Pokémon World’s Male Mother

Chapter 713 Questioning

"Ms. Rita, it's time for you to explain the problem now, right?"

I saw Eminem talking, a ball of flame floating out of his palm, and leaning against the birdcage.

This "birdcage" is essentially the [Rock Blockade] used by Lao Ka. Although the effect exerted is far from full power, it is... enough to restrain Rita!

Her Pokémon form is "Cute Fly". Just looking at this form, you can tell that it is purely for voyeuristic purposes and has almost no combat effectiveness.

"Wait, wait! You can't do this..." Rita screamed.

But in this "birdcage", she can't even transform back into a human!

"Oh? Aren't you here to silence me? Is it normal for me to kill you now? And... it's just a cute fly. Although it is illegal to kill a Pokémon without any reason, but... this kind of thing can happen if you are not careful. , who can do anything?" Amu continued to threaten without caring.

"Quiet? No, no, no, I'm not a murderer, I just want to..." Rita said, turning into an indistinct murmur.

Well, she really didn't dare to kill anyone, but she was prepared to give Yingli a few "forget everything" if the situation went bad!

"Oh? Is that [forgetting everything]? I don't know this trick yet, so I can try it on you." Eminem started talking nonsense.

[Forgetting Nothing] is relatively difficult to practice among established magic.

Because in essence, it is the evolution of [Momentary Amnesia], and [Momentary Amnesia] among Pokémon skills is a skill that increases one's resistance to special attacks by emptying the brain and thickening mental power - -It is equivalent to "dispersing" one's own mental power around the body, making it impossible for special energy to harm...

But if you use it incorrectly, your concentration will be affected and it will look like dementia, so it is called [instant amnesia].

Of course, ancient wizards also developed this technique, but... human beings' mental strength cannot withstand such torture, and they are even prone to permanent "dementia" and "forgetfulness", so this technique was abandoned.

Until a dark wizard developed a way to apply this effect to others!

It becomes [all forgotten]...

Of course, for Eminem, learning magic mainly depends on Lao Ka's staff-making skills. It is impossible to practice by yourself. When there is time, Eminem would rather learn potion - this is the most profitable. change!

After all, Eminem's magic talent is only "somewhat", and her pharmacy qualifications are superior.

But Rita was obviously frightened by Eminem's viciousness, and had no doubt that Eminem dared to do this...

From the moment he and lawyer Yingli "trapped" her, Rita was convinced that these despicable guys had sinister intentions!

"I...then what do you want? I didn't kill your mother...I just reported it truthfully..." Rita said, looking at Yingli and defending herself.

When Yingli heard this, she was furious when Eminem stopped her - she was better at interrogating such people!

After all, a lawyer's conversational psychology is to face the person being defended, and to use sincerity and sincerity to make the other party calm down and relax, so that they are willing to tell the truth.

But for someone like Rita, this method cannot be used, and the relationship between the two parties is also different!

Rita, as a reporter, in addition to becoming a "cute fly" to spy on people, she also has strong emotional insight. If she is a little soft-hearted, she will find flaws.

"Huh? So...you are a journalist with a clear conscience?" Eminem asked pretending to be surprised.

"Of course! I am an ethical reporter!" Rita said immediately.

"That's such a pity. I originally wanted to ask you about the people behind the scenes and their dirty information. In this way, we can be regarded as people in the same boat... Since you are a good reporter, then just shut up." Eminem said regretfully.

As he spoke, he already put his hand towards the birdcage - of course, there was still fire floating on his hand.

At first, Rita thought Eminem was just scaring her and pretended to be calm without saying anything. However...

Then she felt a real burning sensation that penetrated deep into her soul!

Eminem's [Severe Fire Curse] burned over without reservation - Rita thought she could see it clearly, he didn't hesitate at all, or acted like "be careful with the fire, give her a chance to react", he was just careless. The ground is burning, and this attitude seems to be...burn to death, just burn to death!

Of course, Rita had seen before that the reason why Eminem and Yingli fished her out was not to kill her as "revenge", but to have a bigger goal...


Eminem has no mercy now, which is obviously true!

"Ah... cute..." Rita screamed.

During the Pokémon transformation, the Pokémon itself will also be affected by the Pokémon's body...

"Wait, wait! Help me! I told you everything you want to know...I told you..." Rita asked for help sharply.

Seeing this, Eminem stopped burning. Although the burning feeling was real,... Eminem was the "fire of compassion". If it really burned, it would only "exhaust her to death" instead of burning her. die.

But Rita was already timid at this time...

"You...are you sure you want to know? Haha, what will happen if you find out? That's not a little person like me..." After Rita calmed down at this time, she became a little provocative again.

Eminem didn't care about her and just took out his illustrated book and started taking pictures...

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. Miss Rita, let's talk about it. Who are the senior officials of the Galar Ministry of Magic and the senior officials of the Quartz Alliance Prosecutor's Office who colluded with you?" Eminem started recording directly.

"Are you crazy? You actually recorded it? If you are discovered..." Rita suddenly became crazy.

"Discovered? If you find it, you will find it. After all, I am a trainer of mythical beasts and an expert pharmacist." Eminem said nonchalantly, and then suddenly reacted: "Ah! You said you were discovered? Then you expect Don't get caught...and don't think about cheating on me by talking about other people. If I find something wrong, I will also release the video!"

"You... are such a devil!" Rita gritted her teeth.

The reason why Eminem recorded it was to let Rita "get on the pirate ship" - after that, she wanted to inform the "mastermind" that Eminem and Yingli were investigating his affairs, and they also had to think about it...she betrayed each other first !

"Well, since you must know, then I will tell you... I hope you won't regret it later!" Rita said fiercely.

"Of course... you won't believe it if I just tell you my name. I can indeed tell you some evidence, but... obviously what I have is not enough to shake their status. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here now. It’s okay, this is called propriety…”

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