Planet Escape

Chapter 387 Directed Explosion

(The chapter name of the previous chapter is wrong, it is Chapter 386, but the content is correct and does not affect reading)

After the picture paused for 0.01 seconds, the star, which had shrunk by nearly one-tenth, suddenly exploded. ∷four ∷five ∷Chinese ∷Chinese←,

At this time, the super-large projectile also began to hit the star, but its speed was very slow, because the huge energy impact when the supernova exploded was resisting the kinetic energy of the projectile.

However, such a scene only appeared for a second. During this second, the particles produced by the supernova explosion collided with the projectile, and under the pressure and temperature, they became countless sheets of elements with very fast half-lives. Countless elements accumulate on the surface of the projectile, and then combine with the material of the projectile to form a new substance.

In the next second, the huge projectile began to disintegrate, turning into dozens of streams of half-matter and half-energy particles exuding powerful attachments, which spewed out quickly.

At this time, the energy and matter of the supernova explosion had spread outward for more than 300,000 kilometers.

At this time, the big screen in the command hall of the Earth Federation is showing the direction of the flying star debris. There are more than a million degenerate substances with a volume of more than ten meters, not to mention smaller ones.

Under the huge energy of the supernova explosion, these degenerate substances follow the shock wave and rush to the defense line.

It can be seen from the screen that one-fifth of the wreckage of the supernova explosion is directed towards the opponent's defense line, and the largest pieces of it are directed at the opponent's defense line.

Don't think that one-fifth of the number is small. Under normal circumstances, it is already very good to have a few tenths of the wreckage rushing towards the opponent's defense line. The current result is obviously due to Vikadia.

See the display on the big screen ahead. He breathed a sigh of relief in an instant.

"Starry sky, according to the trajectory of the debris ejected by the supernova. Let the fleet start to avoid it." Xiang Gan said to the starry sky immediately.

"Okay, boss."

This command is not a trivial matter. Although at the peak technological level of the fourth-level civilization, they are not afraid of the intense radiation and massive gamma rays produced by supernova explosions. But the stellar debris approaching the speed of light cannot be blocked by the shield.

If he was not careful, the wreckage might cause a lot of damage to the fleet. This kind of non-combat attrition was something he didn't want to see.

"Vicadia, according to the impact of this stellar debris,

Immediately make an attack plan, don't give them a chance to buffer, and then send the second planet fortress. Try to make a hole in the opponent's defense line in one breath. Xiang Gan continued.

"Well, it's being calculated."

Xiang Gan was relieved, but Mason Sadie was devastated.

No need to calculate, a supernova explosion occurred about 10 million kilometers away from the defense line, and the speed of the wreckage had already hit the protective shield before it was calculated.

Now that part of the line of defense on the big screen is always flashing red light, and red dots appear on the big screen one by one. This means that there is a problem with the defense line, and the red dot means that the place has been destroyed and needs to be repaired immediately.

Mason Sadie's face became even uglier. He didn't expect the result to be like this. It was originally intended to destroy the opponent's large planetary fortress, but who would have thought that the opponent's planetary fortress was fake, and its interior was simply a star.

And so surviving, the projectile they fired also triggered a supernova explosion. The most irritating thing is the wreckage of the supernova explosion, 20% of which hit the shield, and the biggest wreckage among them. After breaking through the shield, it also broke the galaxy ring. There was a gap in the entire defense line.

"Report the loss." Mason Sadie said calmly.

"General, all three protective shields of the first line of defense were broken by the energy particle flow of the supernova explosion. The energy buffering devices were all overloaded. One fractured 294 places on the galaxy ring were damaged, causing heavy casualties."

"What about the loss of the battleship?"

"The battleship was not damaged after the shield offset most of the impact. Only tens of thousands of warships were hit by the debris of the stars and suffered slight losses, but their performance was not affected."

"Notify the logistics department to repair the first line of defense immediately, mobilize the planetary fortress to plug the gap, and deploy 100 fleets from the rear line of defense to enter the battle."

"Yes, General."

For Mason Cedi, the loss report is nothing short of disgraceful.

He didn't get hit by the opponent, but it happened because of the supernova explosion at close range. What made him the most cosmic was that the supernova explosion seemed to be the result of his order to attack.

In fact, Mason Sadie didn't know that if he didn't order the attack, and waited for the planetary fortress to detonate on the defense line, then they would not lose this little bit. At that time, the first line of defense would have to be broken, instead of saving them like now Opportunity.

With the input of the reserve fleet, the gap in the defense line pierced by the wreckage of the supernova explosion gradually stabilized.

After all, a fleet that exceeds the number of Earth Federation warships by more than five times, together with the undamaged planetary rings and a large number of planetary fortresses on the first line of defense, is enough to withstand the attack of the Earth Federation fleet.

Originally, the Earth Federation wanted to take the opportunity to break through the first line of defense, but after seeing the opponent's mighty reserve fleet rushing over, the staff knew that this time it would not work.

Even if the performance of the Earth Federation's fleet is superior, the opponent's fleet occupies a favorable terrain, and the number is more than five times that of its own. If they want to capture this line of defense at this time, the Earth Federation will suffer a great loss.

So after attacking frantically for a while, the Earth Federation's fleet began to retreat slowly.

After all, if you know that you can't attack, but stay in the place where the defense line is the most powerful, you are looking for death.

Moreover, this time is not suitable for attacking. Now, with the 10 million-kilometer position of the defense line as the center, the super-strong particle cloud is shrouded in a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers around.

This is the product left after the supernova explosion. Due to the relatively small mass of this star and the deliberate detonation of the Earth Federation, no white dwarf was formed. Instead, at the end of the explosion, before the internal gravitational force completely disappeared, countless particles were drawn from the particle flow, forming this cloud.

With the level of science and technology of the fourth-level civilization, and the various radiation and high-temperature reactions inside the particle cloud of this level, there can be countless battleships.

However, this environment interferes more with energy weapons, just as lasers cannot be used in foggy weather. Now the high-energy reactions and various physical reactions inside this particle cloud have not calmed down, and the attack range and accuracy of energy weapons are not good.

Therefore, neither side can attack at a long distance, and can only fight hand-to-hand.

However, the Earth Federation Fleet in close combat suffered too much in terms of numbers, and the opponent's defense line was not completely destroyed. So we can only wait for the second star fortress to reach the front, and see if we can destroy the defense line in front of us at once. (To be continued..)

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