Suddenly, there were footsteps not far away, and Harry quickly lay down.

A group of medical staff and teachers walked in, carrying a statue, all looking a little uneasy.

Hearing the discussion of the paramedics, Harry realized that a photographer had been petrified.

And the film in this person’s camera was also destroyed by magic.

Dumbledore’s face was solemn, and he realized that this incident was probably very serious.

Soon, after Harry recovered, the three little ones reunited in the women’s bathroom.

Because the women’s restroom is haunted, other students generally don’t come here.

The ghost’s name is Myrtle, and he is a little neurotic little talker.

For the safety of students, the school has established a duel club to train students to protect themselves with magic.

Harry and Malfoy were named to take the stage to face off.

The two of you come and go on stage, regardless of victory or defeat.

In the end, Malfoy summoned a viper, but the viper lost control and actually attacked the other students.

Harry quickly spoke the snake language, and the viper stopped attacking.

A few days later, after Harry left the hallway, he heard the strange sound again.

He followed the sound and found that Sir’s ghost had been taken out and a student had been petrified.

A large number of small spiders appeared on the ground, crawling towards the window.

With the sound of footsteps, Professor McGonagall also rushed over.

Harry quickly explained that he did not do it, and Professor McGonagall said that she could not handle this kind of thing, so she took Harry to see Dumbledore.

Shinichi Kudo: “I suddenly had an idea. ”

Shinichi Kudo: “The reason only Harry hears that voice.” ”

Kudo Shinichi: “Could it be because the creature that speaks is a snake?” ”

Yamaji: “Although it sounds. ”

Yamaji: “But there doesn’t seem to be any other explanation. ”

Sanji: “The monster in that secret room is probably a giant snake.” ”

Ash: “So it’s all connected.” ”

Ash: “The reason why it calls Harry is to open the Chamber of Secrets and regain his freedom.” ”

EZ: “I always felt that things weren’t that simple. ”

EZ: “What does Malfoys’s past book do?” ”

EZ: “What is Dobby afraid of?” ”

EZ: “What about petrochemicals?” ”

EZ: “The water is very deep in this incident.”

Harry Potter World.

Harry was already dumbfounded.

This…… At a young age, he was actually involved in a huge conspiracy.

I’m tired.

Being too famous may not be a good thing sometimes.

The video continues.

Inside Dumbledore’s office, Harry discovers a magical phoenix.

It spontaneously combusts from time to time and turns to ashes.

Then, it will respawn from the ashes.

Dumbledore introduced that although the phoenix is small, it is extremely powerful.

Its tears can cure diseases.

He believed that the strange things in the school had nothing to do with Harry, and ultimately did not take disciplinary action.

Soon, Christmas arrived.

Hermione’s potion had been concocted, and now it was only necessary to add Malfoy’s hair to become their form.

Harry and Ron used magic to make two small loaves of bread with sleeping pills fly into the air.

After Malfoy’s two foodie brothers saw it, they didn’t have the slightest doubt, and actually picked up the cake and ate it.

After the two fell into a coma, Harry and Ron also got their hair smoothly.

The three returned to the women’s bathroom and drank the potion that had been added to their hair.

After a while, Harry and Ron successfully transformed into Malfoy’s younger brother.

But Hermione’s transformation pill seemed to have gone wrong, so she let Harry and the two leave first.

As soon as the camera turned, in the hall, Malfoy did not have the slightest doubt, and told Dumbledore bad things about Harry and Ron in disguise.

Harry asked Malfoy if he knew the identity of the Slytherin descendants, but Malfoy didn’t know either.

As time passed, the two of them never came up with useful information, and the transformation pill began to gradually fail.

Seeing that it was about to be exposed, the two quickly lied about eating their stomachs and ran back to the women’s bathroom.

After returning, they learned that Hermione had changed into a cat due to the wrong hair.

That night, Harry and Ron found that the toilet faucet was turned on by whom, and the water was all over the floor.

Myrtle told the two of them that someone threw something at her while she was sitting on the toilet thinking before.

Harry looked to the ground and found a black notebook.

He took the diary home to study and found that the cover said Tom, Marvolo.

Then, he opened his diary and wrote on it, My name is Harry Potter.

The next moment, the handwriting disappeared, and a reply appeared.

Hello Harry, my name is Tom.

Although a little surprised, Harry thought about it and asked for information about the Chamber of Secrets in the book.

This time, the diary only replied with a few words.

I’ll show you.

Suddenly, a golden light burst out from the book, sucking Harry in.

Here, he sees images of the past.

Harry follows a handsome student named Tom to a mysterious room.

Here, Tom wants to stop young Hagrid from keeping some kind of monster as a pet.

Listening to the meaning of the conversation between the two, this monster seems to have killed a girl.

Seeing that Hagrid would not give in, Tom cast a spell to break a chest, and a spider ran out of it.

After that, Harry traveled back from the diary.

At the academy, he told Hermione and Ron what he had seen.

Neither of them believed Hagrid was the bad guy, when a student rushed over and told Harry to hurry back to his bedroom.

After returning, the three found that Harry’s bedroom was in chaos, and the diary was missing.

A few days later, Hermione was also petrified and Hagrid was taken away as a suspect.

Harry followed Hagrid’s prompts before leaving, following the spider outside the window all the way to the Black Forest.

It turned out that the big spider raised by Hagrid was still alive.

It says that Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets and that the killer was the spider’s natural enemy.

At this time, the disobedient descendants of the big spider surrounded Harry and Ron, ready to eat them.

Fortunately, Ron’s speeding car arrived in time and saved the two.

When Harry returned, he found the petrified Hermione holding a piece of paper in her hand, which recorded a basilisk that could kill by its eyes, and the spider ran away as soon as it saw it.

Harry was sure that the sound he heard was coming from this basilisk.

And fifty years ago, the Mudblood that died was actually the ghost in the haunted women’s toilet.

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