Plane Master Copy

Chapter 7: :power enhanced

Professor Xuan Xie took Wu Yan to find several more people, and even several children to experiment.

虽然 Although the size of each person's C drive is slightly different, but everyone is about 100G, the younger the person, the less the situation.

"Sure enough, I guessed it. Although it varies from person to person, the total size of each C drive is slightly different, but everyone is almost 100G, and the usage is linked to life span." After the experiment, Professor X told Wu Yan.

"Well, you should be right, I suppose," Wu Yan also nodded with a solemn look on his face.

For so many people as a comparison, Wu Yan also thinks that Professor X should be right.

The C drive of a computer will generally occupy more and more capacity as it is used for a longer time. After computerizing the human body, I did not expect that it would just fit this point and be linked to its own life.

At this time, Wu Yan's heart was secretly fortunate. Originally, he saw that he still had some capacity, and was ready to wait for the mutant team to grow, and then copy a few powerful abilities.

Fortunately, I found it early, and fortunately I confessed to Professor X, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

If you have copied many genes in one go and filled up your capacity, you are not far away from death.

"It seems that you have a lot of room for improvement ...".

However, Professor X will not forget that his purpose is to help Wu Yan to improve his ability. Therefore, after finding the hidden dangers and shortcomings of this replication ability, Professor X has a pensive look, thinking about how to help Wu Yan improve his ability.

"There is still a lot of room for improvement?", Wen Yan, Wu Yan looked curiously at Professor X.

"Of course, there is still much room for improvement".

As Professor X took for granted, he said, "Since it is computerized, in addition to copying, there should be deletions, right? Delete the abilities that you don't use, or even ...".

Speaking of this, Professor X paused for a moment, and his face became much more dignified.

Wu Yan also reacted, his tone was a little excited, and he took what Professor X wanted to say: "Even, the ability to delete others !?".

I thought of this, whether it was Wu Yan or Professor X, they took a breath.

If this is the case, then Wu Yan's ability is really great. Not only can he copy or even delete other people's genes?

As long as it is used properly, no matter how powerful a mutant is in Wu Yan's hands, it doesn't have to become an ordinary person?

"Well, the ability to delete is just a guess. In addition to this, at least you have three other disks to develop, and you don't know what the other three disks represent."

The ability to delete is very scary. Professor X seems to be reluctant to discuss more in this regard, leading the topic to three other unmanageable disks.

"Well, I'm really curious." Wu Yan also nodded. Of course, Wu Yan had already thought about the other three disks, but he couldn't control or even open it, and Wu Yan certainly didn't know.

However, Professor X is right, so it seems that there is still a lot of room for improvement in his own abilities.

"I remember you said that copying genes was very slow, and once interrupted, replication was completely interrupted and you had to start from scratch."

After pondering for a while, Professor X said, "Next, I will work out some physical training for you. Then you can see if the speed of copying will increase. Do n’t be afraid to take up your own capacity. Before that, interrupting replication was fine. "

"Well, it makes sense," Wu Yan agreed with Professor X's comments.

Checking the speed of analyzing and copying is indeed a way to test whether your ability will be improved.

In the following days, Wu Yan followed everyone in special training and was tired like a dead dog every day. However, as the days passed, Wu Yan could truly feel that his physical fitness was improving rapidly.

And regardless of whether such special training can really promote their ability, at least, the body is better, there is no harm in it anyway, isn't it?

Moreover, Wu Yan himself is very clear. Although everyone regards himself as a mutant, the identity of the mutant is only because he copied the gene of Wan Magnetic King. Without the gene of Wan Magnetic King, he is not the identity of the mutant at all.

He is the awakener!

In the real world, the end-of-life crisis is not only the emergence of zombies, evolutionary beasts, and of course the awakeners, and the abilities of these awakeners are also hierarchical.

I have just triggered the awakening ability, and can only be regarded as the lowest level awakener. With my continuous training, will I become the second level or even the third level?

Should gradually unlock other abilities, right?

For example, other disks, and for example, the ability to delete, as Professor X guessed ...

I have to say that although ability is very important, physical fitness is the foundation of everything. With these days, Wu Yan is constantly training his physical fitness, he can feel that the progress bar he has copied has indeed improved a little, and, Even the ability to control metals has been greatly improved.

质量 The weight of the metal that Wuyan could control was only two or three pounds. Now, it is able to control more than ten pounds of metal steadily.

This improvement made Wu Yan feel full of motivation.

不 I will not talk about my own ability to copy. The ability to copy the Magneto King alone, if it can be developed well, is also very powerful.

I only improved for so much in just one week. What if I train for a few more years?

Here in the castle, the mutant squads are training hard to meet powerful enemies. In the outside world, the issue of nuclear weapons deployment is also proceeding methodically.

莫 Agent Mora came over every three or five, or would call to tell everyone what's going on outside, and let everyone understand that less time is left for everyone.

This night, Wu Yan was training his physical fitness as usual, running with tens of kilograms on his body, sweating like rain.

Suddenly, carrying a beast of hundreds of kilograms, he ran up quickly, with a heavy face: "Wu Yan, go back, something happened. After receiving the news from Dr. Xiao, Wang Wanci could not help revenge alone" .

"What? He went alone?" Upon hearing the news, Wu Yan's face could not help but change, hurriedly replayed his negative, and went back with the beast.

Sure enough ~ ~ At this time, the mutant team was all there, even the CIA agent Mora was there, and everyone's face was more or less worried and angry.

Wang Wanci acted alone to make everyone dissatisfied.

Seeing this, Wu Yan sighed in his heart, Wanci Wang's hatred for Dr. Xiao was too deep, and it could even be said to be deep in the bone marrow. He couldn't help but go alone, surprising, but reasonable.

After all, when Dr. Xiao in the original book left them in a submarine, Wanciwang wanted to use the ability to pull the submarine, but it was not enough, and he was pulled down by the submarine. It can be seen that in order to get revenge, he can even give up his life.

It seems that the special training these days has become much stronger, which has also given him a lot of confidence?

"Professor X, what is the specific situation?", Sighing in his heart, but Wu Yan was calm on the surface, wiped his sweat and asked.

"Let's do it," Mo Yan said, Mora spoke and explained the matter again.

It turned out that the CIA found Dr. Xiao's trace. It will appear on a boat tonight, so I came here to tell everyone, but first met Wanci Wang.

After learning about Dr. Xiao's message, he didn't say hello to anyone and left alone.

"Wu Yan, do you have anything to say?", As Mora recounted the situation, Professor X asked Wu Yan.

Although Wu Yan confessed that he is not a person capable of predicting the past and future, so far, Wu Yan has indeed said that many things have not happened, so Professor X still wants to hear his opinions.

In this mutant squad, Wu Yan's presence can be said to be a very important intelligence officer, even the presence of a military division.

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