Planet Escape

Chapter 655 Breaking Out of the Blockade

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Xiang Qian instantly felt that it was twice as difficult for him to use the power of the universe's operation rules, and at the same time, the scope of his influence was also greatly reduced.

What's going on, the feeling of being rejected by the rules of the universe reappeared, and it was stronger than before. While trying his best to control the long river of time, Xiang Gan began to fight against the repulsion of the power of the universe's operation rules.

Following Xianggan's induction, he found that it was not the rules of the universe that were repelling him, but some rules that were out of his control, so he felt that the power of the rules of the universe was out of control.

After discovering this problem, Xiang Gan immediately mobilized all his forces to expel those rules that were out of his control. Since he was out of control, he excluded these rules and fully mobilized those rules that obeyed the command.

But at this time, the long river of souls condensed by the kingdom of souls has become bigger and bigger, and the explosive power of the long river of time can't conflict with the blocking of the long river of souls.

Xiang Gan's expression was very ugly at this time. According to the current situation, the outbreak failed this time, and he could not break through at all.

No matter how hard you try, the power of the river of time will be exhausted with the passage of time. At the same time, when the rules of the universe cannot replenish the power of the river of time, the river of time will dissipate.

"Xingkong, tell the three-eyed clan to get ready, and we will use their power next." Xiang Gan's projection said to Xingkong.

"Okay, boss."

Xiang Gan's projection disappeared instantly after he finished speaking, and then he directly gave up his control over the long river of time, and began to compete for the authority of the rules of the universe.

He discovered that if the power of the entire universe's operating rules cannot be fully utilized to let those ninth-level civilizations drag down here repeatedly, the Earth Federation will definitely be exhausted here.

After all, the strength of the Earth Federation is explosive power, and the explosive power in a short period of time is stronger than that of ordinary ninth-level civilizations. But if it is blocked by a ninth-level civilization, even ten thousand Earth Federations can't compete with a ninth-level civilization.

The soul clan in front of him is the best proof, four explosive attacks of philosophical weapons. Even if the opponent is unprepared, they can't defeat the soul clan.

And now the Earth Federation only has the Three-Eyed Race who has not used the opportunity of this era to submit rule loopholes to the rules of the universe, which means that the Earth Federation still has one blow left.

Once it can't break through the siege of the soul clan next time, then the Earth Federation will be the meat on the chopping block. Just wait to be slaughtered.

Therefore, before using the last chance, Xiang Qian must solve the problem at the level of the rules of the universe, so that those ninth-level civilizations can no longer hold back the Earth Federation.

From such a long period of competition, Xiang Gan has discovered that he has control over the rules of the universe. It is stronger than the ninth level civilization. This kind of power is only based on the level of the rules of the universe, and it does not mean that they can control the rules controlled by the ninth-level civilization.

What Xianggan has to do now is to use the short time when human civilization is directly connected with the rules of the universe to attack those nine-level civilizations.

The soul race was immediately cleared out by Xiang Gan, and their authority to control the rules of the universe was also restricted for one day. Within a day, the soul race could not continue to use the authority of the rules of the universe to do anything. In other words, during this day, there is no difference between the soul race and the sixth-level civilization, and they cannot get in touch with the rules of the universe.

The second is the ninth-level civilization that masters the rules of matter, the third is the ninth-level civilization that masters the rules of life, and the fourth...

When the rules of the universe determined that the rule loopholes submitted by humans could not break through the seventh-level civilization, Xiang Gan had cleared all the permissions of the ninth-level civilization.

"Starry Sky. Tell the Three-Eyed Race to start." Xiang Gan opened his eyes and said.

"Boss, Ragesen wants to attack again, gather the guardian of the heart to resist the long river of soul." Xingkong suddenly said a news that surprised Xiang Gan.

"No, they have no chance. If they forcibly use the guardian of the heart, they will be punished by the rules of the universe. Now I have no way to help them resist." Xiang Gan immediately shook his head and said.

As soon as Xiang Gan finished speaking, Rageson's projection appeared inside the command hall.

"This time we have to take action. Everyone knows the current situation. If the Three-Eyed Race cannot break through with philosophical weapons, then we have no chance. But what we are facing now is not the power of the Soul Race, but also the Twilight Star Domain The soul power of countless lives.

In this way, relying on the impact of the long river of time alone, it is difficult to break through the obstacles of the long river of soul. Only by using the guardian of the heart to resist the river of souls again, will we have a chance to break through the blockade of the soul clan in one fell swoop.

So don't hesitate anymore. Get ready to do it. "Rigson's projection disappeared after speaking.

In the next second, the power of the universe's operating rules came, and the green star civilization once again triggered the civilization upgrade mechanism.

Xiang Gan gritted his teeth with a ferocious face after feeling the coming of the power of the rules of the universe, closed his eyes again, and controlled the new city philosophy weapons of the rules.

That is, the river of time is at stake. When it was about to be destroyed, the power of the guardian of the heart appeared. Wrap the long river of time and resist the impact of the soul heaven and the long river of soul.

As a guardian of the heart, designed on the basis of the life force field, it is born with the attribute of restraining the power of the soul, not to mention the long river of souls condensed by countless unwilling souls, which cannot break through the barrier of the guardian of the heart at all.

Then, the three-eyed tribe also activated the civilization upgrading mechanism, and the power of the universe's operation rules descended again. For a while, the power of the universe's operation rules that Xiangqian could control expanded several times.

This time, Xianggan first used the power of the laws of the universe to suppress the soul heaven, and then exploded with the power of time.

In an instant, the situation was turned upside down. The long river of time, which was about to be wrapped up by the soul heaven and destroyed by the long river of souls, erupted at this moment with greater power than the previous two times. At this time, the kingdom of souls, which is suppressed by the rules of the universe, is extremely fragile. The river of soul was also blocked by the guardian of the heart.

So after the eruption of the long river of time, it rushed out of the control range of the soul heaven at a crazy speed. The soul heaven wanted to resist, but was suppressed by the power of the universe's operation rules. The spiritual space formed by breaking down the soul heaven flows like the depths of the big universe.

"At this moment, the river of time erupts!!!"

After the long river of time collided with the blockade of the soul heaven and came into contact with the normal big universe, Xiang Qian burst out all the remaining power of the long river of time in an instant. Let the long river of time melt into the sea in an instant like a flood rushing into the estuary, and lose all traces. (To be continued.)

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