Players please close your eyes

Chapter 431 431 Innate Roulette Game Holy Body

Chapter 431 431. Innate Roulette Game Holy Body

"What did you say?"

Hong Rui felt unbelievable. The cheerful and positive guy in front of him even gave him a more dangerous feeling than the weird organizer.

"We are friends. If you die, I will pinch you, like Ah Xin did."

Qiao Mu said matter-of-factly.

If they were ordinary friends, it wouldn't be Qiao Mu's turn to use [Dark Ghost] to pull them up.

Only best friends, Qiao Mu, would create an identical person to live in their place after they die.

In Qiao Mu's words, "I want to give him a complete life."

By the way, this is Qiao Mu's twelfth-ranked line among "Lines that must be said in life".

"You're crazy."

Hong Rui looked at the illusory tentacles that had swallowed up Qiao Mu's brain. At this moment, he felt that the scene in front of him was like a dream.

He pinched himself to make sure this wasn't a nightmare.

On the side, other people who saw this scene also fell silent.

Bai Ying from Huangyilou covered her face with a fan, as if she was hiding her expression and seemed to be observing Qiao Mu.

Sheriff Wang wiped the sweat mixed with grease with a handkerchief, panic written all over his face.

Ge Sheng was very surprised, but he quickly took out his notebook and recorded something quickly.

As for the terrifying-looking organizer, he was looking at Qiao Mu thoughtfully without any emotion.

As for Wushan and Su Hong, they had already estimated Qiao Mu's action pattern, but in order to show that they didn't know each other, they showed more or less surprised expressions.

Tang Xiaomeng seemed to remember in a trance that she seemed to have seen such a scene in her dream. In the grand procession playing musical instruments, people in black gowns were using their ribs as suonas to play, and two children wrapped in bellybands Gongs and drums made of skulls were being beaten, and a festive atmosphere enveloped the entire team, as if a noble lady was about to get married.

But when they waited in front of the sedan chair carried by eight zombies and lifted the curtain, they saw the bride wearing a paper wedding dress inside, who actually had the face of Qiao Mu. Qiao Mu immediately grinned and started singing "Today" You want to marry me”.

Tang Xiaomeng suddenly woke up and looked towards the gambling table.

It was definitely impossible for Hong Rui to sacrifice his brain like Qiao Mu to skip shooting.

He had no choice but to shoot.

However, now, the probability of being shot has reached 1 in 4, which is already quite high considering that one bullet can kill someone.

What's more, according to Qiao Mu's gambling method, he might not die even if his head is hit by a bullet. There is no way to play this game!

As long as you meet Qiao Mu, you will be the king of heaven and I will die! ! !

Hong Rui's heart has already turned cold.

He pulled the trigger. Although he was not shot, the feeling was too uncomfortable.

It's like the God of Death has been waiting at your bedside, and when you take a bite of food, he will be beside you and say, "You still have thirty bites left to eat, so cherish it, oh, now you have twenty-nine bites left."

Tormenting the spirit.

In fact, Hongrui felt that he might be happier if he got shot quickly.


A lump of gray-pink stuff fell onto the gaming table and mixed with Qiao Mu's heart, which was chattering endlessly.

"Brother, why did you come here?"

Seeing this, Qiao Mu's heart sneered.

"It's a little disgusting."

Qiao Mu said in a voice that was about to spit out at any time.


Qiao Mu's heart sneered at this.

After all, Qiao Mu is a very sincere person, and he is always open to sharing his heart with others, so Qiao Mu is a player with a big heart.

"The punchline of the joke just now is that the metaphor of a big heart overlaps with the real physical size of a big heart, creating a double entendre."

Qiao Mu's navel couldn't help but start to explain the homophonic joke.

“I skipped shooting at the cost of my belly button.”

Qiao Mu immediately sacrificed his belly button, making him physically shut up.


Question marks appeared on Hong Rui's head.

He lowered his head and looked at his belly.

As for the belly button, it seems to be of no use, so why not sacrifice it?

He had some hope again.

It's like a drowning man finally sees a straw, even though he knows that this is in the middle of the sea, there may be nothing on the straw, and grabbing it is in vain.

"I also skipped shooting at the cost of my belly button."

Hongrui followed decisively.


The translucent tentacles reached into his abdomen and removed the navel directly.

Qiao Mu didn't know what the medical level of the old city was, but obviously, it didn't include what the belly button was used for.

Hong Rui's face suddenly turned livid. What he didn't expect was that after his navel was sacrificed, a hole actually opened in his abdomen. Although there was almost no bleeding because there were no burst blood vessels, through the hole, he could directly Seeing the internal organs that are constantly shrinking and expanding, I feel like an injured stray cat.

It was Qiao Mu's turn again.

"I skipped shooting at the expense of my own lungs!"

Qiao Mu spoke righteously, with the aura of the protagonist in an animation shouting "Must kill, ascend the dragon sword".

"Must kill, ascend the dragon sword!"

He actually shouted it.

"Where does this rank among the lines you must say in your life?"

Tang Xiaomeng couldn't help but think.


Qiao Mu didn't know if he heard Tang Xiaomeng's thoughts and replied.

Hong Rui's face had completely lost its color at this time.

He just felt a little stupid.

If you want to die, why are you still playing this game with Qiao Mu and even taking the bait and sacrificing your own belly button? This is completely unnecessary.

It's like a death row prisoner who originally only needed to take one bullet, but ended up making a bet before being executed and lost a leg and three fingers.

At this time, Hong Rui no longer even had the motivation to scold Qiao Mu for being vicious.

When a person is about to die, everything else becomes unimportant except the desire to live.

He picked up the revolver and raised it slowly.

At this time, Hong Rui was supposed to shoot himself in the head, but he sensed something. Suddenly, the gun turned and pointed at Qiao Mu's head.

With barely any hesitation, he fired.

The bullet shot out of the barrel of the gun and penetrated into Qiao Mu's eyebrows, leaving only a small bullet hole there. Then, it burst out from the back of Qiao Mu's head, which was empty, and dug a big hole.

Qiao Mu's movements suddenly froze, and his expression became dull and dazed, as if he had lost his soul.


Hong Rui didn't expect that he could really blow off Qiao Mu's head with one shot, and couldn't help but murmured.

At this time, a low murmur sounded.

"Ladu Sawu, Wusaya."

A melody that no one had ever heard flowed out of Qiao Mu's mouth. He slowly fell to the ground, as if he had lost his life. It was just that he was pretending to be dead while matching the BGM for himself, which made it difficult to keep his expression tight.

The picture stayed frozen for a while.

"Damn it, you should have just said, 'Give me a chance, I want to be a good person'!"

Qiao Mu suddenly jumped up.

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