contributed the most in the Cardiff incident.

And the Prime Minister also personally visited Archbishop Richards of the Diocese of Wales...

Nozos's smile gradually faded, and seeing the three religions flourishing in the UK was something he was very happy to see as a great priest.

But why only Xinguang Cult?

The high priest would not take the initiative to ask the foreign minister in front of him. Obviously, the other party only conveyed this meaning on behalf of the British cabinet and the prime minister.

But don't these British people know that they are high priests who came from a holy bishop, and that they are the most from the holy bishops who have served as priests?

Although he was a little grumpy in his heart, the Grand Priest still couldn't show it. He fully praised the actions of the British government, and also said that the Holy Lord would definitely feel the piety of British citizens when the Year of Apocalypse came.

Bless that country.

"If it is convenient for you, the Prime Minister, Ms. Melesa, would like to have a phone call with you at nine o'clock in the evening." The other party continued, "At the same time, the Queen also entrusted me to bring a handwritten letter from her, which I hope the Grand Priest can pass on. to your Majesty."

The other party went on to say, "Actually, I should also visit Your Majesty and hand over this Queen's handwritten letter to him, but after all, today is an important day for the succession, and your Majesty must be very tired even thinking about it."

"Of course." The high priest took the letter, which was also printed with the gilt emblem of the British royal family.

Through a short exchange, the foreign secretary expressed that the British government wants to focus on supporting the activities of "Xinguang Religion" in the country.

It sounds that in the United Kingdom, both the Holy Bishop and the Holy Itami will be gradually crowded out by the diocese of Xinguang Cult.

This is really not good news for Nozos, who is partial to the Holy Bishop.

"There are still many things, I am getting older... So my energy is far less than that of young people, I can only use more time to do things... Sometimes I really want to give up my current position to young people.

But the position of Grand Priest has been established for life since the Pope designated the first Grand Priest as assistant, so unless I die...

But you also know that at my age, it's really uncertain when I will go to the arms of Saint Son Meda, so I have been cultivating the successor of this position, I hope he can do better than me.

When people get old, they will always feel greedy for the next generation, and they will be satisfied when they feel that the other party has done better than they are now.

So I only trust the people around me... Some people never had a chance, and when the position of a high priest appeared, they never had a chance. "

The high priest preached to the British Foreign Secretary before leaving, and the other party's pupils shrank. Obviously, this is a layer of meaning that Nozost intends to express.

Even if he dies, the position of the Grand Priest will be selected from one of the cardinals among the Holy Bishops, and it may also be the Holy Itami Cult, but the Xinguang Cult will definitely have no chance.

The previous high priests were selected from the match book between the Holy Itami Sect and the Holy Bishop.

The Xinguang Cult is just an important voter who influences the final election. Perhaps when the Grand Priest is finally elected, the Xinguang Cult can directly decide whether the candidate is from the Holy Itan Cult or the Holy Bishop.

But the most important value of Xinguang Sect is at that moment. When the Grand Priest is really elected, it is uncertain whether he will appreciate it... Anyway, the previous Grand Priests have always been partial.

After all, the position of people's strengths is biased, and no one's heart grows in the middle.

"You can stay in the country tonight, even if the country is not too big, but the Pope's succession tonight can be said to be a national celebration. Rarely will people experience a big day like today in their life!"

Nozos gave the foreign secretary a day to think about how the other party should reply after returning home, and the high priest was also waiting for the British Prime Minister Melesa's call at 9 o'clock in the evening.

At that time, Nozos will tell the other party how ill-considered it is to choose Xinguang Cult.

"Is this... too much interference with the three religions..." Brewster looked at his uncle, the high priest, and said in a low voice.

As an assistant to the Pope, the Grand Priest is the highest authority who manages the three religions impartially.

In the hearts of believers, it is a just and selfless existence, and there are thousands of people under one person, but today Nozos's approach is a bit extreme.

"Shut up! Don't you know what the heart of the Xinguang Sect's group is? Before that, they never recognized the existence of the Holy Lord, they just like to study the philosophy and history in the scriptures!

They just think that the Holy Lord is an image created by the founder of St. Itami to give the people of the ancients spiritual sustenance.

Among the three sects, the people of Xinguang Sect are all heretics, and they also call themselves holy scholars! "

Nozos was very angry at Brewster's opinion.

However, because of his achievements in hunting demons before, Brewster was promoted to become a fourth-rank auxiliary priest of the Holy See.

There are also some opportunities to participate in senior management.

To be precise, he belongs to a member of the quasi-high level.

Nozos also valued Brewster very much, and thought that after this time he was successful, Brewster must also be appreciated by His Majesty Xiufien.

Brewster will be the most promising young man in the Anderson family.

But the other side's point of view disappointed Nozus.

"You remembered to me that only our Holy Bishop is a believer who absolutely believes in the Holy Lord and obeys the Barrymuir family! And our Anderson family should have a purer faith."

Brewster swallowed his saliva, feeling that Nozos, who had experienced the miracle himself, was more frenzied.

Nozos felt that he had a chest of anger that had nowhere to vent at the moment. It happened that he liked to post on Twitter. The one at the White House in the United States became a very good vent for him.

The president sent more than a dozen tweets today~www.wuxiaspot.com~ accusing Suffion of succeeding the Pope and will become the youngest person in the Ballymuir family who is in charge of the spiritual butcher.

The other party was saying that Xiufien was a liar who inherited the family business.

But this angered believers around the world, and many believers commented and criticized under the president's Twitter, which made the president's Twitter more lively than ever.

Especially after the cities of Cardiff and Chiselsou were settled by the Holy See, the fanaticism of believers around the world has risen to a new level.

Among them, the personal response of the great priest Nozos was directed at the president.

Just when Nozos was editing an article on Twitter and wanted to scold the president without swearing, he suddenly received a notification that the Russian diplomat was eager to see him again.

This surprised Nozos, and at the same time met each other in person.

After seeing Nozos, the Russian diplomat said anxiously, "I'm sorry! The St. Alexander Nevsky Church in Novosibirsk was destroyed. It was the ghost of the cult, but the other party became two people.

We didn't know that the Holy See had sealed such an important and terrible thing in the St. Alexander Nevsky Church, otherwise we would have arranged for someone to protect the church.

There is absolutely no way to arrest the clergy inside, and now that thing has fallen into the hands of the cultists. "

Nozos listened in a fog, so did the Holy See seal something terrible in St. Alexander Nevsky Church? Is it another demon.

But fortunately, the Russian diplomat cleared his mind.

"They stole the 'Devil Trident' and caused a big disturbance in Novosibirsk!" The other party wiped his cold sweat. "We lost a lot when we were caught off guard. Just now, Prime Minister Dejeff personally asked me to Ask the Holy See for help as soon as possible."

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