Plane Master Copy

Chapter 90: : Kendo Wizards

The words of Wu Wuyan attracted the attention of Jian Sheng and Anonymous.

This is the first time that Jian Sheng has put his eyes on Wu Yan seriously ...

Although Jian Yan had already seen Wu Yan when he arrived, Wu Yan looked very young, so Jian Sheng thought he was an unknown disciple.

In addition, when he was talking to Anonymous, he kept listening quietly without interruption, so naturally, the sword master did not focus on Wu Yan.

Generally, when the elders speak, the younger ones will not intervene beside them. This is the most basic rule.

However, now Wu Yan actually interjected, and when he opened his mouth, he spoke amazingly, which made the sword master stare at Wu Yan with amazement.

Through his intervention, Juggernaut understood that he should not be an unknown disciple anymore.

Carefully looked at Wu Yan for a moment. Jian Shengxuan put his eyes on the anonymous body, and the glance he was looking for was obviously asking who the anonymous Wu Yan was.

"Blamed me, I forgot to introduce you ...".

As soon as Mingming came to be the sword master, he couldn't help but go straight to the point, but at this time Anonymous took the mistakes on his own and introduced them to both sides.

"This little brother is Wu Yan, the master of the world martial arts hall, a kendo wizard."

Yeah, yes, Kendo Wizards, this is Wuming's evaluation of Wu Yan.

Yeah, although it looks like a swordsman who just glimpses the door, but can he fly with the sword, is there anything more strange than that?

I use Wudao Wizards to describe Wu Yan, which is really very appropriate.

"Jiandao Wizards?", Heard the nameless evaluation of Wu Yan, the sword Saint was a little surprised, looked at Wu Yan in amazement.

Of course, Jian Jian Sheng can also see that Wu Yan is just a swordsman who first glances at the door, but how can he do it? Can you really deserve such an evaluation?

As for the identity of the master of the Church of the World Wu Shen, the sword sage is naturally not in the eyes.

"Wu Yan? You just said that there is another way to my exterminate sword? You talk about it?".

There is nothing I can do about myself and Anonymous, but Wu Yan says there are other ways? Since he was unknown to say that he was a Kendo Wizard, this made Juggernaut a bit interested. Let's see where this Wizard's Wizard is.

"Just before the senior swordsman came here, I and the unknown seniors were discussing the practice of Wanjian's return to practice ..." Wu Yan replied.

"Wanjian returned to the ancestors? This is the highest sword art that all swordsmen in the legend have dreamed of!", Wen Yan, the sword saint's eyes also stared, looking at Wu Yan in surprise.

Swordmaster naturally also heard of Hehewei ’s famous name.

Will this seemingly young Wuyan be qualified to discuss Wanjian's return to the unknown? Such supreme swordsmanship, not everyone is qualified to learn, let alone the sword with the nameless.

"Wan Jian returned to the ancestors !?", when he heard Wu Yan's words, his nameless heart moved slightly.

Just now Wu Yan said that Wan Jian Guizong needs self-defeating martial arts to practice. Now, the sword master practiced this devastating sword. As the day goes by, he will suffer first. The only way is to dispose of it. Only martial arts can save his life. Unfortunately, he would rather die than give up the sword in his heart.

In this way, it seems that letting him transfer to Wanjian and return to the school is indeed the best choice.

If you can save the swordsman, even if you use the swordsmanship of ten thousand swords, the nameless will be willing. After all, although the two have fought for so many years, among the swordsmen in the world, only the swordsman can be regarded as an anonymously acknowledged existence. The relationship between the two is already an enemy and a friend.

It's just that Wan Jian's return is true or false. Anonymous himself is not sure, but he is only half-believing ...

"You mean? The swordsmanship of Wanjian Guizong allows me to eliminate the damage caused by the inexorable sword?", The sword master looked at Wu Yan seriously, his eyes were like swords.

If you have the slightest feeling of guilty conscience, perhaps you will be in the shape of the sword master.

However, Wu Yan is familiar with the originals, and of course he has absolute confidence in himself. He looks directly at the sword master without any dodge.

I looked at Wu Yan's eyes, and Jian Sheng's heart believed him a little.

Moreover, the existence of Wanjian Guizong is the highest honor for all swordsmen. If there is any way in the world, you can eliminate yourself from the inexorable sword pair while preserving martial arts. If the damage is caused by himself, Wan Jian Guizong may really be possible.

"You guys, are you willing to teach me the Peerless Sword of Wanjian Guizong?", After a moment of silence, the sword master's eyes fell on the nameless body and asked.

I was also very touched in my heart. Wan Jian Gui Zong is the highest sword skill of Jian Zong, and Anonymous is willing to help himself.

"You might try ...", looking at the sword master's eyes, Anonymous nodded for a moment, then nodded.

In fact, due to his unnamed character, the ten thousand swords returned to Zongzong yet did not know the true or false. He was unwilling to use the sword master to be himself a white mouse.

However, the unknown mind hoped that the swordsman could put down the inexorable sword, so he still nodded, believing a kind lie to the swordsman.

If Wan Jian is false, it is natural for him to feel guilty. However, being able to let the sword master self-defeated martial arts and save his own life is not harmful to him.

Of course, if Wan Jian's return is true, then everyone will be happy.

After all, Wanjian Guizong is the supreme swordsmanship. There are only a handful of people who are qualified to learn this sword, and the sword sage is one of them.

Well, after fighting for so many years, Juggernaut is still very trusting in the nameless character. Hearing the nameless saying, Juggernaut has no doubt about him, nodded and said, "Since so, the old man would like to thank you Generous, what exactly is the return of these ten thousand swords? How can we eliminate the harm caused by the old man's extermination sword? "

When it comes to the end ~ ~ Jian Sheng's eyes are on Wu Yan's body.

"It's very simple, first dispose of martial arts ..." Wu Yan said straightly.

Wu Jiansheng: "...".

所以 The reason why I can't eliminate the harm caused by the exterminate sword is that I don't want to let down the sword in my heart, but Wu Yan still let himself give up? This makes Juggernaut's face hard to read.

"It seems that you are entertaining the old man?", Said Jian Sheng's face gloomy.

"You listen to me, this Wanjian Guizong and ordinary swordsmanship are not the same, what is important is to break and stand ...", looking at Jian Sheng's face, Wu Yan explained without hesitation.

Wu Mingming is doubtful about Wan Jian Guizong's true and false, so if he doesn't believe it, of course, it is difficult to understand the principle of Wan Jian Guizong practice.

In the original work of Ebihara, after he lost all his internal strength, he could only gamble everything on Wanjian Guizong, and then he succeeded in enlightenment.

Wu Yan, however, has always believed that Wan Jian Gui Zong is true, and has an unknown Kendo knowledge as the basis. Naturally, he wants to understand the principle of Wan Jian Gui Zong practice.

I came to the practice principle of Wan Jian Guizong, which made Wuming secretly nodded, thinking that Wu Yan's perspective on the problem almost coincided with himself.

The sword master next to his sister looked at Wu Yan in surprise.

One was surprised by the principles of the Wanjian Guizong practice, and the second was surprised by Wu Yan's understanding of kendo, which actually reached such a state.

There are n’t many people in the world like this Kendo background and vision?

In shock, Jian Sheng's heart sighed again and again: "Sure enough, it is a hero born in the world. It is no wonder that he has no name as a kendo wizard. The knowledge and understanding of kendo seems to be slightly better than the old man ..." .

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