Planet Escape

Chapter 215 Green Star Civilization Arrives on Earth

After the Green Star Civilization received the communication, it obediently came to the vicinity of the Advance and closed the protective cover at the same time. point ●

As the patriarch of the Green Star civilization, Lugesen certainly wanted to object, but would he dare to object? The answer is not dare.

The Forward attacked twice just now, destroying two race flagships. Although the race flagships of those two civilizations had already consumed too much energy in the supernova explosion, that's why they were wiped out so easily. But now the status of the race flagship of the Green Star civilization is not very good, although the energy reserve may be more than that of the two wanderer civilizations just now.

But in the situation where curvature navigation cannot be used, the green star civilization has nowhere to escape, so with the current energy reserve of the green star civilization, at most it can block a few such attacks, and then... also civilization with those two wanderers Same, become space junk.

In the face of the survival of the race, there is still the possibility of surviving if you agree, and if you disagree, you will die directly. Individuals will make the right choice.

"We can donate all the scientific and technological materials and equipment obtained from the remains of prehistoric civilizations, and hope that the Earth Federation can let our green star civilization go."

"Don't worry, our Earth Federation won't want your things, because those things are of no use to our Earth Federation. So you don't have to worry about what will happen to you, our Earth Federation is very peace-loving." Li Cheng Said shamelessly.

Sure enough, after hearing Li Cheng's answer, what else can Green Star Civilization say. Peace-loving, go ahead and lie to ghosts, just now two homeless civilizations disappeared in your hands, this is also called peace-loving.

At this time, the forward number has lifted the strongest attack state, and at the same time, the number of people who follow the forward number to maintain the fusion state has also been reduced by one-third. All of these people went back to rest and replenish the genetic nuclear power stock solution.

At this time, Li Cheng also sent several warships to salvage the wreckage of the flagships of the two homeless civilized races. If there are many equipment obtained from the ruins of prehistoric civilization in those wreckages. That is still very useful for the development of science and technology on the earth.

As for the equipment in the halls of civilized races, after a civilization dies. When the civilized race scepter is destroyed, it is also destroyed. Therefore, the idea of ​​trying to snatch the equipment of the temple of the civilized race should not exist at all, it is impossible.

An hour later, after several warships salvaged some relatively complete equipment, the Forward returned to Earth with the flagship of the Green Star Civilization race.

Along the way, the flagships of the Green Star Civilization race were driven forward and flew. Li Cheng didn't give the Green Star Civilization a chance to open the protective cover, even the engine was turned off. It can be said that in such a state, a random attack can wipe out the green star civilization.

On a seven month voyage.

It was only on the Advance that the green star civilization arrived at the star system where the earth is located.

When everyone in the Green Star Civilization entered the star system, they were stunned. The entire star system is a huge factory, countless spaceships shuttle through the star system, and satellite fortresses and asteroid fortresses can be seen everywhere.

What surprised the green star civilization the most was that the planets that were transported here by humans from other star systems, they dare not even think about such a technology.

When the forward number reached the core defense circle of the earth, the green star civilization was already numb. The defensive equipment they saw along the way simply blinded their eyes. Especially the spaceport where the flagship of the green star civilization race is now docked.

It is said to be a space port, but more accurately it should be a space defense circle, which connects five planets together, and dozens of three-dimensional defense networks that are hundreds of millions of kilometers long. In the middle of these huge steel pipes. You can also see countless planetary fortresses shining with metallic light, and the huge muzzles look like black spots on a planet from a distance.

But at this time, no one felt these spots were ugly, but rather hideous and horrifying. Green star civilization is unimaginable when these defense systems attack at the same time. What kind of scene will it create.

Lvgesen is very envious at this time, it can be said that he is envious, jealous and hateful. If only the Green Star civilization had such a powerful defense system. Not to mention two homeless civilizations, even two hundred homeless civilizations would not dare to attack them. But these were just thoughts, and they didn't dare to think about anything other than envy.

Lvgesen also knows that when they get here, if there is any change in the flagship of their green star civilization, those will definitely be bombarded to pieces in the next second, and they don't even have a plan to escape.

"Patriarch Lugeson, this is the base camp of our Earth Federation. Now you can lead the high-level officials of your Green Star civilization to have a conversation with the high-level officials of our Earth Federation. Regarding the living environment required by your Green Star civilization, we have already prepared here In a period of time, a living space suitable for your race has been prepared.

So you only need to wear some simple life-support equipment and reach our home planet by spaceship. I don't know if there are any other questions about the chief of Rageson? If there are no problems, the spacecraft will reach the spaceport in an hour. "Li Cheng said to them after arranging for the supreme flagship of the Green Star Civilization to park.

"No problem, General Li Cheng, our Green Star civilization is honored to be able to go to the home planet of the Earth Federation, and we will leave on time." Green Gesen nodded and said that the defense system of the Earth Federation put too much pressure on him. To be honest, Rageson is very regretful now. If he knew that the place where the Earth Federation is located is such a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, he should have tried to escape a long time ago.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now. I don't know what the fate of the Green Star civilization will be. All the initiative is in the hands of the Earth Federation, and they have no room for resistance.

An hour later, a group of more than 30 high-level members of the Green Star civilization arrived on Earth by spaceship.

The current earth is not comparable to what it was fifteen years ago. The current earth basically does not produce any industrial equipment, and the greening of the entire earth has reached the standard of a thousand years ago. Moreover, in order to adapt to the explosive growth of population, there are countless floating islands floating in the sky of the earth, and these floating islands alone have nearly tripled the land area of ​​the earth.

Therefore, although the population of the earth now exceeds 11 billion, the living conditions are much better than that of humans in the 21st century.

Rageson left the spaceship with a group of high-level officials from the Green Star civilization. After opening the cabin of the spaceship, they were greeted by high-level personnel from the Earth Federation, with Xiang Gan standing at the front.

"Hello, Patriarch Rageson, I am Xiang Gan, chairman of the Earth Federation Military Committee, and I welcome the arrival of the Green Star civilization on behalf of the Earth Federation." Xiang Gan said to Rageson in standard universal language.

"Chairman Xiang, hello, I am the patriarch of the Green Star Clan. On behalf of the Green Star Civilization, I would like to thank the Earth Federation for helping us. If it weren't for you, our Green Star Civilization might have disappeared into the vast universe." Said politely.

After listening to Lagesen's answer, Xiang Gan knew that the matter of recruiting the Green Star civilization was basically done. Because Lagesen is a smart person, many things don't need to be as clear as he said, and the other party can understand. And he can guarantee that any wanderer civilization will agree with him when they see the racial agreement of the subsidiary civilization he prepared, but the subsidiary civilization of human beings is not something that any race can be worthy of. (To be continued..)

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