Plane Master Copy

Chapter 680: : Copy is the ability that shouldn't have happened at all

When the devil-shaped woman is unusual, she is transformed into a good-looking woman, so even walking in a metropolis will not cause others to watch.

Even some vague eyes are just the eyes of men looking at women.

Along the way, soon, Ruiwen went directly to the gate of the X Academy, looking at the appearance of the X Academy, countless memories in his head, like a tide.

The X Academy itself is not a school, but Charles ’s home. It was also a place where Ruiwen and Charles lived and grew up together as a child. In such a huge place, only Charles and Ruiwen lived here. I think this home seems a little empty.

Now, this place has really become lively, but it doesn't seem to be its own home.

Standing at the gate of the X Academy, watching the scene here, after a moment of secret remembrance in his heart, Rui Wen immediately stepped forward and walked into the college.

"Hey, this beautiful young lady, you look very good-looking." As Ruiwen walked into the X Academy, the fast silver beside was doing nothing, suddenly her eyes were brightened, and her mouth blew softly Whistle, said greeted.

"Well, you child, very kind", looking at Kuaiyin in front of him, Rui Wen's face with a calm smile, said at the same time.

"Baby ... child ...?", Kuaiyin came from a man's attitude towards women, but was called a child by Ruiwen, which made Kuaiyin's face a little black.

"Ruiwen, are you back?" However, without waiting for Quick Yin to say anything, suddenly, Beast Hank just happened to come over and looked at Ruiwen with a look of surprise on his face.

Although I knew that Ruiwen was coming back a few days ago, Hanke felt happy that she could hardly restrain her from seeing her.

"Hanke, hello, it's been a long time", looking at Hank, Rui Wen's face also showed a smile, and said hello.

"Well, I heard Charles say you are coming back a few days ago, and you are back. Welcome back," Hank said with joy and even excitement on his face.

"Thank you, by the way, what about Charles them? And Wu Yan ...", anyway, after returning to the X Academy, Ruiwen was also very happy, nodded with a smile, and asked Hank.

While talking, Hank took Ruiwen into the academy, looking for Charles, Wu Yan and others.

"Looks like, is she an acquaintance who teaches them?" Listening to the conversation between Ruiwen and Hank, Kuayin murmured in his heart, and immediately shook his head, no longer thinking about it, and went quickly to find the college The other sister papers went.

Don't worry about exposing your abilities, and all the colleges are mutants. After spending a few months here, Qinyin finds that she likes X students more and more.

Soon, Wu Yan, Charles, and Eric all knew the news of Rui Wen's return, plus the beast Hank, and Alex. After a group of acquaintances reunited, they felt very emotional.

In order to deal with Sebastian Shaw, everyone was a companion who fought side by side.

"Ruiwen, welcome back", before Professor X, Wanci Wang spoke first, with a complex look on his face, with some joy and guilt, and told the witch-shaped woman.

"Hmm ..." But, to the words of Wanci Wang, the demon girl snorted coldly, ignoring his words, apparently very unhappy to Wanci Wang.

In reversing the original plot in the future, in order to prevent high-level nationals from collecting Ruiwen's blood cells, and to study the cells of extinct mutants, Magneto King has also murdered Ruiwen and even used hands.

Although in the general direction, the behavior of Wanciwang is excusable, but this matter has obviously become a huge gap between Ruiwen and Wanciwang.

"Hey, Ruiwen, how have you been in the past few years?", Professor X next to him, his eyes fell on the demon-shaped woman, and there was also a look of joy and complexity in his eyes, he said.

"I have been in these years? Where can I get better?", Leaving Professor X and Wanci Wang successively. In these years, the witch-shaped women have almost lived alone, how well their lives are, it goes without saying.

Ruiwen's answer made Charles look a little bleak.

Growing up together since childhood, Charles is naturally more familiar with Ruiwen. It seems that she has not been doing well in these years.

"Riven, you can stay here in the future, we will stay here forever, we will never be apart again", after a moment of silence, Charles said to Riven.

What Charles said, look again, there are indeed many companions who have met life and death before, and Rui Wen feels at ease, and if she wants to agree, she almost comes out of her mouth.

However, Ruiwen, who opened her mouth, changed her mouth: "No, I have found a new partner, and I will never come here again. You brought me here this time, yes Is there anything important? ".

Ruiwen has a new companion? The words she spoke made Charles, Eric and Hank's faces change.

"Hi Ruiwen, I haven't seen you for a few years, but you still look good." At this time, Wu Yan, who had not spoken at all, finally spoke, with a smile on her face, and said hello to Ruiwen .

"Well, Wu Yan, how are you? I didn't expect that after the disappearance of these years, you appeared again. How have you been in these years?" With the opening of Wu Yan, Rui Wen's eyes also fell on his On the body, he said enthusiastically.

No matter what kind of thoughts he had on Charles or Eric, at least, Rui Wen had no opinion on Wu Yan, and the friendship between the two was more pure.

"Well, I've had a wonderful life over the years. In fact, this time I asked Charles to find you." Wu Yan stretched out his palm and said on his own initiative.

Looking at Wu Yan's movements, although Rui Wen felt a little weird, he didn't ask much. He also stretched out his palm and gently held it with Wu Yan's hand.

At the same time, he said in amazement: "It turned out that Wuyan are you looking for me? So, what is going on?"

"It's not a big deal, just want to see you, of course, to make a deal with you", in the presence of Professor X and Magneto, Wu Yan has nothing to say, after all, the ability to copy All of them already knew.

"Trading? Talk about it?" Wu Yan asked Ruiwen to look at him with curiosity.

"Remember that everyone chose their own nickname. My nickname is called a kaleidoscope, right?" Wu Yan opened his mouth and directly copied the skills blocked in his skills disk into Ruiwen's disk.

As the progress bar continued to advance, Wu Yan also spoke, telling Ruiwen about his ability to copy.

"Copy? Your ability is actually the ability to easily copy other mutants? This is no wonder that you had to insist on the title of your kaleidoscope and not the name of the prophet." Sure enough, I heard Wu suddenly Rock's ability to reproduce, Rui Wen said with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, so this time I came to see you, one to meet you, after all, we haven't seen you for many years, and the other is why I made a deal with you, using one of my abilities to exchange your abilities Rest assured, my copy will not cause any adverse impact on you. "Nodded his head, Wu Yan told his purpose straight away.

"Originally, can he get so many abilities to copy?" In the distant manor house, a part of the consciousness was divided into Ruiwen's body. What she saw and heard, Tianqi naturally knew it, and I realized suddenly.

This ability is indeed amazing, and it is no wonder that he can gain the ability of others without occupying the physical body of others.

"Promise him, you are not at a loss for this transaction ...", knowing Wu Yan's ability, at the same time, Tian Qi also wanted to see for himself, so, in Rui Wen's heart, gave her an order.

"Wow, I also want to see, what exactly is your ability to copy", after Wu Yan admitted his ability, Rui Wen did not mean to refuse, with a curious look, nodded, meanwhile Asked, "So, when will our transaction begin?".

"It's started now!" Wu Rui replied, following Ruiwen's words.


Almost at the same time, the progress bar copied in my mind was directly completed. Wu Yan said to Ruiwen: "I first copied the ability to block you. You should already be able to feel this move at this time. ? ".

Sure enough, as if someone with amnesia suddenly had a certain memory, an enlightenment emerged from the heart.

Ruiwen also felt the existence of the block and knew the ability of this trick ~ ~ As long as the power is not more than ten times his strength, even a powerful attack can be completely resisted? This ability is indeed very magical. "Realizing the existence of the block, Raven's face was full of wonder.

"Sure enough, Ruiwen has acquired a brand-new ability. Does his replication ability not only obtain the ability from others, but also give his ability to others? In other words, as long as he is willing, it is ordinary. Can people become mutants? ".

Apocalypse also felt the new ability that Ruiwen suddenly acquired, and was secretly surprised.

"This ability should never appear in the world. Sure enough, this world is just a virtual movie world. So, this completely impossible ability has actually appeared?" The ability to copy is even more certain. The truth that Tianqi knew.

. m.

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