Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 247, Indifferent Bad Frog

"Have you found out where he lives? Are there any traces of his movements?" Yuhai picked up the photo of the person who gave the money, looked at the unmasked face in the photo, and remembered it deeply in his heart.

The other party dared to stab him in the back, and he still had the leverage to fix the match. How could he let the other party live?

If he had been harmonious from the beginning to make money and everyone could get together and relax, he wouldn't have killed him.

The other party should definitely not, absolutely should not threaten him with a fake match, because the consequences will be serious...

"Take it," the old man took out a city map from his arms. There was a red line drawn on the map, extending from the elf center in the east of the city to the port in the southeast of the city, stopping in a certain residential building.

"It's a casino, not his residence. He stayed there the longest. Every day he lived a life between two points and one line from the casino to the market. He almost lived in the casino..."

"If you want to attack him, I suggest you lure him out or ambush him halfway. You cannot attack him in the casino. There are many thugs like him in the casino, including several of his subordinates."

"Thanks, old man," Yuhai put away the city map and had no intention of taking action now. The Quasi-God Mini Dragon would be auctioned on the underground black market tonight. The port must be in chaos, so he had better not join in the fun.

Even if you want to take action, you have to wait until the quasi-god's limelight has passed. Now is not a good time to take action.

After writing down all the information that the old man had investigated, Yuhai took out the Firestorm Monkey and the Leaf Stone that he got yesterday and asked the old man to estimate the price. If he thought it was suitable, he would recycle it to the old man, which also saved him the time of running to the black market.

Seeing the Leaf Stone and the Firestorm Monkey, the old man immediately remembered the stolen goods that his grandson asked him to handle. The grandson handed over the three elves, Eggy, Mosquito Frog, Dajia, and the Space Backpack to him.

The remaining props, Miracle Seed and Grass Gem, were kept for his own use. At the same time, the grandson also told him what happened yesterday.

He didn't expect that these two guys would take the risk of going to the black market at this time. He had to remind Xiaoying that he couldn't go to the black market tonight until the quasi-god's limelight passed, not to mention that there were still Rockets. Damn it, the black market will only become more chaotic.

Picking up the Leaf Stone and the Firestorm Monkey's Poké Ball, the old man looked at it carefully for a moment and gave an estimate: "Two million for the Firestorm Monkey and three million for the Leaf Stone. What do you think?"

"How about another five hundred thousand?" When Yuhai heard the old man's quotation, he felt that we could still discuss it. Anyway, this old fox would never lose money, so there was no need to worry.

"There's really nothing I can do against you. Here's 5.5 million," the old man smiled helplessly. Seeing that Ukai agreed to the deal, he took out six bundles of more than 9 million yuan on the coffee table and pushed them to Yukai. One bundle was worth 400,000. He also added ten small coins.

When Yuhai saw the small coin in front of him, he immediately put it into his space backpack. He was quite satisfied with the purchase price of the Water Stone and Firestorm Monkey.

After all, the price of an intermediate water stone in a department store is 3.5 million, and it will only be more expensive in the black market. Evolution stones and props are two extremes in the black market and department stores. On the black market, no one wants newbie props.

As for the leaf stone, it is more expensive than the water stone because of the evolution of grass elves, but it is not much more expensive.

The potential of the Firestorm Monkey is not very high. He is only in his early forties. Like Tian Da's Firestorm Monkey, it is weaker than Tian Da's Firestorm Monkey. It is acceptable to sell it for two million.

He knew that the old man could still make money, but it was hard to say how much.

Another harvest of 5.5 million, put together with the previous balance, the previous balance was: 7,227,000 (more than seven million)

Add in the 9.4 million and 5.5 million from the fake match, and the current balance is: 22,127,000 (more than 20 million)

He has become a rich man again. If he wants to cultivate powerful elves, financial support is indispensable. He will never think that small money is too much.

After collecting the money, his purpose of coming to the bar was over, and he was ready to say goodbye to the old man and leave the bar, returning to the villa to train the elves.

At this time, it's not even 12 noon, so we can't miss the afternoon training time.

"Xiaoying, I'm leaving. Do you want to go back together?" When Yuhai stood up, he asked Xiaoying if he would leave together.

"Brother Hai, I still want to chat with grandpa. I'll find you at the villa later." Xiaoying did not leave with Yu Hai. He still had the money from the loot.

"Okay, I'll go first," Yuhai left the private room and planned to go to the supermarket to buy ingredients. He finished the ingredients he bought last week this morning. If he doesn't buy some ingredients back, he won't have anything to eat at noon or evening.

After buying the ingredients for the two of them to eat for a week, he took the Big-billed Gull back to the villa.

After he left, Xiaoying held Grandpa's arm again and asked Grandpa how much he would charge for his own things.

"Haha, so that's what happened," the old man thought for a while and told his grandson: "Dandan and Dajia can still be sold for a high price, but two can only be sold for three million, and the mosquito-repellent frog is worthless and can be sold for five at most. One hundred thousand, for a backpack, several thousand yuan..."

"Okay, I'll take the money myself," Xiaoying looked at the money on the coffee table. There were four million left, which was enough for him to take.

"Didn't you also get a prop? You can keep that prop for yourself. If you want to change it later, you can sell it for two to three million." The old man knew that the trophy his grandson harvested last night also included a miracle seed.

"By the way, grandpa, is this really all you win in the fake match?" Xiaoying collected the money and looked at her grandpa with a suspicious look on her face. He knew that this old man was often dishonest.

"Of course," the old man felt a little uncomfortable when Xiaoying looked at him. He immediately raised his hand and patted her gently. Is he really that bad? Even his grandson doubted his integrity.

"He helped you tame the long-winged gulls, buy monkey monsters for you, and teach you how to train elves. It's just a few million dollars. How could I do anything..."

"Yes, yes, grandpa is the best," Xiaoying curled her lips, still remembering her grandpa's preaching just now. He still didn't believe in his grandpa's integrity.

"Grandpa, I conquered three more elves last night. There are not enough energy cubes to eat. Please help me buy more. Buy some for water, fighting, electric, and grass types..."

Xiaoying saw that her grandfather wanted to hit him again, so she hurriedly asked her grandfather to buy energy cubes. He quickly zipped up his backpack, took away the photo of the person who gave the money that Yuhai had not taken away from the coffee table, opened the door and ran away.

"The little bastard runs very fast," the old man's raised palm failed. When he saw his grandson disappeared in an instant, he couldn't help but laugh and curse.

After the grandson walked away, he sighed softly and asked someone to buy energy cubes.

Then the waitress pinched his legs, and he leisurely tasted the sweet tea and the grapes the waitress handed to his mouth. Life was so comfortable.

At the seaside villa in the west of the city, Yuhai returned here in a big-mouthed gull. Xiaoying also happened to take a taxi and arrived here. The two of them entered the villa almost in front of and behind.

As soon as he entered the villa, Yuhai prepared lunch for the elves. When he was preparing his own lunch, Xiaoying came back.

Xiaoying hurriedly rushed into the villa and came to the kitchen, telling Yu Hai about someone he met just now: "Brother Hai, I took a taxi to the villa and saw a person."

"Who?" Yuhai didn't understand Xiaoying's excitement. He just saw a person. As for being so excited, he didn't see Yuci.

He knows that Xiaoying is a fan of Yongji, and he admires Yongji who has never been defeated!

"It's this guy, Brother Hai," Xiaoying didn't notice the strange look in Yuhai's eyes. She took out the photo and pointed at the money-giver's subordinate, the casino's thug.

"Where did you meet him?" Yuhai saw the photo and remembered that the person in the photo was a sleazy man, and he was with the photo of the person who gave the money. He only took the photo of the person who gave the money, not the photo of the slutty man. photo.

Because this person is just a small character. After dealing with the money giver, they can deal with this guy again, or even not deal with him at all. He doesn't care about this small role.

Xiaoying suddenly took out this photo, which surprised him a little, how could Xiaoying meet this guy.

"Brother Hai, I met him here. On the way here by taxi, I saw this guy entering the beach villa. These people probably live here..."

"This way?" Yu Hai took the photo from Xiaoying's hand. After listening to Xiaoying's story, he guessed that the wretched man should have rented a villa here. Since the wretched man is the subordinate of the money giver, then the money giver should also In that villa.

This is interesting. Before he started the match-fixing, he knew that he was likely to be monitored. The old man also reminded them that the drunk man had the address of their villa and his residence had been exposed.

He had never thought about hiding the villa, but the person who sent the money lived here. He didn't expect that the other party would be watching him go home, so he happened to be on his way home.

It seems that we have to go to the other party's villa to find out, because the opportunity must not come back again. The fact that the slutty man is in the villa means that the casino there has closed down.

Even in the six battle arenas at the Elf Center, no one was playing or watching the game. Most of the passers-by went to the club to watch the game.

In addition, there will be huge changes in the black market tonight. The casino is above the black market. In order to avoid man-made disasters, the person in charge of the casino will definitely close for the night.

In other words, the wretched man and the money giver will spend one night in the safe house of the villa, which is a good opportunity for them to make a move.

The reason why the villa is said to be a safe house is because the old man didn't find the address of the villa. There must be no problem with security and privacy, and it can also take into account comfort. This is a very hidden safe house.

"Let's have lunch first, don't rush this," Yuhai put down the photo and continued to prepare lunch.

Even if you want to take action, it will be at night, and it is too early now.

"Okay," Xiaoying suppressed the excitement in her heart. When she thought that there should be action at night, she felt a little excited and began to like this exciting nightlife.

It doesn't matter whether he has money or not, what he wants most is to experience excitement, especially after being stabbed in the back by the person who gave him the money, this idea becomes even stronger.

They quickly made lunch. After having lunch together, they took a short lunch break and then started training in the afternoon.

As for the club league in the city, neither of them is interested in watching the game. The current games are just rookies pecking each other, which is basically nothing to watch.

Five days later, more than 10,000 contestants will go through a round of screening, more than 5,000 contestants will be eliminated, and they will enter the second round of preliminary rounds, and then there will be some interest in watching the competition.

Then in the remaining five days, more than 5,000 people will continue to be eliminated, and only the top 64 will enter the knockout rounds.

In other words, in the first five days of preliminary rounds, each person only needs to play once, and in the remaining five days of preliminary rounds, everyone has to play almost once every day.

The afternoon training soon came to evening. Yuhai spent the afternoon reading books on breeding bad frogs and then went to prepare dinner.

After reading Bad Frog's book all afternoon, he gained a lot. From the book, he learned that regular detoxification was effective in stabilizing the toxins in Bad Frog's body, and detoxification would not cause damage to Bad Frog's body.

The venom secreted from the fingertips of bad frogs can be made into medicines after being diluted, and is the raw material for medicines to relieve low back pain.

He also learned from the book that the Bad Frog is the mascot of a pharmaceutical company in the Sinnoh region and is widely loved by people.

It turned out that venom could be sold for money. This was the first time he knew about it, and he planned to try it later.

As the elves began to eat dinner, after Yuhai and Xiaoying had dinner, everyone had no training plans tonight, because the elves needed to be energetic for the upcoming night battle.

He and Xiaoying had nothing to do now. Xiaoying went to enlighten the monkey monster, and he released the bad frog from the elf ball.

He had prepared the bad frog's food, half a bowl of moo milk and fighting energy cubes.

"Bad Frog, are you feeling better? Are you hungry? Let me feed you something first..."

"Quack, quack," when the bad frog was released by the healing ball, he still had no strength and sat on the ground with his arms drooped, not wanting to move.

Bad Frog just looked at Yu Hai who released him, as well as the strange courtyard and strange elves in the villa, and knew that he had been sold again.

Before it was poisoned and unconscious, it thought it was a hallucination, but now it seems that it is not a hallucination. It is not angry or angry about being abandoned by its former trainer, and it has no expression at all.

You know, it almost poisoned its former trainer before, but it didn't expect that another trainer would buy it, which made it a little surprised. The surprise was more than the disappointment of being abandoned.

"Bad Frog, eat something first. Then you can follow me. Don't worry about the toxins on your body. I will cure you." Yuhai put on plastic gloves and gently touched the head of Bad Frog.

Then he picked up the energy cube and placed it next to the bad frog's mouth, signaling the bad frog to eat it.

The Bad Frog sniffed the energy cube which was very tempting to him. He looked up at Ukai who was feeding him. After seeing that Ukai was smiling all the time, he opened his mouth and bit the energy cube and started chewing it.

It didn't care about Yu Hai's behavior of wearing gloves. After all, its own skin was poisonous and it knew it.

The opponent wears gloves, no matter who is good for it, but it is also afraid of poisoning the new trainer again and selling it again.

It doesn't have any facial expressions when being fed by a new trainer. It has been sold to it too many times. It is also used to disguise itself with a blank face, and it doesn't put much emotion into the trainer.

Otherwise, you will be very disappointed in the future. No matter how much you expect now, you will be disappointed later. This is the way it has summed up after experiencing several disappointments to prevent itself from being sad.

Without expectations, there will be no disappointment. If it learns not to expect, not to devote enthusiasm, and not to invest emotions, it will not be disappointed after being abandoned, nor will it be angry, depressed, shed tears, or cry...

It has learned to control its emotions. It can also be said that its body and mind have long been numb. It is tired...

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