Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 36 The Governor's Edge

The atmosphere of the conversation gradually became relaxed and pleasant, Governor Sheng even showed a rare smile.

Cheng Hexin finally let go of the tone in his heart, and when he was considering whether to go up and say a few words, he suddenly saw an off-road vehicle from the Governor's Mansion speeding towards him not far away.

Before the car came to a complete stop, Ling Huayue, the young Chief of Staff of the Governor's Mansion, jumped down from the top and quickly walked in front of the Governor.

"Governor, this is the telegram from Changshan County sent by Lei Renjie."

Sheng Huaixuan smiled and said, "What's wrong? Lin Wen didn't spend all his money and asked Lei Renjie to send me a telegram, right?"

Ling Huayue shook her head slightly, his handsome face looked particularly attractive under the moonlight, if it wasn't for the well-tailored male suit, many people would have regarded him as a peerless beauty.

"It's a civil uprising."

He spat out these words from his thin lips, and the atmosphere at the scene instantly dropped to freezing point.


Sheng Huaixuan's smile disappeared, and he began to read the telegram carefully. And the people around were anxiously scratching their heads, but they didn't dare to disturb the governor's reading.

Ling Huayue didn't have any intention of explaining, he stood there coldly, like a beauty sealed in ice.

Cheng Hexin has always hated his behavior, but there is nothing he can do about it. Now the three pillars of the Governor's Mansion besides the Governor, the Chief of Internal Affairs Mei Xingan, the Chief of Staff Ling Huayue, and the Director of the State Administration Nopes, all have a stable position over him.

When the governor is away on weekdays, these three people always make up their minds.

Now, two of the Big Three have arrived at the scene, standing beside the governor like right-hand men, let alone one of his chief secretaries.

Cheng Hexin even transferred this resentment to Lin Wen. He obviously helped him that day, drove the governor's special car, refuted that bald lady's face, and brought all the masters of ceremonies to support him, but that guy still didn't hold the situation down.

What a waste!

Cheng Hexin thought angrily, what a waste for the Governor to value him so much! It took so much effort to get him Jieduquan, but it didn't work at all.

Might as well replace me.

While thinking wildly, Sheng Huaixuan had finished reading the telegram, and a smile appeared on his solemn face.

"This boy is beyond my expectation."

Ling Huayue nodded: "He is very scheming, good at planning, and manipulating people's hearts. He didn't hesitate when it was time to strike, and he was ruthless and decisive. He is a ruthless character with a pure face and a dark heart. He must not be deceived by his pure and innocent appearance, otherwise he will die without a place to die. I have to be careful and guard against him in the future."

Mei Xinqian coughed after reading the telegram with the corners of his eyes slit next to the governor: "The courage is beyond imagination, there must be some support we don't know about. We must check carefully, there must be no hidden dangers around the governor."

Ling Huayue agreed: "That's right, the governor must be careful that he will betray the water in the future, this son is not a thing in the pool."

Cheng Hexin opened his mouth wide, feeling something split in his skull.

Sheng Huaixuan laughed and shook his head. These two people are good at everything, but they are too cautious and narrow-minded.

After watching Lin Wenping's chaotic process again, Sheng Huaixuan suddenly felt a surge of emotion.

This is what it feels like to be young.

He closed his eyes and carefully imagined the scene at that time, imagining what he would do if he was young standing there.

After a while, he opened his eyes, his spirits were high, and the spirit that had not been seen for many years rose from the swamp that had settled at the bottom of his soul, making the governor at this moment look ten years younger.

He smiled and said: "Don't do this, I will too, this kid is very good."

He pointed to the one on the telegram: "Except for these spies who I don't know how he found out, I will handle the others."

"Me too, I can do it."

Ling Huayue and Mei Xingan glanced at each other, and suddenly said in unison: "Master Governor! You are now the pillar of East Qinzhou! The beacon of hope for the empire!"

"The tens of thousands of people in the Governor's Palace behind you rely on you!"

"Hundreds of thousands of brothers who have fought side by side with you all rely on you!"

"On your shoulders, the 110 million people of East Qinzhou rely on you!"

"The new empire..."

"OK OK."

Sheng Huaixuan waved his hand in disappointment, as if trying to drive away the ordinary patience that surged up, disrupting the telegram.

"I know, you don't need to keep reminding me."

The strong, tenacious, and iron-like spiritual face returned to Sheng Huaixuan. He sighed inaudibly, and then said: "In short, this is a good thing, a very good thing. This is a big victory for us. This kid gave me the biggest surprise. Those jackals, dogs, leopards, monsters and sprites in the Empire headquarters and the Supreme Council, I am afraid that their lungs would have exploded at this moment, if they knew."

"The advantage that the floods gave them is gone, now it's our turn."

He pondered for a while and said.

"After you go back, draft a telegram of commendation for disaster relief, and publish this telegram on all newspaper offices in East Qinzhou at the same time, but don't mention the name of Changshan County."

"Contact Shengzhou and Nanzhou and tell them that I agree to the conditions. But there is an additional requirement, the theme of 'procedure is important or human life is important' must cover all media in their territory and last for at least one month."

"Notify Lei Renjie, let him tell Lin Wen, don't let any of the arrested spies be released, they will all be locked up in prison, and it won't work if anyone comes."

"And tell him that later, the Governor's Office will distribute part of the disaster funds, so that he doesn't have to worry."

In a very short period of time, Governor Sheng Huaixuan made countless subordinates one after another, from those who stabilized the victory to those who counterattacked and liquidated, they could almost be called watertight, and Mei Xingan and Ling Huayue could not find a single mistake.

The man is back again.

Both Mei Xingan and Ling Huayue were relieved in their hearts, but they didn't show anything on their faces, they just returned to their usual appearance.

Ling Huayue turned into the cold and noble Frost Princess again. While writing down all the subordinates, she added details in her mind and started assigning tasks.

Suddenly he thought of something again, and said, "My lord, after sending the telegram, Lei Renjie told me that Lin Wen's killing methods are clean and neat, and his control over muscles and strength has reached the extreme, even he is slightly inferior. Obviously, that kid must not be an ordinary practitioner. Let's go back and check his routes carefully, and we should be able to dig out a lot of information."

Sheng Huaixuan shook his head: "It doesn't matter, don't do unnecessary things."

Ling Huayue lowered her head and did not speak, but the look in his eyes showed that he did not give up.

Mei Xinqian looked at the last part of the telegram, suddenly smiled, coughed and said, "Xiao Sheng, my young master admires you so much, I have clearly remembered every glorious deed of your past."

Sheng Huaixuan remained expressionless, but shook his head slightly: "He's too impetuous, and his vision is too narrow, it's a good thing for him to see how big the world is, and to know a little bit about the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth."

Mei Xingan pointed to the extra part attached at the end of the telegram: "Look, they compare the young you with Lin Wen, and the young master is desperately defending you."

At this moment, Sheng Huaixuan has not wavered in any way. He took a look and commented: "It can't be compared like this. This kid is still immature, and he only saw the surface."

"Although I was not a big official at the time, I had a lot of real power, and Li Longxing, who was already the crown prince, was standing behind me."

"Lin Wen doesn't have any support. I don't give him any real support other than giving him the power to control. But what he is facing is not at all what he should fight at this level-my enemy turned to deal with him."

"He even sent Lei Renjie away, probably to show that he didn't want to stand in line so quickly and get involved in the strife of the upper echelon of the empire. But his behavior almost went all the way through the minefield of the empire."

"It can be said that he is very courageous, so big that I am a little puzzled. But he is not without courage, resourcefulness, and simple recklessness. It can be said that these few actions of his are contradictory."


Sheng Huaixuan showed another very rare, even a trace of nostalgia and sly smile.

"Isn't this the young man?"

Mei Xinqian coughed twice, and said with a smile: "As expected of Xiao Sheng, his thinking is much sharper than that useless old man like me."

Sheng Huaixuan smiled, suddenly remembered something, and added a few words.

"By the way, try to block the news of Changshan County. There must be no public reports. Prevent any reporters from entering Changshan County. All information about it is forbidden to be disseminated at the government level."

"Strictly check during this time, even if you can't stop all of Yu Zhongxian's spies and spies, it won't be so easy for them."

"Also, remember to ask Lei Renjie to tell Lin Wen that he must be careful at this time, be on the safe side, never do anything out of line, and don't make careless mistakes."

"They are suffering a disastrous defeat now. We must prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry and counterattacking desperately. When I finish the operation and their death is approaching, it doesn't matter if they let go and do it boldly."

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