Please Kill the Demon

Chapter 411: The Root of the Wall [Ask for a Monthly Ticket! 】

Wu'an City, City Lord's Mansion.

Perhaps the more dishonest people are, the easier it is to feel guilty. The city lord's mansion in Wu'an City is much more tightly guarded than the ordinary lord's mansion.

There are many high walls, layers of formations, and many warriors and practitioners standing guard in the open and in the dark. If you are not careful, you may be caught in a tight siege.

But Chu Liang and Jiang Yuebai still decided to investigate first, take a look at Su Wei's situation, and then discuss how to proceed. Although the City Lord's Mansion is dangerous, but with their current cultivation, they can break through.

"Hey." In the back alley outside the city lord's mansion, Chu Liang changed into a robe made of breath-retaining gauze, and handed out another one.

Ever since he discovered that the robe was useful for hiding whereabouts, he bought several more and stored them in the magical artifacts for later use.

Not only that, even the Yinyuan Pill, which has been lost in the alchemy formula, was found by him a few more, and he handed one to Jiang Yuebai at the moment: "If you have to take it later, remember to eat one."

These two things are really easy to use, the only disadvantage may be that the price is a bit expensive...

But it doesn't matter.

Jiang Yuebai gave him a strange look, probably saying, "Why are you so proficient?"

Chu Liang returned a look, probably saying: You are familiar with your hands.

Afterwards, the two of them didn't delay any longer, and flashed forward as soon as they moved.

There are many formations here, and simple techniques such as penetrating walls and escaping ground are difficult to take effect. If you fly over, you will be noticed at a glance.

Fortunately, both of them were proficient at shrinking the ground into inches, and with two rustling sounds, a pair of black shadows passed through.

Tang Song had been to the city lord's mansion before and was also a painter, so he directly drew a rough outline of the mansion's topography for the two of them to see, so they went straight to Su Wei's residence in the backyard without dragging their feet.

Jiang Yuebai led the way while hiding her whereabouts along the way. Her fairy body is extremely sensitive to aura, and she often detects it when she is still far away from the formations and magic tools.

Chu Liang followed her and guarded the surrounding area. Although it was the first time for the two of them to work together, they cooperated very well, as if they were old partners.

If the two top two Tianjiao in Shushan really put down their bodies to do the thing of slipping the door and picking the lock, it is really hard to guard against.

After a while, they came to a courtyard, close to the base of the wall, which was Su Wei's bedroom.

Jiang Yuebai glanced at Chu Liang, who nodded slightly.

According to their plan, as long as Su Wei was alone in the room, the two would sneak in, and Jiang Yuebai would cast light, light and shadow illusions on him to induce him to tell about the evil deeds he had done.

As long as it is confirmed that he killed the person, it will be easy to handle.

But before they could make a move, they listened carefully, and bursts of laughter came from the room first.

Su Wei was not alone in the room, and the two of them looked at each other again. They both lowered their bodies a little, squatted low at the base of the wall, and waited for a while.

The laughter inside became more and more clear.

"So Mr. Su likes this kind of tune? I really can't tell." The woman's voice was charming.

"Why, you don't like it?" The man's voice was low.

"I like it, I like it very much." The woman smiled: "But don't tie it too tightly, it will hurt."

"Just to make you hurt." The man laughed wickedly.

Suddenly there was a muffled hum.

Moans followed.

Jiang Yuebai: "?"

Chu Liang: "!"

Jiang Yuebai's brows gradually tightened, realizing that things were not simple.

Chu Liang's eyes flickered more and more, he really didn't expect to hit this moment.

It was too embarrassing.

It's as if my Tianjiao, the top two in Shushan, ran around in the middle of the night and heard that the wall was coming.

Both of them blushed a little.

Jiang Yuebai looked at Chu Liang with flustered eyes, and said via voice transmission: "Why don't we just rush in?"

Chu Liang signaled her to be calm with his eyes, and replied: "Wait a while, maybe we can just catch him."

Jiang Yuebai stared at Chu Liang, and then said via voice transmission: "Then when will we wait?"

Chu Liang gradually calmed down, "Listen to the voice, it won't take long."

Sure enough, this embarrassment only lasted for a short moment.

Hearing the man let out a long sigh, he fell silent afterward.

After a while, there was another slight sound, and the woman's voice sounded again, "Huh? Mr. Su, you... what are you doing? Oops!"

"He's going to commit murder!"

The two of them immediately realized that in a flash, they both entered the room in an instant!


In the room, it was a fierce scene at the moment.

A woman was tied and placed on a table, while a man on the side was holding a sharp knife, as if to disembowel her.

"Stop!" Chu Liang shouted in a low voice, and his attack was a rope to bind the demon.

That man was Su Wei, the son of the city lord. He was startled immediately, and immediately dodged the demon-binding rope, and wanted to open the door to escape!

This guy has a bit of martial arts cultivation!

Chu Liang caught up with him in one step, and smashed the gold brick on the back of his head, bang.

Su Wei cried out in pain and was knocked down by a brick.

A little bit, but not much.

He raised his hand again and tied him up with a demon-binding rope.

Behind him, Jiang Yuebai had already untied the woman, put on her clothes, and was comforting her.

The two performed their duties and cooperated tacitly, and the scene was settled in an instant.

But the moment Suwei fell to the ground, there was still a scream, and there were patrolling practitioners outside the courtyard, who immediately noticed the situation here.

Practitioners who have been in the City Lord's Mansion for a long time know a little about Su Wei's perverted behavior, so it is not surprising that there are some noises in it. But now that he is screaming, things are not right.

Immediately there was a spiritual probe over.

The scene in it was indeed very wrong, Su Wei usually tied up others, why did he become the young master and was tied up today?

Heaven is good for reincarnation?

Who is that pair of boys and girls standing there?

"There are thieves!"

With a loud shout, several figures rushed over immediately.

Chu Liang and Jiang Yuebai each picked up one, and they didn't hide it any more, they jumped into the sky with their swords and turned into two sword lights to escape.

Because Su Wei was with him, there were a lot of practitioners chasing after Chu Liang, and there was even a sixth-level warrior among them, who was extremely fast!

"You send that girl back first." Chu Liang yelled, then turned around and threw away many people.

But after parting ways with Jiang Yuebai, there were more and more practitioners behind him, and it was difficult for him to escape with only one person affecting the speed, even if he left the city, he might be caught up.

If he killed the person directly, it would be much more convenient to escape. However, once the matter is exposed, the Shushan disciples' unauthorized use of lynching will also greatly affect the image of Shushan, and the court will also put a lot of pressure on it.

So when Chu Liang turned in the direction, he came directly to the City Supervisor of Wu'an City.


The reason why I didn't go to the gate of the government office is because the officials there must also belong to the city lord, and there are not many practitioners among them, so it doesn't make much sense.

He kicked open the gate of the city supervisor, and shouted loudly: "Where is the city supervisor? This man kidnapped women, brutally tortured and killed him, and committed many crimes. I caught him on the spot! Special envoys came here to question the crime!"

Good morning.

The finger still hurts a little, although it is not so serious, but it has not been better. I will type less first, and try to raise them as much as possible.

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