Pope Behind the Scenes

Chapter 22: ·Sacred Ritual

"Dude, if you break the door, you have to pay..." The owner of Houndstooth bar stared at the man, the lights in the room were dim, and even after Bonsolf came in, few people could see this man clearly s face.

Mechiliev turned his head and narrowed his eyes. He reacted faster than the others, and asked, "Bonsolf?"

The air became quiet, and there was only the voice of the British female anchor on the TV in the bar, and there was a Russian translation below the TV monitor.

Bonsolff tilted his head and glanced in the direction of the TV, and the influence on it just played to the line of clergymen traveling in Randolph Cathedral.

"Who else is there besides me? I still remember that when you left in the afternoon, you said that if you want to find you, you will go to the Dogtooth Bar..."

Bonsolf sat next to Mechiliev. The owner of Houndstooth bar stared at this impolite guy. If this guy didn't order a drink, he would be kicked out by the bar owner.

"What? Is the ceremony over?" Another person in the bar said to Bon Solve's back with a playful tone.

Bonsorf stared coldly at the glass in Mechiliev's hand.

"Is this yours? I'll use it..."

"My glass is vodka, if you want to drink it, I can invite you..." Mechiliev's words were interrupted by the sound of the glass shattering in Bonsorf's hand.

Due to the excessive force on the wine glass that Bon Solve held in his hand, the glass wall of the wine glass had cracks like a thunder-shattered net.

He directly threw the wine glass to the person who was talking behind him.

The glass was flying very fast in the air, and when it was about to hit the opponent's face, the glass suddenly shattered because of the previous crack.

The sharp fragments of the wine glass, like several sharp-edged flying knives, were directly inserted into the face of the person who spoke in a playful tone just now.

Blood flowed out along the wound where the shards were inserted on his face, and the figure seemed to be wearing a red mask amid the screams.

The people around were stunned, but they quickly reacted to pick up the man in their hands, and at the same time pressed the opponent's arm, so as not to let the other party touch the wound on his face.

to avoid secondary damage.

"What are you doing?" Mechiliev asked in surprise.

The barkeeper pulled a double-barreled shotgun from the partition under his bar.

and aimed at Bonsolff's head.

"Get out! Get out! Come in later and I'll break your head."

The other party said unceremoniously that the people in the room even called the ambulance, they did not choose to call the police, but some people blocked the door. If Bonsolf did not give a reasonable explanation, then the people in their room would definitely teach him.

"Wait..." Mechilyev asked the bar owner to put down his gun temporarily, and he stared at Bonsorff.

But found that the other party's state was very abnormal.

"I'm so sorry... You guys left this afternoon. If you didn't, maybe you would get extraordinary power like me, and humble creatures could be transformed!"

Bonsolf stood up from his seat, and Mechiliev felt that the old man in front of him had really changed.

The other party's body is more burly, and there is a pungent smell of sulfur on his body.

What's even more surprising is that the other's eyes have also changed, and the other's pupils and whites have all turned black, just like the nothingness of a black hole.

Mechliyev thought of what he said just now, and immediately guessed, "You finished that ceremony alone? What happened after that?"

Bonsorff moved closer, Mechiliev could only keep backing away, and the others in the bar kept away from the lunatic in their eyes.

"What happened? It just made me understand a truth. I have done it many times before and why it didn't work. It was completely during the ceremony, and there were people with ungodly beliefs like you around me.

And my faith is devout enough, so I performed the ritual alone, and I got a response from God! This is a gift. "

Bonsolff was still approaching, and the bar owner couldn't bear to shoot at Bonsolff with his double-barreled gun.

The scorching bullet made a black hole in Bonsolff's clothes, and also left a muzzle on the opponent's body.

But that didn't work.

Not even a drop of blood came out.

The opponent's body was not affected in any way.

Bonsolff reached out to grab the bar owner, a huge suction force pulled the other's chubby body straight out, and Bonsolff grabbed the other's neck.

At this time, small holes like fish scales appeared on the palm of Bonsorf's palm, including the inside of his five fingers.

They are one by one, densely packed like Bon Solve's hands with many small mouths.

From every opening the size of a fish scale, slender granulation buds stick out, like a mouth opening and sticking out a long tongue.

Granulation can directly pierce the skin of the bar owner's fat neck.

Going deep into the flesh of the other party, Bon Solve grabbed the other party's neck with his powerful palm, so that the bar owner couldn't even make a cry for help.

In one to two seconds, Bonsorf let go of his palm, and the opponent's corpse fell from mid-air to the floor.

Bonsolff spread out his palm, which was full of fish scale-like openings and granulation protruding from it, like a granulation barb on his hand.

"Monster!" Someone said in panic, a few of them wanted to run out along the door, Bonsolff waved his arm, and the door that was about to be kicked down by him immediately closed tightly.

No matter how hard the people inside tried, they couldn't open it.

"Bangsorff, calm down, what are you doing? Let's believe in the Devil's Truth Religion? No problem." Mechilyev felt uneasy in his heart, he had clearly felt the premonition that something bad was about to happen.

Bonsolff's black eyes seemed to look at each other with contempt, "You gave up your beliefs, but I didn't, so I transformed and got rewarded."

"This is not a reward, nor is it a reward, it has turned you into a monster! My God! Holy Lord! Is the apocalypse really approaching?"

Hearing someone mention the word "Holy Lord" in Bonsolf, it immediately triggered the other party's madness.

Bonsolff's black eyes immediately filled with a ferocious red, a destructive scarlet.

His voice changed, as if he overlapped the channel of the demon in the abyss. Everyone who heard the other's syllables felt as if their ears had been chiseled with an awl.

"How dare you mention this name in front of me..."

Bon Solph chose to kill in the Dogtooth Bar. The people around him obviously didn't know why Bon Solph became so different from ordinary people, but he did gain a powerful strength like in a fairy tale.

Or more like in the movies.

"I'll give you ten seconds to shout! After ten seconds, there will be silence here!"

Bonsolff raised his hands high, the palms of both of his hands were full of small scaly slits, and dense granulation protruding from them.

The voltage in the Houndstooth bar was also unstable, and the scene in front of him was like a massacre by the demons of hell.

Mechiliev was the only living person who saw this scene with his own eyes. In his later remarks to the police, he explained that 'Bonsolf must have been bewitched or possessed by demons in the ritual of the Devil's Truth Religion. ! Although he has the memory of Bonsolf's body, his personality is distorted to the worst. ’

Seventeen people died in the Houndstooth bar, and Mechiliev was the only survivor. The reason he thought he was able to survive was that when Bonsolf was planning to kill him, he happened to hear Xin Xin on TV. The priests of the Light Church began to perform rituals to expel evil spirits.

The voices of 300 priests praying collectively through the TV made Bonsorf feel disgusted and disgusted, but he did not choose to destroy the TV and left there directly.

Mechilyev became the only survivor, but later police and people around him would not believe what he said...

But because of the two incidents in Cardiff and Hyssersou, the Russian Minister of Homeland Security had doubts.

In the Holy See, Xiufien is also closely watching the progress of Cardiff's expulsion of evil spirits, but at the same time, in his mind space, he wrote the follow-up of the Russian cult incident in the mysterious book.

When someone really followed the demon truth teaching ritual written by Xiufien on the mystery book, Xiufien was able to give back through a kind of consciousness of the mystery book.

Knowing the other party's name and the surrounding passages is like seeing a short film with his own eyes, and it won't take up too much of his time.

It would take at most ten seconds to pass through this scene in Xiufien's mind.

The script was written in the mystery book. When someone touches the script according to the events of the script, they will naturally become characters in the mystery book who can be written into the script.

Then, as the creator behind the scenes, Xiufien naturally needs to know the character he wrote.

Originally, when Bonsorf's hand, which was covered with scabs and granulation, was about to press on Mechiliev's face...

Mechilyev could even see with his own eyes the piece of granulation in the palm of the opponent's palm, like the long tongue of a hungry beast, and even saliva like blood plasma dripped down, he couldn't tell whether it was saliva or the blood of the murdered body.

But fortunately, Bonsorff still ran away... Mechiliev regarded his survival as a blessing from the Lord.

Looking up at the live broadcast on TV in Cardiff, England, the priests of the Xinguang Sect were holding a sacred ceremony.

The White Bay apartment building oozing blood is still terrifying under the camera, and priests conduct rituals around this building that has been polluted by evil spirits.

Everyone held the holy bag in their hands, and they knelt down reverently. Archbishop Richards and Bishop Kosze corresponded to the positions on both sides of the apartment door.

They were holding the holy emblem and the holy vase in their hands.

"Our Father in heaven, may all be holy in your name, may your kingdom come,

May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

All evils and evils are expelled by thunder at your will! "

They recited in unison, and the holy bag in each person's hand was warm, as if the contents inside were burning.

When 'all kinds of evil and evil, at your fingertips are expelled by thunder! ’ When the last word fell, the sky that was originally red in the evening suddenly passed a thunderstorm like a dragon.

Humans are unable to drive the mighty power of nature, only gods can do all this.

"Dust returns to ashes, dirt returns to dirt! Those who should leave should not stay!

Escape is ultimately the starting point, the will of the Lord must not be violated.

Light is the incarnation of the divine power of heaven, and will eventually detain all evildoers. "

After the end of the second prayer, the sky changed in the camera, and thunder flashed in the sky one after another.

The temperature of the holy bag in the priest's hand became higher.

There was even a bit of burning heat, but the priests still insisted on chanting and praying without distraction.

The sky was shuttled by thunder, like a broken mirror.

The originally dim sky in the evening was illuminated by lightning.

The scene in front of me is no longer something that can be explained by human beings with science.

Every time those thunderbolts hit the ground, they turned into long chains, directly tying an evil spirit back to the White Bay apartment.

There were a total of one hundred and seventy-three evil spirits, and one hundred and seventy-three thunders fell from the sky one after another.

Everyone was abruptly raced back to the White Bay apartment, and through the lens, you can see this scene like a god.

No matter how vicious and vicious it was in life, or how powerful and cruel the evil spirits became after death, they had no power to resist in the face of divine might.

After the last evil spirit was detained and returned to the White Bay Apartments, the building could be seen roaring through the camera.

The outer wall of the building oozes blood like a column of blood, and black smoke that cannot be seen by the human eye emerges from every window, as if fighting against the smell that falls from the sky.

Obviously, these evil spirits trapped in the building don't want to be simply restrained. They are more willing to let go of their instincts.

"Evil spirits... are resisting the will of the Holy Lord, or the will, or the divine power of the kingdom of heaven." The BBC female anchor could only explain in this way.

The priests began to say new prayers again.

"Burning out, a life of all evil, all evil and all sins.

The flame power of the earth will obey the will of the Lord.

This place is a prison where evil spirits are bound.

Waiting for the divine fire of the divine power to judge sins to come. "

Under the knees of every priest, a golden crack appeared on the ground.

It's like the surrounding land is cracked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Along the cracks, the surrounding areas are spliced ​​together to form a circle.

The ground fire spewed out along the gap, and these evil spirits could not survive the prison specially set up by the Holy Lord for them.

"In the holy name of Barry Muir, the son of God, the will of His Royal Highness Xiufien, the holy fire of the kingdom of heaven will burn the land of sin!"

Through the lens, a scene that the human eye cannot see, a golden fireball seems to fall from the sky.

Directly burned through the clouds and fell from the sky.

People took out their mobile phones to watch, because their eyes couldn't see such a shocking scene at all.

The building in the White Bay Apartments was burned with golden flames, and the evil spirits inside were howled and turned to ashes.

Under the holy fire, I couldn't even hold on for a second or two.

In the hearts of Koszhe and Richards, a bishop and an archbishop, they felt that something like an evil spirit could not compete with the divine power of the kingdom of heaven, and belonged to the scum who was killed in seconds.

The holy bags in the hands of the priests burned, and the ceremony ended. Some priests were still in a state of shock and even burned their hands.

"Military doctor! Military doctor! Go and heal the priests, be careful."

The officers of the two armies complimented them and joined Koszhe and Richards to support the two elders of the church.

The two of them looked at each other, full of helplessness, but wanted to laugh, but more firmly was their insistence on faith.

The people will always find a way to get over, regardless of the obstacles of the military and police.

"Bishop, bishop! Has the evil spirit been eliminated?"

"His Royal Highness Xiufien's order, we have fully followed, and that is the divine fire of the heavenly power, what kind of evil spirit can be immortal?"

Koszhe's rhetorical tone made the people around him feel at ease immediately.

This seems to be safe.

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