Players please close your eyes

Chapter 435 435 If you hesitate, you will lose.

Chapter 435 435. Hesitation will lead to defeat

Lin Ming picked up the revolver, pointed it at his temple, and pulled the trigger.

There was silence in the banquet hall.

No shots were fired.

Lin Ming's expression was solemn, and he slowly put down the revolver.

Suddenly, the paralyzed Bai Ying straightened her body, picked up the revolver without hesitation, and shot herself in the head.


The bullet penetrated her temple, causing blood to spatter.

At the same time, the colorful things flowed into Lin Ming's mouth and nose with illusory tentacles. His eyeballs twitched, and his whole person suddenly became younger. There was even a hair on his originally bald head. Layers of shaggy hair.

Apparently, Lin Ming had received the lifespan and soul that Bai Ying had given him as a price.

He stood up and watched indifferently as his men carried Bai Ying's body away and threw it outside the banquet hall.

"She worked hard, but unfortunately, luck was on my side."

Lin Ming said calmly.

Now there are only four people left in the venue, Sheriff Wang, Ge Sheng, Qiao Mu, and Lin Ming.

Sheriff Wang took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Among the remaining people, except for the unkillable Qiao Mu, Ge Sheng seemed to be easier to bully.

He could only hope that he could draw Ge Sheng.

"This table is no longer clean. Let's change it."

Lin Ming asked someone to bring out a new table and cover it with a white tablecloth.

The four of them took turns pulling chips out of the sack.

Qiao Mu volunteered first and took out a black chip.

Sheriff Wang was the second one. He reached into the bag and tried to grasp the color of the chips by touch. Anyway, as long as he didn't touch black, he would win.

Compared with real gambling, this is the time when it depends more on luck.

He took his hand back, opened his palm and saw that it was a red chip.

Slightly relieved.

Although it is still possible to draw Lin Ming, judging from the situation just now, although Lin Ming looks terrifying, he is still a mortal person. This Qiao Mu has no idea whether he will die or not. He is simply a monster!

If this bet really yields the elixir of life, then what is Qiao Mu doing here?

Then, Ge Sheng stretched out his hand towards the sack.

Since he only had two chips, he had no choice, so he took them out directly.

It's a black chip.

Sheriff Wang's heart skipped a beat, this meant that he was about to face Lin Ming!

Although he would have to fight Qiao Mu or Lin Ming if he wanted to win or survive, he still hoped to let the two brothers fight each other first, and maybe he could steal a handful of chickens. .

In order to show that he was not cheating, Lin Ming also took out the chips, which were indeed red.

After deciding on the grouping, Lin Ming motioned to Sheriff Wang to sit down.

Sheriff Wang's expression was solemn, and he sat down slowly.

At the same time, only in his field of vision, blue mist spread from his body, trying to wrap around Lin Ming's body.

This is his power.

However, when the blue mist surrounded Lin Ming, Sheriff Wang suddenly discovered one thing, that is, he could not control Lin Ming's body!

It was as if there was not a person sitting there, but a puppet.

But that is indeed a real person.

Become old and young, have soul and life span, this is indeed a person.

But why can't I control the other person?

Sheriff Wang's body trembled involuntarily when he thought of this.

His fingers trembled, feeling that the person sitting in front of him was a ghost in human skin.

"W-what are you..."

Sheriff Wang's voice was hoarse. Suddenly, all the blue mist penetrated into Lin Ming's body, trying to seize control, but there was nothing there!

"let us start."

Lin Ming seemed completely unaware of what Chief Wang was doing. He just turned the muzzle of the gun so that the revolver finally stopped on his side.

The corners of his chapped mouth turned up and he spoke casually.

But suddenly, it was as if something was holding his throat, making it difficult for him to make a sound.

Lin Ming's hand slowly reached for the revolver, picked up the pistol, and pointed the muzzle toward his head.


He himself seemed very surprised and didn't understand why his body acted like this.

Suddenly, he came back to his senses.

It's Bai Ying!

Because the price Bai Ying mentioned just now is to sacrifice his own soul, and he will definitely fire the next shot, so after obtaining Bai Ying's soul, Lin Ming must pay this price!

If this bullet hits, Lin Ming will suffer.

He squinted and stared at his right hand until he pulled the trigger with trembling fingers.


Fortunately, no bullet was fired and it was an empty magazine.

Lin Ming put down the revolver and breathed a sigh of relief.

But for a moment, he fell into deep thought again.

Although Baiying's layout is surprising, it also opens up new ideas.

To put it simply, the god in charge of gambling can control the bodies of participants to a certain extent.

If the consideration requires certain acts to be paid, then it will be enforced.

And this execution is based on the soul. Lin Ming can only be happy now that Bai Ying did not take this rule to the extreme. Otherwise, if she just said that the price she paid was not to skip every time she fired in the future, then Lin Ming would be Most likely he was shot and defeated.

After all, Bai Ying didn't risk everything at that time.

After all, if Bai Ying wins, then the price will really have to be realized, and she will most likely lose the next game because of it.

Realizing this, Lin Ming looked at Sheriff Wang opposite.

If Sheriff Wang also understands this matter, then he will indeed have a chance to win, and even if things go wrong, he can add a layer of shackles to Lin Ming.

Sheriff Wang suppressed the trembling of his fingers at this time. He quickly understood what had just happened, and the reminder Bai Ying left for the remaining people was of great significance.

He looked at Lin Ming, his mind running rapidly.

This time he fired, he would definitely jump over it, and every subsequent time he would make sure that he could pay enough to jump over, otherwise once Lin Ming took the initiative, the other party would sacrifice sixty people at will. Years of life, I can't stand it here.

Thinking of this, Chief Wang quickly had the answer.

He glanced at the bloody revolver.

"I-I'm skipping the shot at the cost of my soul and not skipping the shot next."

At this point, Sheriff Wang can only gamble.

He could only bet that Lin Ming would not accept his soul and play a real game of luck with him. He could only use this method to smooth the gap between the two.

As for Lin Ming, he couldn't really gamble his luck with Chief Wang by paying the bet, so he had no choice but to shoot.

If this shot hits, Lin Ming will naturally be defeated.

If the shot misses, Sheriff Wang's soul will come to Lin Ming's body, and Lin Ming will no longer be able to choose to skip shooting.

No matter what, it is a victory for Chief Wang who is already at rock bottom!

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