Plane Master Copy

Chapter 812: : Alien Invasion

"Well, yes, yes, I am looking forward to the power of this monster ...".

On this day, Wu Yan came to the Evolution House, looked at the monster that Dr. Kenos is now sleeping in the cultivation tank, and nodded with satisfaction.

In the culture tank, a strong tiger can be seen, but the tiger has no hair growing on it, but is covered with a layer of fine dragon scales. The tiger's head has a dragon horn in Shanghai, and it can be seen behind A pair of winged, two-winged tigers gives a ferocious and majestic feel.

As he was not yet fully mature, he was still asleep, but Wu Yan's gaze fell on the tiger, and the number on the crystal measuring instrument jumped.

Immediately, a full 5,200 crystal points appeared in front of Wu Yan, which made Wu Yan nodded with satisfaction.

In just two months of incubation time, this monster has 5200 crystal points. When it is fully mature, the crystal point number should be even higher?

When Dr. Kenos is brought back to the real world in the future, he will certainly be able to cultivate a number of powerful monsters. This is a force that cannot be ignored for Wu Yan.

"Unfortunately, time is too urgent. If you give me half a year, I can use dragon blood to cultivate monsters stronger than the Beastmaster."

However, although Wu Yan was satisfied with the ribbed double-winged tiger, Dr. Kenos shook his head, his face was regretful, and time was running short. The power of this monster cannot be fully realized. Nurture.

"Well, there is a chance in the future. This one, let's take it as your collection of dragon blood data." Wu Yan knows that he will soon have to leave the one-man Superman plane, so there is nothing to regret. Look.

At the Evolution House, Wu Yan took a look at the monsters he was cultivating. He also strolled around the Evolution House, and then talked with Kenos. It was also considered living in a supermarket for so long.

"Boss, your strength is improving very fast ...", after a few chats, Dr. Kenos' eyes fell on Wu Yan's body, the number on the crystallizer, and watching the number of crystal points of Wu Yan suddenly reached After reaching the point of about 4000, Wu Yan said with a look of astonishment on his face.

"You should be able to see that I have been injured for so long, so with the recovery of the injury, the number of crystal points has continued to rise." For the surprise of Kenos, Wu Yan was not too Concealed more, and answered frankly.

I used to rest in the plane of Naruto for a month, and in the real world for more than half a month. Then, this boxing superhuman plane has also been in recuperation for half a year. Wu Yan's current injury has indeed recovered from six or seven, The number of points has also returned to about 4,000.

According to the number of crystal points, Wu Yan knew that it would take another four months for his injury to heal.

Adding it all up, for about a year or so, my original estimate was not wrong.

"Is it injured? Sure enough ..." Wu Yan's words confirmed the conjecture in Dr. Kenos's mind.

However, thinking of Wuyan has been injured for so long, but before such a terrible battle with Saitama broke out, how strong was Wuyan during the heyday?

"It seems that the strength of the boss is much more terrible than I thought." Realizing that Wu Yan who defeated Saitama had always been injured, Dr. Kenos was even more shocked.

Although I do n’t know why Wu Yan is so powerful and why he still cares about these monsters, for Kenos, the stronger Wu Yan ’s strength, the more secure he is.

It seems that it is good to have such a powerful boss covering himself.

What's more, Dr. Kenos also knew that the glass of water that Wu Yan bestowed on himself had indeed increased his life span by one hundred years, which was also a real benefit.

Looking back, I thought that although he surrendered to Wu Yan at first because of the suppression of his force, now it seems that this is not a bad thing?

At least Wu Yan has given him real benefits, and Wu Yan has given himself enough freedom!

"This monster can be fully recovered within half a month?" After strolling around, taking a look, and chatting, Wu Yan immediately asked Dr. Kenos.

"Within half a month, it's enough!" He nodded earnestly, and Dr. Kenos answered.

"Well, hurry up. We have to leave for more than half a month. At that time, you have to prepare some materials that should be prepared." Wu Yan reminded Dr. Kenos again.

"Rest assured, I will remember," Dr. Kenos nodded seriously and responded.

At the beginning Wu Yan said that it only took him about two months to cultivate a new monster, and he would leave with him. Of course, Dr. Kenos would not forget this.

Seeing that, Kenos remembered and did not forget that Wu Yan didn't say anything more, waved his hand, left the side of Evolution House, directly tore open the space channel, and came back to the supermarket side.

After returning to the supermarket, Wu Yan took a can of Coke from the supermarket shelves, a few packets of potato chips, and returned to his room.

With a crunching sound, Wu Yan lay directly on the sofa and opened the can with a slam. Meimei took a big sip and took a nap, feeling that the bubbles of Coke burst in her mouth, which was very comfortable.

The remaining half a can of Coke was placed on the side table, and Wu Yan, who was half-lying, turned on the TV, and at the same time, tore off the packing bag of potato chips.


However, just as Wuyan lay down like a salty fish, ready to eat snacks, and watched the TV pastime, all of a sudden the whole earth shook, and even the half-can of Coca-Cola was knocked over.

With the whole earth shaking, Wu Yan's body shook a bit, and then, with a slam, the sofa didn't know where it was broken, and Wu Yan's body sank directly.

"What happened? Is there an earthquake?" The sudden vibration made Wu Yan scramble up a bit, and said in surprise.

Hurrying out of the door, you can see the chaos outside, and even many cars collided together, apparently because of the just shaking.

In the confusion, many people were talking about it. The sudden and severe shock just made everyone startled.

"Is it an earthquake? It doesn't look like it ...", carefully looking at the scene outside, Wu Yan shook his head secretly.

If it is an earthquake, it should be a continuous shock. It's not just like this. Just shake it and stop.

"There was an accident, something serious ..." Wu Yan looked for a moment, but didn't find out what caused the shock. Suddenly, some people yelled out loud.

The shouting man was holding a tablet in his hand.

"What's going on?", The person next to him, asking when he shouted.

"A city, A city suffered a devastating blow, was completely destroyed, and the casualties were countless." This person holding a tablet computer looked at the big news appearing on the Internet, and his face was full of shock. Said.

"What? City A was destroyed in an instant? What the **** happened?" After getting this news, many people's faces changed. Then, they tried to find a way to go online to check the latest news.


Just at this moment, the multimedia screen in a square not far away flashed a few times before turning on.

A female reporter with an eager expression on her face spoke quickly: "Now insert a news, just five minutes ago, a huge spaceship appeared over the city of A, causing devastating effects on city A Blow ... ".

"Spaceship !? Did the aliens invade the earth? City A was turned into ruins in an instant. This is not only a dragon-level disaster that can be measured?" Looking at the multimedia display, With regard to the photos from city A, countless people were dumbfounded and completely dumbfounded.

A few photos were obviously taken by the survivors of A. From the photos, we can see that the city of A was completely destroyed. A huge spaceship was suspended above A, like a fortress in the sky.

This huge spaceship is almost like a small steel city.

Aliens have invaded the earth!

Watching this news, watching the huge spaceship in the photo, countless residents were terrified.

Although various disasters occur in the world, they are all things inside the earth. This alien invasion of the earth is a completely different concept. This represents the emergence of civilization on other planets, and even the development of interstellar navigation means. Star civilization.

So from the level of civilization, must be higher than the earth?

"Aliens invade the Earth? Is this Poros appearing?" Looking at this intervening news, looking at the photos as if they were a small city spaceship, Wu Yan secretly murmured ~ www. ~ can roughly guess the identity of the person who came.

Poros can be said to be one of the most powerful BOSS in the whole Superman plane. Although the true strength is not as good as Saitama, the power displayed by Poros is undoubtedly strong.

For example, Poros could blow Saitama to the moon in one shot.

This scene is enough to see to what extent Poros's power has reached.

Jingle Bell!

Almost at the same time, Wu Yan's cell phone suddenly rang. He took out his cell phone and looked at it. It was the call from the Heroes Association. Obviously, it was the people of the Heroes Association who asked for help.

On the same day, Wu Yan once said that he would leave the earth and go to other interstellar places, which made the hero association think that Wu Yan had the means of interstellar navigation.

Naturally, this encountered an alien invasion, and even a huge spaceship appeared. A member of the Hero Association first called to ask Wu Yan for help.

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