Plane Master Copy

Chapter 468: : Write Round Eyes VS Stunning

"Master, did you have a life-and-death battle between you and him then?" Hearing the dialogue between Wu Yan and Di Shitian, the next breaking wave came to Wu Yan at this time, the steel sword Out of the sheath, staring at Di Shitian seriously.

Obviously, he proved his attitude through actions, and he was on the united front with Wu Yan.

Wu Yan's attitude made Wu Yan nodded secretly and was quite satisfied.

Although Breaking the Wave in the original book is an anti-skeletal image, it is because no matter whether it is a male domineering or Wushuang City, no one really treats him.

When it matters, he can jump out and stand next to him, and he won't betray himself with his apprentices.

"Break the waves, do you want to be the enemy of this seat? Don't forget, that Kong Ci is still in my hands ..." Seeing the appearance of the waves, Di Shitian shook his head and threatened. .

"Well, although Kong Ci has kindness and righteousness to me, if he is a bit worse than Master, would you like to use Kong Ci to control me against Master? Whimsy!".

Regarding Emperor Shitian's words, Broken Wave hesitated a little, but between Wu Yan and Kong Ci, he still made the right choice.

"This boy, Sanguan is very positive ...", the words of Duan Lang made Wu Yan rejoicing and watching Duan Lang with satisfaction.

Originally listening to Emperor Shitian's words, Wu Yan thought that what would happen to be a dog-blood plot, breaking the waves between himself and Kong Ci, I don't know how to choose.

Unexpectedly, Duanlang made his own choice so decisively.

"Well, break the waves, you go, the battle between me and him, you can not get involved."

Although Wu Yan was also relieved, he didn't want to be caught in the middle of it. It was embarrassing. Besides, although Di Shitian's strength was strong, Wu Yan didn't think he would be defeated in his hands like he was then.

"But, Master ..." Hearing Wu Yan's words, Broken Wave was hesitant.

Originally, he wanted to shoot at Emperor Shi Tian. At this time, what should Master do not allow himself to intervene?

"Well, it's not easy to defeat your master in a ruthless world," Wu Yan said to Duanlang, shaking his head.

Seeing Wu Yan's self-confidence, Broken Waves also had a blind worship of his master. He groaned in his heart for a while, so that he could swipe beside him. Wait until the time comes when he can do it.

As soon as I thought about it, Duanlang just said, "So, okay ...".

"I'd like to see, in the past ten years, when you stay in the fairy realm, what amazing martial arts have you learned", feeling that Wu Yan's terrible improvement in the past ten years, Di Shitian also wanted to do it, try him in person Whether to go to fairyland.

"Ha ha ha, once you have gone to the immortal world, of course you have learned immortal art, how can it be martial art in the world?" When hearing Di Shitian's words, Wu Yan's mouth smiled a few times.

Having said that, Wu Yan gave a slight pause, and then said, "In addition, let me tell you a secret. Do you know why I have been for ten years and my appearance has not changed? That is because one day in the sky, one year on the ground!".

"What? His appearance is actually for this reason !?".

Wu Yan's words made the Emperor release the sky, break the waves, mud bodhisattva, and even the unknown who came out of his room at this time were shocked.

This reason they never thought about it, but speaking from Wu Yan's mouth, it still made people feel a sense of awakening.

"One day in the sky, one year on the earth? He went to the tenth day in the sky, ten years on the ground? Is this why his looks are exactly the same as ten years ago?", Murmured secretly in the unknown heart.

Although this reason sounds a bit shocking, it can perfectly explain Wu Yan's appearance.

"Is that so? Is he already a fairy? No wonder he jumped out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements. In this world, is it really a fairy realm, is there a fairy?", Mud Bodhis looked at Wu Yan deeply, Secretly murmured, it seems to have understood why he could not guess Wu Yan's numerology.

"Fairy Realm? Is there really a Realm in this world? Every ten days can make people's cultivation change upside down? If I can stay in the realm all the time, wouldn't it be possible to achieve the legendary star-chaser and moon-move? Reclamation? ".

Of course, compared to other people, what is more shocking in Di Shitian's heart is the ten days of the fairyland, and the extent to which Wu Yan's cultivation has been improved.

Although his mind was moving, regarding Wu Yan's strength and the so-called fairy art in his mouth, Emperor Shi Tian wanted to see it with his own eyes.

Therefore, there is no nonsense, Di Shitian shot directly and grabbed towards Wuyan ...

Wu Yan ’s attack on Emperor Shi Tian did n’t mean to fight with me. Since he pretended to be a force and said that he came from the immortal realm, he had learned the magic of the Xian family, so Wu Yan naturally had to be good. Let's confirm our words.

Facing the attack of Di Shitian, Wu Yan's palm was raised, and his mouth screamed, "Palm Thunder!"

As Wu Yan shouted, the blue lightning bolt gathered in Wu Yan's palm.

Then, with a wave of Wu Yan's palm, a large blue thunderbolt blasted directly towards Di Shitian.

"What? It is actually possible to generate thunder and lightning in the palm of your hand? Is this immortal?", Watching Wu Yan's thunder and lightning wave over him, Di Shitian's heart was shocked.

This power really does not look like martial arts in the world. Is this really an immortal art?

The palm of Di Shitian collided with Wuyan's thunder and lightning, and in a loud noise, the power of Di Shitian's hand directly dissipated the power of these thunder and lightning.

Di Shitian's body was just a slight meal. Immediately, the palm of the hand continued to grab at Wu Yan without hesitation.

"Is this what you call immortal art? But so ..." At the same time, in the mouth of Di Shitian, he still sarcastically said to Wu Yan.


As Emperor Shitian's words fell, his palm was directly printed on Wu Yan's chest, and Wu Yan's body was directly blown out.

This time, seeing the breaking waves next to them, their faces changed greatly. Didn't expect that Wu Yan was not Di Shitian's opponent?

"Well, something's wrong", but after successfully hitting Wu Yan, Di Shitian's face didn't see any joyous expression, but frowned, feeling puzzled in his heart.

I just hit my opponent with one palm, but the touch from the palm of my hand was strange.

It seemed to confirm the suspicion in Emperor Shitian's heart. The blasted Wu Yan's body suddenly burst in a burst of white smoke, and then he saw a fragment of wooden stakes falling from the air.

It turned out that while Emperor Shitian crushed his thunderbolt and blocked it, Wu Yan quickly cast a substitute.

"Is this the fairy magic? It's amazing!" Looking at the ability of this trick to substitute, the mud Buddha and Wuming next to them all widened their eyes in surprise.

This magical ability is by no means capable of martial arts. It must be a fairy spell.


The first time I saw the ability of this substitute, Di Shitian was also a little surprised, but at this time, suddenly, Di Shitian's feet suddenly turned.

A large branch, like a flexible serpent, entangled towards Di Shitian. It was extremely fast, but he caught Emperor Shi Tian's wrists and legs.

However, the number of crystal points of Emperor Shitian reached 3800. After all, the sudden growth of these branches made him feel shocked. However, under the powerful force, he managed to break these. Tree branches.

Looking at the densely tangled branches around him, Emperor Shi Tian jumped back and hid.

Looking at the branches that emerged from the ground out of nothing, Di Shitian knew very well that these were indeed not achieved by martial arts.

"Immortal magic, is there really a fairy in this world, is there a fairyland?" Although Di Shitian always called himself a god, but never thought that there would actually be a **** in this world.

Today, Wu Yan's words, coupled with the proof that these forces are not at all martial arts, make Di Shitian's heart difficult to refute.

After living for two thousand years, have you never understood the world?

"It's only ten days. I'll see how much power he has learned from the fairy house magic!" Regardless of whether the existence of the fairy realm is true or not, staring at Wuyan seriously, Di Shitian wanted to Take a good look at the power of the so-called fairy spell.

Taking a deep breath, Di Shitian wanted to move.

I saw Emperor Shitian's eyes blooming at this moment, at the same time, an invisible force appeared, and shot directly at Wuyan.

At the same time, Di Shitian's heart whispered: startled!

"Want to use the power of your eyes to deal with me?" Wu Yan smiled secretly in the invisible power contained in Emperor Shitian's frightening tricks.

In this case, it is better for him to use the other way.


The invisible Yuanshen power, with the startle, fell on Wu Yan's body.

However, if these spiritual forces are a wave, then Wu Yan's mental force is like a reef in the waves, and the power of the Yuanshen of Emperor Shitian hits him, and he remains motionless.

Although Di Shitian's crystal points are almost twice that of Wu Yan, it is impossible to defeat Wu Yan with pure spiritual power. Even without the protection of spiritual gems, Wu Yan's spiritual power is not weaker than Di Shitian. .

"What? His primordial power is so strong ~ ~ I feel his shocking power, as if he slammed into a big bell.

"So, you can eat me a trick!" Wu Yan said after blocking Di Shitian's horrific thief with spiritual power.

While speaking, Wu Yan's eyes turned into a kaleidoscope of writing round eyes.

"What is it? What eyes !?", looking at Wu Yan's eyes that were not like ordinary people, Di Shitian was surprised.

Without paying attention to the surprised look of Emperor Shi Tian, ​​Wu Yan's heart groaned:


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