Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 717 This grandson...

The Iron Arm Shrimp Gun is a jet-powered weapon made from the molted shrimp shells when the "Iron Arm Gun Shrimp" evolves into the "Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp".

The characteristic of the "Iron Arm Gun Shrimp" is [Super Launcher], and its physiological structure does have the characteristics of strong jet force.

The "Iron Arm Shrimp Gun" made of this material has small recoil and high power. It was very popular in the Quartz Alliance at the time. Many law enforcement officers, including the court Junsha, were equipped with it.

But now it has been eliminated due to various problems...

The bullet in the murdered lawyer's body was indeed Junsha's bullet, so he was extremely suspicious from the beginning.

At this time, Ms. Maiko, in cooperation with Junsha, used magical means to gather the last bit of consciousness of the murdered lawyer, and asked the murderer, and indeed testified against Junsha, who was also riding in the court!

However, in the end, the court judge was acquitted in court on the grounds that his "mental state was affected"...

"Huh? So... Granny Maiko's inquiry cannot be said to be wrong!" Conan discovered the problem after a cursory look.

Using "mental problems" to escape guilt, isn't this an indirect admission of guilt?

I just blamed it on "not being conscious at the time"...

"So... Ms. Maiko's matter is more about the Ministry of Magic's exclusion, and secondly about violating the isolation act. It is not a mistake at all." Eminem nodded with deep understanding.

As for the truth, Eminem actually doesn't know. After all, Eminem has never played "Ace Attorney". He only heard it from hearsay, and his familiarity with it is far less than that of Conan.

"But to be able to ask the deceased directly... isn't this too shameless?" Conan complained in a somewhat shocked tone.

"Speaking of which, there are quite a few restrictions. You don't have to worry about losing your job." Eminem comforted him.

Calculating this, this should be the unique secret skill of the Gaunt family. If Kuro Rido has descendants, he may be able to master it. Xiaolang doesn't know if he can do it - because... just like in the original work, Gaunt and Si Letling, his ancestor is Cosmos among the "Three Deathly Hallows Brothers", the first owner of the "Resurrection Stone" in the Deathly Hallows.

The power of [Resurrection Stone] is to make people see the "dead". Although it may be just an illusion, it is undoubtedly a power that can communicate with the spirits of the dead...

As a successor of this lineage, some of these abilities are normal.

Maiko inherited this power, and similarly... Maya, who inherited more blood than Eri, is also a magician who is more inclined to the [ghost system].

And there are many restrictions on its use, such as the deceased cannot stay dead for too long!

Eminem estimated that the previous attack on the courthouse was because wizards were suspected of committing the crime - after all, during that time, not long after Voldemort "died", it was the time when the Death Eaters had just been defeated and were running around.

It is not a coincidence that Maiko appears in Yuanzhu, but to cooperate with the investigation of this court attack case...

As for the "Elevator Shooting Case", it is just a derivative case of the "Court Attack Case". Logically speaking, after proving that there are no traces of magic here, Maiko should no longer be involved and just cooperate with the investigation of the attack case. Most of the other Aurors All will do this.

But what Maiko thought at the time was that with a little help, the real culprit could be brought to justice, and... the victim's lawyer died at that time, and the time limit was about to expire, so Maiko didn't have much chance to hesitate.

However, it was such a "reasonable" thing that made Maiko the target of public criticism.

"But it seems like the shooting in the elevator has nothing to do with Director Ahao..." Conan muttered.

"Are you feeling upset in your stomach? The food has been served."

Just as Conan muttered something, Long Yi came to the bathroom, seemingly to call them...

Conan quickly put away his cell phone - this matter had nothing to do with Long Yi no matter how he thought about it, and he also wanted to be a lawyer, so it was better not to tell him, lest he provoke the people in the inspection department.


"What are you talking about, Director Ahao?" Long Yi heard a little bit.

"Um...well...I heard..." Conan's little head was spinning rapidly, as if he was trying to make up a reason.

But there’s no need for him to make it up!

Long Yi himself laughed and said: "Are you talking about the rookie competition? Amu is really unlucky. It's okay that the draw was bad last time. This time..."

"Huh? Is Sakaki going to do anything this time? He's already a champion!" Eminem said in shock - how shameless is this guy?

"Huh? What does it have to do with Champion Sakaki? I mean... you don't know yet, right? Over in Johto, the seeded player that everyone is rumored to be, isn't it Director Ahao's grandson Ajiu?" Long Yi At this time, he looked at Eminem inexplicably.

"Ah Jing?" Eminem's expression was strange for a moment - Eminem also checked just now, this guy Zhan Mo Hao, his son is Zhan Mo You, his daughter is Zhan Mo Ming... and now his grandson is called Zhan Mo Jing? How much does he like this style?

His son is doing Junsha in Yuanzhu, his daughter is in other areas, and his grandson... Eminem also just heard that it sounds like he has just grown up this year and is about to participate in the rookie competition...

Then Long Yi became even more confused: "You don't know? What were you talking about just now?"

"Ahem, of course we know! I'm just surprised... Why do you think Ah Jong is my opponent? Let me tell you, even if Demon Hunter comes to draw lots in person this time, I will crush him!" Eminem said with his head held high. .

"But...I heard that this time Ajiu inherited the long-haired troll directly from his grandfather..." Long Yi looked a little worried for Amu.

"What's wrong with the hairy troll? I'm just here to help..." Amu said nonchalantly.

"Huh? I heard that was Director Ahao's previous ace! Although Director Ahao is not a professional trainer, the ace Pokémon is also very strong." Long Yi had come back from the Johto area before, and...compared to For Eminem, who was too confident to ask for information, he at least heard some gossip.

Eminem was still not too worried, but... asked in confusion: "The whole family is shameless?"

Bajir, after all, those Ibrahimovics grew up with him, and indeed grew up step by step with him...

Isn't it shameful to directly inherit Grandpa's trump card and come to the rookie competition?

Although if you can really command powerful Pokémon, it can indeed be regarded as an ability in itself, and it is not something that can be easily accomplished, but... generally speaking, people who want to lose face will not do this!

Otherwise, if Eminem went to borrow a Big King from Teacher Jumu, wouldn't he just break through the rookie competition?

Long Yi said a little sarcastically at this time: "It seems...I heard...it was because he heard that you were going to Johto to compete, so he did this. On the surface, he did it under the pretext of [can't let the Kanto people beat us] flag."

"What Kanto people? Don't you know I'm an orphan?" Eminem shouted.

"Of course, anyone with a discerning eye knows that he is just trying to make amends..." Long Yi comforted him upon seeing this.

"Hmph, I just despise him...what ace, this is it? This is it?" Eminem had actually been looking up information in the illustrated book.

At this time, Eminem also saw that the so-called ace was just a "hairy troll" that was pretty good at the Heavenly King level but far from the strength of the Great Heavenly King. After all, Demon Hunter was not a professional trainer.

Although the last time this "hairy troll" took action was ten years ago, considering its and Ahao's ages, Eminem thought it would be good not to regress.

Among ordinary newcomers, they are indeed killing each other, but when they meet Eminem...

Without the cooperation of other Pokémon of the same level, Eminem is guaranteed to kill him until only "Gaga" is left!

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