Plutocrats From the Gold Rush

Chapter 75: The Tempered Al

"How are you feeling?"

Inside the Rolls-Royce, Xie Jin's voice came, and Al and Valisa looked at each other, and they both saw the heartbeat in each other's eyes.

I have to say that this kind of company is only good for them, not bad, and it is very attractive and fits their ideas.

Only a fool would not.

"Of course, of course I agree, you damned, haven't you already calculated it?

Otherwise you wouldn't have called me over, would you? "

"Continue." Looking at the excited Al, Xie Jin was noncommittal, took out the red wine in the car refrigerator, found three crystal glasses, and handed them to the two.

"Bang!" There was a sound, and Al's voice followed.

"But I have one request."

After pouring wine for the two, Xie Jin didn't even move his face when he heard Al's voice.

It's short of writing "Where's your face" on the face.

At the same time, he turned his gaze to Valisa, who was aside, without speaking.

But obviously, Al Mingwu understood what he meant.

"Look who this is? What are you going to do?"

"I don't care, anyway, you need to agree to this condition, otherwise I won't give in to you and work for you!"

Seeing Al with a face of "I'm super brave", Xie Jin's mouth suddenly curled up inexplicably, and he laughed.


That's when I ask you a question, are you rich now? "

"...No." Facing Xie Jin's question, Al hesitated for a while, his momentum weakened a bit.

"Does the situation you are facing now allow you to be willful?"

Received Al's reply, Xie Jin nodded.

"It seems, probably... it's not allowed."


It seems that you are not stupid enough. "Looking at Al who hesitated, he finally answered with a stern face.

Xie Jin poured the wine well, and clinked glasses with the interested Valisa, making Al look up.

"Then you know all of this, you have no right or way to refuse me in your current situation.

Then why do this thing? Do you have to make a condition with me?

Is it because I feel like a bully to you? Or is it too hard to treat you as an outsider?

So much so that you have the illusion that I can be offered conditions by you at will? "

"..." Xie Jin's voice came, and Al fell into silence.

“Business is business, and relationships are just relationships.

If you expect to rely on the relationship between us to make profits that should not belong to you.

Then all I can say is, Al, maybe you should really think about it.

It is best not to have this kind of thinking in the future.

No business should do this, and everyone should benefit from each other.

Instead of wanting to rely on the relationship, and then squeeze the other party's interests to satisfy oneself.

what do you want? Let me guess, a car, right?

I can give it to you, but before that, you have to be sure.

Now, apart from your connections, are you really worth forty to fifty million?

Money is a small thing, the key is, do you think it's worth it? "

Seeing Xie Jin's tone of reason and the appearance of lecturing himself, Al's face darkened and twitched.

But indeed, as Xie Jin said, he hadn't changed his mind before.

I thought it was still the same state where the two of them were joking around, and almost committed a taboo.

However, in the face of Xie Jin's belittling and evaluation of him, it is not the mind and attitude of doing business.

Even saying that he is not worth forty to fifty million, that he is nothing but connections, proud Al, this is unbearable.

"Fake, just wait for me, I will prove it to you, apart from my connections, am I worth the forty to fifty million dollars!"

"Okay~" Seeing Al with a stiff face and head held high, Xie Jin shrugged and smiled.

You see, the young man is so provocative and deceitful, as soon as his wound is touched, he can't help himself and jump up immediately.

"Then everyone has a happy cooperation, clink glasses, and then sign this document."

The three wine glasses collided together and fell to the ground following Xie Jin's voice.

Al took the document handed over by Xie Jin angrily, and then his face twisted.

"...Ma Refak, you fucking gave me the papers.

In this document, what does the annual salary of 80 million and a customized supercar mean?

That is, you damn it, give me what is supposed to be given to me.

Then he taught me a lesson and gave me alms? ! ! Beat me up? "

Looking at Al, who was in a state of exasperation, and Valisa, who was full of smiles, Xie Jin shrugged.

"No, Al, don't get me wrong, my price tag is just an offer for your identity, absolutely nothing else.

But before you said what you said, I changed my decision.

So, now that car and that money are an offer of friendship between us.

You have to work hard, prove yourself, have that ability, and deserve to match this contract. "

"Then what's the difference between this damn and the original one?"

"Um, if you feel twisted.

It can also be considered that this document was temporarily re-edited and prepared by me? "

"Fuck, Fuck squid! Stan! You damn, I'm sorry for my friendship, and you're not worthy of my trust.

You are a bloody bastard! "

"What exactly are you trying to say?"

"I have to pay more!"

"..." Looking at Al, who had a dark face and was not ashamed at all, but made a request to himself with a straight face.

Xie Jin, who thought he had tricked the other party, twitched the corner of his mouth.

Shameless is indeed an extremely powerful life skill, the key is expert-level shamelessness.

Helpless sigh.

"Okay, I am convinced, and I have admitted your ability.

With this shameless ability, you, Al, are considered a big shot.

so be it. "

As Xie Jin said, he raised Erlang's legs, put down his wine glass, crossed his hands, and leaned back on the sofa.

"Your contract remains the same, but the treatment has been raised to be the same as that of Miss Valisa.

Is this okay? Al? "


Mare Fake, you damned! What did you mean by that? "

The unbelievable voice echoed in the compartment again.

"Your treatment has been raised to Miss Valisa's level, what's wrong? Is there any problem?

Are you a misogynistic guy?

Whoa, can't you, Al, be a misogynistic jerk? "

Xie Jin's joking voice echoed in the carriage, making Al's face full of anger.

"Fack! Valisa, don't listen to him, I didn't mean that."

Looking at Valisa who was frowning at him, Al first explained anxiously.

Then he immediately turned to look at someone angrily.

"Damn you!

I just want to know, why, why as a general manager.

My salary is actually lower than that of the assistant to the president, the third, fourth and fifth person in the company? "

"Because you are immature, you have too many problems, don't you?

I still hold your lifeline and give you this job opportunity to prove yourself, taking risks.

Do you think that these aspects are not cost and effort?

Moreover, you don't appreciate me, but blame the person who gave you the opportunity?

Like I said before isn't it?

It's business, business Al, don't bring emotion into it.

Look at you, here it is again, is this the attitude and expression you should show?

do i owe you Should I treat you like this, to persuade you?

Do you think you are? Really except for the identity of Sheffield and the heir of the Murphys family?

And not alone, Al Guy.

Want higher pay? Then go prove it to me.

Want to gain respect and talk to me on an equal footing?

These are all possible and very simple.

But before that, Al, you still have a lot to learn and prepare.

Just being proud and smart is not going to make you a big shot.

It is also impossible to win Miss Valisa's favor.

No one will give you so much time and opportunity.

This world is like this, do you think you can sit back and relax if you were born into this kind of family?

Do you think that if you are ready to take over the burden of the family, you can succeed?

Stop being funny, be more mature.

Don't keep being a rogue in front of me, okay? "

"I, what the hell am I..."

Seeing Xie Jin, who was smiling and saying important things, but with thorns in his words, Al wished to give this damned punch a few times.

It's so fucking hard to stay with this goddamn thing.

Damn, always thinking about all kinds of disgusting things, torturing and suppressing him.

But the key question is this, he's right, damn it! !

Damn it!


Under the setting sun, after inspecting the factory for a day, Valisa sat in her car, watching Xie Jin and Al leave, without returning to her senses for a long time.

"Miss, it's time to go home.

Actually, you don't have to do this.

Even the Sheffield and Murphys families, plus the mining tycoon.

It is also impossible for them to force the Costa family to make a choice.

Why are you saying yes to them? "

The voice of the little maid echoed in Valisa's ears in a trance.

There was an inexplicable smile on Valisa's face, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"You shouldn't ask, Sasha, and my father doesn't need to worry about me.

I am not a little girl, I understand what is going on in this world, and what I need and what I should do.

GM has declined, and the family has long been in decline.

We need the California Consortium, and the support and allies of Stan Mining.

And Al, that's the best choice, isn't it? "

"..." Valisa's voice came.

Suddenly, the maid beside her turned pale.

Infidelity, neither East nor West, is a bad thing to do.

Even if that person is your master's father, it won't work.

However, facing the maid's pale face, Valisa continued to look at the disappearing convoy as if she didn't see it, and whispered.

"I just hope that he can perform better and really show his abilities.

Also, don't act like it makes me feel disgusted with him.

If I can make me like him even a little bit, then I will be completely at ease. "

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