Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Chapter 21 Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young


There are actually two people?

Lin Wen was taken aback for a moment, and immediately became ecstatic.

Earn blood!

I originally only wanted to find one, but it turned out that both the dragon and the phoenix were included in the account, and there were actually two masters at the same time in the small county town, so why worry about the world?

Hahaha, this broken spell finally made me feel good!

Lin Wen immediately shouted: "Mr. Zhao Ming!"

A gray-haired old man bowed and replied, "The subordinate is here."

Lin Wen took a look, isn't this the mayor of Huai Town? The one who shouted that there is no deputy mayor in Huai Town just now.

[Looking at Qi and Watching People] As soon as it was opened, for the first time, Lin Wen saw the classic example of the momentum map in the textbook.

Qianlong is in the abyss.

The pure white air has a turquoise luster, and the air is in the shape of a disc on the bottom, like a dragon falling into an abyss, and the clouds and mist on the air are transpiring, like a boulder pressing on the top. The overall light is not obvious, but it does not dissipate.

Move the boulder, the dragon soars to the sky, press down the boulder, the dragon crouches and dies.

The description under this example has a total of 9,400 words. Lin Wen only memorized these few sentences.

This luck is really unstoppable.

Could it be that my big chance is working now?

Lin Wenxi raised his eyebrows, isn't this equivalent to raising an SSR with a single draw?

"Well, you are Deputy Sheriff now. You have full authority to act on my behalf in my absence."

Appointments come too fast like a tornado.

The entire conference room suddenly fell silent, everyone stared blankly at the county chief and the gray-haired Zhao Minggong, their nimbler brains were already running at the speed of light, thinking about the relationship between them and the deep meaning of the appointment, and their duller brains were still thinking about what was going on.

And the one who feels the most incredible is Zhao Minggong, who has been the mayor for thirty-six years and has already given up.

Didn't expect it to bloom again in the evening?

He couldn't speak for a while, not sure if it was true or the sheriff's joke. The former deputy sheriff had been blowing the wind at least a year ago from the arrangement to the decision.

Now, one second or two?

Lin Wen said loudly: "All your affairs will be handled by Deputy County Chief Zhao Minggong!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Is this for real?

Is there such an appointment? Was this prepared a long time ago, or was it improvised? Is there any trick?

After a while, a voice whispered: "The appointment of the deputy sheriff must be voted by the councilors of the county hall and submitted to the governor's office for approval."

Lin Wen didn't want to repeat it anymore: "Fang Weiwei! Read the corresponding terms of Jieduquan to this idiot a hundred times!"

It was only then that everyone remembered that this was an extremely rare, even unprecedented in the empire, the first owner of Jiedu right in an inland stable area.

He has this power!

He can even mobilize the Imperial Army! No wonder Fang Dashan obeyed orders so much!

This is for real!

Everyone raised their heads in an instant, staring at Sheriff Lin with burning eyes.

Lin Wen said loudly: "Qin Luoshuang!"

Called twice, no one answered.

It does not appear to be an official in the conference room.

Lin Wen said loudly: "Who of you knows Qin Luoshuang?"

Everyone shook their heads when they looked at me and at you.

In the end, a staff member in charge of guarding the water dispenser whispered, "There is a new female colleague named Qin Luoshuang."

Lin Wen immediately said, "Go and bring her in for me."

A moment later, a young woman with disheveled hair, band-aids on her face, and very ordinary clothes was brought in.

Lin Wen frowned. There was nothing special about this woman. Her aura was like a goose egg.

"Your name is Qin Luoshuang?"

The woman replied in a low voice: "Yes, Mr. Sheriff."

Lin Wen hesitated a little, but this name is not like Zhang San, an outlaw lunatic, it is impossible to have the same name in such a small range.

But compared with the image of the crouching dragon just now, this phoenix chick seems a bit too inconspicuous.


Pang Tong was also so inconspicuous back then. He was sent to a small county by Lao Liu to be the county magistrate. After drinking for half a year, when Lao Liu was so angry and came to question him, he only pretended to be a force and finished the backlog of affairs in a day.

Isn't this just like me now?

Lin Wen's heart was moved, but he couldn't directly promote her as the deputy county chief. If Lao Liu promoted Pang Tong at the beginning, would there be any posturing?

Pointing at Zhao Minggong next to him, he said.

"You are his assistant now, and you will handle all the affairs of the county with him later."

This arrangement is perfect.

Lin Wen was very proud.

The key lies in that sentence, which is "processing together", not "assisting in processing". This is called misplaced competition.

The two are equally talented, so they must not be convinced by each other. When they compete for glory, won't this incident melt away?

a ha ha ha!

Zhao Minggong and Qin Luoshuang also recognized Lin Wen's specific words, and the expressions of the two were difficult to understand, and they couldn't believe it.

"I'm going to leave quickly. I won't cause extra problems and make my Daoist heart dust."

Lin Wen thought to himself, and quickly said: "The meeting is over, let's adjourn!" At the same time, he rushed out.

Because the movement was too fast, by the time everyone came back to their senses, he had already reached the door.

Zhao Minggong shouted: "County chief! Then there is no chief in Huai Town!"

Lin Wen replied: "You are also the mayor of Huai Town! You can decide such trivial matters by yourself, and you don't need to look for me."

Zhao Minggong wanted to say again that the county chief could no longer see his shadow.

Looking back, everyone present was staring at him.


Back at the sheriff's office, Lin Wen was going to study spells, but the defender Fang Dashan followed him.

Lin Wen had to use the Qiqiao Linglong Heart to chat with Fang Dashan for a while. I don't know why the effect of the Qiqiao Linglong Heart is surprisingly good this time. Fang Dashan quickly regarded the county chief as a confidant and a boss who can completely stud him, and swore unconditional allegiance on the spot.

After Fang Dashan was sent away, Ma Baojia, a senior security officer from the Security Section, came again uninvited.

This is the third person in the security department besides the section chief and deputy section chief, but in fact the power is very small, far inferior to the deputy section chief.

But both the section chief and the deputy section chief were involved in treason, and now he is the biggest one.

Lin Wen glanced at this person, he was more greedy for power and money, and there were black threads floating in his breath, accounting for about 5%.

Can barely use it.

Lin Wen asked him to temporarily take charge of all the daily work of the security department, to rectify order, and to send 50 security officers and security guards to wait for dispatch tomorrow.

Finally came the eunuch Xu Kangxing, no, the chief eunuch, which means the person from the Supervision Bureau. He is the veritable No. 3 figure in the Supervision Bureau, and his authority is much greater than that of the senior magistrate.

Lin Wen asked him to detain the conspirators, investigate and collect all the criminal evidence of the conspirators, and destroy their perjury for framing the wise and mighty sheriff. At the same time, he denied Xu Kangxing's request to hunt down the potential conspirators—just kidding, this is the real sword of Damocles, and a lot of bad luck will come if you are not careful.

After finishing this series of mundane affairs, Lin Wen studied spells for a while, and got a taste of the beauty of the world of cultivating immortals, and imagined how to use these spells to deal with powerful enemies in the world of cultivating immortals, so as to turn the tables and kill all directions.

Thinking of the depths, I can't help shaking my heart, fascinated, wishing to be reincarnated and cultivate immortals immediately.

But reason stopped him in time. He now knows that only by cultivating well in the physical world can the world of cultivating immortals start more smoothly, and these refreshing scenes will appear more and more frequently.

Although he could not be reincarnated immediately, the process of Shenwei's dream had baptized his spirit. The fine dust contaminated during the day was washed away, and the spiritual platform was once again clean and dust-free.

After another night of good sleep, my mood was restored, and I was full of vitality and energy again.

Yuanshen: 15%.

Extra recovery!

What surprised Lin Wen even more was that he inexplicably had more than ten points of good fortune than yesterday!

Lin Wen's first thought was: Has the good fortune to rebuild the homeland arrived?

But I soon realized that this was impossible. The engineering team hadn't returned yet, and the funds had just been counted, so it was impossible to arrive so soon.

Where did this come from?

Thinking back on what I did yesterday, it is impossible to suppress the riots. If there was, it would have been given earlier, and it would not have been delayed until so late.

Then, there is only one possibility left to promote the crouching dragon and phoenix chick.

Is it the good fate that Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Cub handle the chores too well for him?

Or is it because of appreciation that they were able to soar into the sky and display their ambitions? Or both?

Lin Wen is not clear yet, but it is definitely because of them, there is no doubt about it.

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