Planet Escape

Chapter 254 True Prophecy VS True Prophecy

The night breeze blew, and the leaves in the yard swayed gently. ∷4:5:5:中∷文↖top↖point↖small↖say,

Zhang Ying was sitting on the swing in the yard, swinging slowly, looking at the gate in the distance with confused eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

Suddenly, Zhang Ying stood up, and the expression on her face became serious.

"Miss Zhang Ying, please don't use the power of the prophet, it will be harmful to your body, and I have already informed the boss about this incident." Xingkong's avatar suddenly appeared beside Zhang Ying, and looked at Zhang Ying seriously. Ying said.

"Xingkong, tell brother Xiang Gan right away, I have something urgent to find him, hurry up." After hearing Xingkong's words, Zhang Ying chopped off her feet, stopped using the power of the prophet, and said anxiously.

"Okay, I have notified...Miss Zhang Ying, the boss asked you to find him in the office now."

After listening to Xingkong, Zhang Ying ran directly to the garage, started a hover car and rushed out of the villa area quickly.

Xiang Gan was thinking about tomorrow's actions in the office at this time, when he suddenly heard Xingkong say that Zhang Ying was going to use the ability of the prophet, and then he had to find him urgently, his heart sank, knowing that tomorrow's things might change a lot .

"What's going on, didn't I tell you that you were not allowed to use the ability of the prophet, why didn't you listen." After seeing Zhang Ying coming in, Xiang Gan said with a cold face.

"Brother Xiang Gan, something really happened this time. I feel that there are other prophets using real predictions on humans. That's why I just wanted to use the ability of the prophet. If I don't use the ability, I can only feel that the other party has made a move. , and there is no way to prevent it.

But if I use the ability of the prophet, I can stop the other party's true prophecy. "Zhang Ying didn't care about Xiang Gan's blame. She said anxiously to Xiang Gan.

"A true prophecy, are you sure?" These items couldn't sit still anymore. A true prophecy, that is a big killer that can turn the tide of the battle.

"Really. I have that feeling. Once a prophet uses a real prophecy against human beings, I feel it, and I can stop it." Zhang Ying said seriously.

"Wait, don't worry, you can stop the other party's real prophecy at any time." Xiang Gan forced himself to calm down and said.

"No, if you want to stop the other party's real prophecy, you must stop it before the real prophecy is realized. Once the real prophecy becomes true, then even the prophet can't stop it. Brother Xiang Gan, let me first I use my ability to prevent the other party from speaking, in case his real prophecy is to kill brother Xianggan,

Then..." Zhang Ying was so anxious that she was about to cry, she was not afraid of other things, but she was afraid that the real prophecy was Xiang Gan.

But Xiang Gan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, it would be much easier to handle this way.

"How is it possible. Use the real prophecy on me, unless the prophet's brain is broken. The leader of a civilization is not important. If one dies, he can be replaced, so the other party will not use the real prophecy on me. .

Like I won't let you use real prophecies. It is the same as directly destroying the leader of the other civilization. Because that has no impact on civilization at all, even if it does. Nor will it shake the foundations of a civilization.

And you don't know one thing yet, that is the owner of the civilized race scepter. Ignores damage from True Prophecies, and also ignores any regular blows. Only destroy the scepter of civilized race. Or kill me by hand, otherwise this type of attack is useless to me. Xiang Gan said with a smile.

Xiang Gan is not comforting Zhang Ying, but the truth. These are all the information in the storage device carried by Eggy, and this is one of them.

This rule is to ensure the fairness of the civilized race contract. If the owner of the civilized race scepter is changed today and tomorrow, the civilized race contract will have to be re-signed back and forth. Because after the previous owner of the civilized race scepter died, the successor had to re-sign the race contract. This is to ensure that some terms in the contract have restrictions on the scepter of civilized races. Otherwise, if the contract signed by the previous one is directly broken by the new one, then according to the punishment rules, the previous one must be in trouble.

But the predecessor is dead, and there is nowhere to find someone. Therefore, in order to ensure the fairness of some special terms, every time the owner of the civilized race scepter is changed, the civilized race contract must be re-signed. Although the terms are the same, it must be signed by the new owner to be valid.

Of course, the clauses involving the entire civilized race, even if the owner of the scepter of the civilized race dies, the new incumbent cannot break the contract, because the race clause is signed on behalf of this kind, so if the contract is broken, the whole kind will be punished.

"That's it, then I'm relieved..." After Zhang Ying finished speaking, she felt that she was too impatient just now, and she was a little embarrassed when she said what was in her heart.

But at this time, Xiang Gan didn't pay attention to Zhang Ying's words or observe her expression at all, his whole mind was thinking about tomorrow's plan.

When revenge against the Avengers is about to occur tomorrow, a real prophecy suddenly appears, which casts a shadow over Xiang Qian's heart. The most important thing is that he doesn't even know which aspect of the other party's real prophecy is true. The unknown is terrible, because you have no way to defend yourself, and you don't know where the danger comes from.

But what Xiang Gan first affirmed was that the real prophecy of the other party must be the real plan for tomorrow. And the content of the real prophecy is definitely not the one that directly determines the result. For example, directly predicting the destruction of the Earth Federation Fleet, because not everyone can bear the backlash of such true predictions.

The strength of the target of the prophecy, and the difficulty of the prophecy, are all linked to the degree of backlash after the prophecy.

With the current strength of the Earth Federation, if the other party directly predicts that the Earth Federation fleet will be destroyed by the Avengers, then the other party's prophet will only die, so such a prediction is impossible.

Instead, the most likely prediction is the prediction of a specific target class. For example, if the other party knows that the Earth Federation has space blocking equipment, then the other party may predict that the technology blocking equipment of the Earth Federation will suddenly fail when the Avengers escape, or it will suddenly stop working for five minutes due to overload.

This kind of prophecy is aimed at a small area, and because the issues involved are very simple, it is easy to implement, and the backlash is not large, but it can affect the outcome of the entire battle. After all, there is no time when a piece of equipment is not damaged, and sometimes a lot of equipment has a little bit of a problem.

So once such a prophecy came out, when the Avengers were about to escape, the space blocking equipment suddenly failed due to a malfunction, and the result was that the Avengers successfully escaped.

This is still the prophecy of the real space blockade device, the Avengers run away, and there is always a time to clean them up. But what if this prophecy is aimed at the protective shield equipment of the Greenland or the flagship of the Silver Wing civilization race.

For example, it is predicted that the shield equipment of the flagship of the Greenland race will suddenly fail when the Avengers attack it.

Such a prophecy is terrible. Without a protective cover, the Greenland will face the concentrated fire attack of more than a dozen race flagships of the Avengers, and there will only be one result, that is, it will be blown up, and even the scum will be destroyed. The one that isn't left.

Thinking of this job gave me a headache. Is it really necessary for Zhang Ying to stop the other party? But if the opponent continues to attack, in such a situation, wouldn't it become a war of attrition between the prophets, and the fight is for the vitality of the prophets.

"Is there any way for you to know the content of this true prophecy without changing or preventing the other party's true prophecy." Xiang Gan thought for a while and said.

"I don't know, let me try." Zhang Ying closed her eyes and began to use the special ability of the prophet.

After a while, Zhang Ying opened her eyes and said dejectedly, "I have no choice but to stop the other party's real prophecy, but I have no way to know the content of the other party's real prophecy."

"That's it...then let me think about it. By the way, if you want to prevent the other party's true prophecy, what method will you use." Xiang Gan suddenly thought of it, and asked Zhang Ying quickly.

"Of course I used the real prophecy to stop it." Zhang Ying looked at Xiang Gan and said doubtfully.

"No, I'm not saying whether you use real prophecy, but the content of real prophecy. For example, if you directly prophesy, any real prophecy against human beings will be invalid. It can't be like this." Xiang Gan shook his head and said.

"No, the prophet can clearly feel the real prophecy of the other party. As long as he cancels the real prophecy of the other party in the name of the prophet, his true prophecy will become invalid." Zhang Ying explained.

"Then when you cancel the other party's real prophecy, will the other party know that his real prophecy has been cancelled?"

"I should know." Zhang Ying said uncertainly.

"Okay, let me think about it." Xiang Gan walked up and down the office after speaking.

According to the result of true prophecy, basically the success rate is 100%, because true prophecy is equivalent to the weapon of causality. The prophet directly specifies a result, no matter what the process is, the final result will show the result predicted by the prophet.

So now if Zhang Ying is asked to use percentages to predict, then based on the 100% success rate of the law of causality, what will the final result be.

"You offset the consumption of the real prophecy, and activate the consumption of the real prophecy, which is greater." Xiang Qian turned and asked.

"There is no way to compare this. The consumption of counteracting the real prophecy is determined according to the consumption of the other party's real prophecy. That is to say, the consumption of the other party's real prophecy is the same as the consumption of my counteracting the local real prophecy. To activate the real prophecy Depending on the goal of the prophecy and the difficulty of the prophecy, the greater the difficulty, the greater the consumption." Zhang Ying thought for a while and said.

"Well, you launch a real prophecy, and the content of the prophecy is the success rate of the other party's real prophecy, which is only 49%." Xiang Gan said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"...Forty-nine percent, what kind of real prophecy is this?" Zhang Ying was suddenly dumbfounded. (To be continued..)

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