Shen Qingcheng and Lu Qi and his party entered the oasis after the sun set in the evening, and after confirming that the oasis was safe, they set up camp and prepared to spend the night.

At this time, their location is less than half an hour away by camel ride from the entrance of the ancient city. Considering that the time is late and the situation in the ancient city is not clear, everyone decided to rest for a night to adjust state again.

The evening was peaceful.

In the early morning of the next day, the players and Lu Haha packed up after breakfast and rode on camels and continued to move towards the ancient city.

After about twenty minutes, the camels stepped into the gate of the ancient city.

Shen Qingcheng, Lu Qi and others entered the buildings next to the two streets at will. The furniture inside was orderly and there was no trace of fighting.

Of course, they didn't see the body either.

Lu Haha sighed on the side, "I don't know what happened back then, the last time I came here it was still very lively, the sound of Buddha can be heard everywhere, and the monks on the street are everywhere. visible."

However, these are not seen now. It seems that all the people in the ancient city disappeared overnight, leaving this Buddhist country standing on the yellow sand silently buried by time.

Shen Qingcheng looked at the tallest pagoda in the city and asked, "What is that for?"

Lu Haha glanced at the place where he asked, "It seems to enshrine the relics of the entire Buddhist country, do you know the relics? Only the real monks who have attained the Tao can leave the relics after they are seated. There are monks who come to worship every day.”

"Since this pagoda is so important, the sacred book should be kept in this pagoda, right?" Su Rao supported the sun hat on her head.

Zhuang Lianyi frowned, "Could it have been taken away?"

The Buddhist monks seem to be evacuated in an organized manner, so there is no reason for the sacred book to not be taken away.

Lu Qi spoke, "Go ahead and confirm it."

The group continued to move towards the pagoda.

On the way, Lu Qi asked Lu Haha if there were many monks in the Buddhist country.

Lu Haha replied, more, at least 10,000 people.

Lu Qi asked again if a large number of monks poured into Haha City a few decades ago.

Lu Haha replied, No, there is only one monk who has come to Haha City for decades, and that is the teacher of the monk who stopped the road when he set off.

Lu Qi: "Haha, are there any other cities around the desert?"

Lu Haha shook his head, "No, Haha City is the nearest city outside the Haha Desert. If you want to leave the Haha Desert, you have to pass through Haha City or cross the entire desert area on the other side of the desert."

But the area of ​​the haha ​​desert is huge, it is impossible to cross the entire desert, because the materials that can be brought will be exhausted in the middle.

After the questioning, the camel just walked to the foot of the pagoda, and the group got off the camel and brought supplies that may be used.

Before entering the pagoda, Shen Qingcheng: "Lu Haha, are you waiting for us here or go in together?"

Lu Haha stepped forward to express his attitude, "Of course we will go in together, everyone will have the same blessings and the same difficulties."

So Shen Qingcheng nodded and asked him to pay attention to himself after entering, in the event of an emergency, he might not be able to take care of him.

Luhaha pats his chest to guarantee.

This pagoda has nine floors, and each floor is a neat shrine for relics.

On the ninth floor there is only one shrine.

"There's something in there!" Wu Meng bent over and observed the back from the gap in the Buddhist altar, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

I didn't expect that when the monks left, they didn't take the divine book with them?

Everyone entered the room on the ninth floor. The players gathered in front of the Buddhist altar. Lu Haha stood outside and looked for a while. Murals on the wall.

"It turned out to be the story of a **** and monk who passed away."

The first wall depicts a monk standing in the desert with a blank expression.

The second wall, the monks traveled for a long time in the desert and found an oasis before dying of thirst.

The third wall, there is a strange tower in the oasis, the monk entered the tower with the stomach that had not eaten after solving the problem of thirst.

The fourth wall, the monk opened a book...

"Eh, no more?"

Lu Haha turned around in a circle, wanting to see if he had missed the contents of the mural, but he saw that the door that should have been opened was closed.

He didn't think too much about it, thinking that one of the employers closed it, and muttered in his heart, the pagoda was closed for so long before they came, and the air was not circulating.

Then walked over to open the door.

He grabbed the door frame on both sides and pulled it in, only shaking off a pile of dust.

I pulled it harder, and the door still wouldn't move.

"This is embarrassing me!"

Lu Haha was on one side with the door, and on the other side, Lu Qi checked the shrine and determined that there was no mechanism on the shrine, so he easily opened the shrine.

It was a book, as they expected.

This book is very ordinary in appearance, without any pattern on the cover, only wrapped in a material similar to sheepskin.

Several people looked at each other, and Lu Qi opened the book.

"On the first day, God ordered the sandstorm to wait on the way."

There are only twelve simple characters on the entire first page, except for the word "sandstorm", they can't get other useful information.

Lu Qi then turned to the second page, the second page was an illustration occupying two pages.

The sandstorm is raging in the picture, and it can be seen that there are eight figures in the sandstorm struggling to survive.

The figures are looming, but the players know the identities of these people very well, because they have only buried it twice, and the people inside are themselves.

Lu Qi then turned down, and the third page of the book had ten fonts:

"On the second day, God punished with Lithops."

The entire large page that follows draws illustrations of seven players and Luhaha lying in a sea of ​​lithe flowers. The skins of the people in the figures are abnormally turquoise.

First sandstorm, then Lithops, this book records how they died!

But the sandstorm is no more than ten days away from now, and this book has been here for decades, what is going on?

Lu Qi didn't pause, then turned to the next page, but didn't want to flip another page without noticing, and turned directly to the illustration part.

The location in the picture is very familiar to them. It is the pagoda, the ninth floor of the pagoda standing under their feet.

Eight people who looked exactly like them fell to the ground unconsciously, and the divine book was casually spread out beside Lu Qi.

Everyone was shocked.

"Hey, let's see, why can't this door be opened suddenly?" Lu Haha said at the door.

Lu Qi opened it forward as if he had not heard it.

"On the third day, God took the wicked's breath away."

The moment the font appeared, everyone immediately felt breathless, as if an invisible hand was literally taking all the air out of their lungs.

Shen Qingcheng shook his dizzy head, this is not right, he is already dead and does not need to breathe, but why does he feel suffocated like everyone else?

Lu Qi held him in one hand, and with the other hand, he opened the content behind with difficulty. In the blurred vision, he seemed to see a blank drawing paper with lines being generated.

When Shen Qingcheng regained consciousness again, he returned to the street of Haha City, where he had just entered the dungeon.

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