Police Detective

Chapter 1173 Underwear

How to tell if a person is mentally ill?

There is a set of effective medical methods for this, but to put it simply, everyone can distinguish it naturally.

Lin Qing's mother was indeed crazy. Bai Song did not dare to use Lin Qing's photos to stimulate her, but after careful communication, he was convinced of one thing: there must be something wrong with Lin Qing's father.

At this moment, Bai Song began to recall every word he exchanged with Lin Qing's father.

Wang Huadong pulled Bai Song's clothes at this time.

Bai Song looked at Lin Qing's mother's condition and felt that they could no longer communicate in depth. If the conversation continued, Lin Qing's mother would collapse again.

If Lin Qing's mother wants to be cured, she can only slowly follow her direction after learning the truth of the matter. In addition, she can take medicine to stabilize her hormones and gradually make her regain consciousness. This cannot be done in a short time. .

The two had no choice but to withdraw.

"Were you distracted at the last moment?" Wang Huadong said, "This work is really not done by humans. She kept looking at me, which made me furious."

"You have made her emotionally more stable, and we have basically gotten the information we want," Bai Song said.

"What information?" Wang Hua asked as he walked eastward.

At this time, everyone gathered around and hurriedly asked about the situation. Wang Huadong began to take off his disguise, and listened while tidying up, wanting to hear what Bai Song had to say.

"Lin Qing's mother was so influenced by her husband that she already thought she had killed the person. This was obviously brainwashing by Lin Qing's father. Nothing else is possible." Bai Song said, "If we don't find this person all the time, For the couple, it may not be long before Lin Qing’s mother will surrender.”

"So, there is something wrong with Lin Qing's father?" Everyone expressed doubts.

"Yes," Bai Song said, "I just carefully recalled what Lin Qing's father said, and found a big loophole. Hua Dong and Ouyang both said before that the scene of Lin Qing's death case had been processed, and The two men who entered the house also wore foot gloves. Lin Qing's father said that Lin Liang asked him to go to the house to see if he would wear foot gloves in this situation."

"Could it be that Lin Liang did some processing later?" Wang Liang asked.

"That's right!" Wang Huadong was halfway through unloading, and after listening to Bai Song's words: "I have forgotten such a simple thing. It was really impossible to stay up late last night. What kind of technology does this post-processing you mentioned, Wang Liang, have? Huh? I don’t have the ability to make every footprint look like it’s wearing shoe covers. Lin Qing’s father must be lying.”

"Furthermore," Bai Song said, "Lin Qing's mother is also a bit cowardly in character. Like Lin Qing herself, she seemed to express regret that Lin Qing did not dance ballet. I can draw reasonable suspicion that Lin Qing was a child when she was a child. In fact, ballet training is very hard, but her father feels that this thing has no future. He thinks that painting can at least be a teacher, and the paintings can be sold for money, but ballet can only be performed for others, and no one in the country likes to watch it. .So her father did not let his daughter dance ballet and asked her to learn painting from him, thus forcibly changing the trajectory of her daughter's life. This is why Lin Qing was so excited when she saw other children dancing abroad. "

"So, what role did Lin Qing's father play in this case?" Wang Liang felt like he was starting to have a headache.

"I am currently not sure of his relationship with Lin Qing's death case and Lin Liang's death case, but he must know that his daughter is dead, and I now suspect that he asked Lin Qing's mother to go to the scene and send Lin Qing's mother a message in Lin Qing's tone. He was the one." Bai Song said: "At that time, he thought that Lin Qing was not his daughter, and he was not too sad about Lin Qing's death, but what he hated most was definitely his wife, who he thought had cheated on him. Lin Qing’s mother’s current appearance is probably due to her husband.”

"Then Lin Qing's father doesn't know how to repent now?" Liu Shuyuan said: "If I were him, I would definitely want to die now."

"If he hadn't been given a sedative, he would have gone crazy," Bai Song said, "But we still can't think that he is telling the truth in this state. People are selfish. Although he is no longer excited after taking a sedative, it is possible that he will go crazy." He will survive calmly and want to take away all his responsibilities. Besides, the relationship between him and his wife is indeed at a freezing point. Even if his wife does not cuckold him, there will be no way for the two of them to survive. "

"If you say that, Lin Qing's father must know a lot of things." Wang Huadong said: "If he tells everything, this case will be solved."

"There must be another reason why he is unwilling to tell the final truth. Maybe he is afraid of death, maybe he is afraid of embarrassment?" Bai Song said: "We are still not sure about this point. Since I just analyzed it, in the name of Lin Qing, I will He may be the one who sent the message to Qing’s mother, so we have to find a way to find this phone.”

"How do you find this? He probably threw it away casually." Sun Jie said.

"Not necessarily. He doesn't necessarily dare to throw this thing away. It may be picked up wherever he throws it. After all, it is a mobile phone. Speaking of which, it is normal to just pick this thing up, right? Or smash it and bury it? Or throw it into the Yangtze River? "It's possible," Bai Song said.

"Is this easy to check?" Wang Liang frowned: "I can't find this video."

"Forget it," Bai Song said, "I have a plan. I want to know more about Lin Qing. Let's contact WeChat, Alipay and other companies to check Lin Qing's account. All of Lin Qing's information and Check out the situation. ”

"All of these are available," Wang Liang said, "The chat records have been restored by us long ago."

"Lifestyle habits," Bai Song said: "Taobao shopping, video watching software preferences, dining software dining preferences, etc., all are required. Not only Lin Qing's, but also other people's."

"Okay, it's not difficult, as long as you can see it." Wang Liang analyzed that these things seemed difficult now. He really couldn't imagine how Bai Song still had the energy to expand.

On behalf of the detachment, Wang Liang and others were very efficient in their work. In addition to the high authority of this case, the speed of data retrieval was very fast. Bai Song quickly obtained a lot of clues. He was not tired alone. Watching slowly in the office of the psychiatric hospital.

"With so much data, how do you look at it?" Wang Liang also rummaged around and felt like he had a headache.

"That's right, look at this," Wang Huadong said, "Lin Qing buys quite a lot of clothes."

"That's clothes, that's underwear," Wang Liang said, "Don't look at these, people are dead and you don't respect them."

"Wait a minute, I want to take a look." Bai Song suddenly discovered a problem: "Let me take a look at all the underwear."

"Do you still have this hobby?" Wang Liang said, summarizing the data and sending it to Bai Song.

"There is a problem here," Bai Song said, "Look, Lin Qing bought underwear in two time periods, and they had the same style. However, there were not so many underwear among the relics in her home. Underwear. Everyone’s item has a different model, so unless she threw it away after buying it, she must have lost her underwear, for example, it was stolen or taken away.”

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