Plane Master Copy

Chapter 422: : Spicy strips

The Ching Ming Festival is very lively. Although it is only a day to worship the ancestors, it is not like the Mid-Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival. However, as a traditional festival, pedestrians on the road are obviously more numerous than usual.

In front of a low grave, after Xu Xian and her sister's worship were completed, it was the heart of the young man. Seeing that it is so lively today, so don't rush home, saying: "Sister, West Lake is not far away. Now, the scenery of the West Lake is famous all over the country. It has simply come out today, so I want to go around and see the scenery, how about going back later? "

"Okay, Han Chinese, then pay attention to it yourself. This umbrella is for you.

Xu Xian is no longer a child, so Xu Jiaorong naturally has no objection to his words. After taking an umbrella from Li Gongfu's hand to Xu Xian, several people parted ways.

After receiving the umbrella, Xu Xian went straight to the West Lake. At present, there are lively crowds in the beautiful scenery. Xu Xian also feels more relaxed and happy.

Apprentices in Qingyutang these days, every day they are facing patients from all kinds of patients, all of them are motivated, dare not have the slightest slackness, Xu Xian also feels physically and mentally exhausted, can take a leisurely stroll, but A rare break.

The beautiful scenery of the West Lake naturally attracted many tourists to come and play, and Bai Suzhen, wearing a white veil, also came to the West Lake at this time, looking calm.

However, unlike other people's eyes on the beauty, Bai Suzhen's beautiful eyes are on the pedestrians in the past.

"If you have a chance to meet for thousands of miles, you need to search high in the West Lake ..." In Bai Suzhen's heart, she secretly murmured the revelation of Guanyin Bodhisattva to herself, and secretly understood the true meaning of the words of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Regarding his own fate, the Bodhisattva has instructed him to come to Hangzhou West Lake to find it, but what does this high place mean? Bai Suzhen has not come to realize it until now.

In the original work, Xiao Qing and Bai Suzhen did not know each other. With the ancient and strange Xiao Qing to make a plan beside it, Bai Suzhen also saved a lot of things, but with Wu Yan's intervention, Bai Suzhen did not meet Xiaoqing Therefore, in the West Lake to find his own fate, you can only rely on Bai Suzhen alone.

Fortunately, although there is no meaning of the heights mentioned by Guantou Guanyin Bodhisattva, Bai Suzhen has practiced for many years and has become so profound that he has already reached the edge of being able to lift Xia's ascension. Therefore, he has the skill to help.

Bai Suzhen can use spells to check the past and present life of the opponent. Therefore, as long as you have the target you want and then use the spell to check it, it is not a solution.

Some people climb on the tree, maybe it is the height called by Guanyin Bodhisattva? Bai Suzhen moves to check the spell, =.

Some people have high surnames, and Bai Suzhen also uses spells to check it out.

Even when you see someone buying a cake, you need to check your spells ...

Back and forth, after seeing no less than a hundred people, but found nothing, Bai Suzhen's heart sighed helplessly and shook her head.

Looking for a needle in a haystack like this, I don't know when I can find it.

"Huh? That young man seems different ..." But just as Bai Suzhen sat in the gazebo and rested, suddenly, a hovering figure on the broken bridge not far away caught her eyes.

I saw Xu Xian wearing a blue robe, but also with this umbrella on his back, handsome and handsome.

Looking at Xu Xian, Bai Suzhen seemed to feel an inexplicable throbbing in the deep, which made her mind freeze, immediately got up, and walked towards the broken bridge.

Approaching Xu Xian's side, Bai Suzhen followed him quietly, examining his words and deeds.

Seeing Xu Xian's appearance as a handsome young man, and his words and deeds gave him a humble and courteous feeling. The more Bai Suzhen looked, the more satisfied he was, and even a spell came out.

With the casting of the spell, Xu Xian's predecessors, even decades of predecessors, appeared in Bai Suzhen's heart like a slide show. Finally, the picture was fixed on the image of a little shepherd boy.

Looking at the image that came to mind, Bai Suzhen was surprised and happy. ,

Sure enough, I found it myself.

I found the person I was looking for, and I was very satisfied. If it is comic style, maybe Bai Suzhen can see the peach heart at this time, but in the end, she is a woman. ?

Therefore, after being happy, Bai Suzhen was distressed about how to have a story with Xu Xian.

To put it simply, Bai Suzhen, a banshee who has lived for thousands of years, is thinking about how to settle this innocent young man.

However, at this time, Xu Xian was a little too pure, and her mind was also placed on the surrounding beauty. Therefore, there is a thousand-year-old banshee behind her, uh, it should be said that a beautiful woman is trailing herself. He But didn't notice it at all.

In this way, Xu Xian wandered aimlessly in the West Lake, Bai Suzhen followed him quietly, and half an hour passed in such a flash.

I should have seen almost everything, and it seems that it is not too early. After Xu Xian touched her belly, it was already too late, and it was time to go home.

Bai Suzhen just followed Xu Xian. It seemed to her that she was just content to hide in the dark and look at him.

However, watching Xu Xian was leaving, Bai Suzhen was a little eager and wanted to go up to take the initiative, but how could a girl take the initiative?


For Wu Yan, encountering Wang Daoling was just a small episode. After driving Wang Daoling away, Wu Yan followed Xiaoqing to the West Lake.

Wu Yan came for things like Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian. Of course, Xiao Qing did n’t know it. She thought Wu Yan was just taking her out to play, so she seemed very happy along the way. That displeasure was quickly forgotten.

"Master, Ching Ming Festival is really lively today. You see that many people have bought incense and paper money, do we also want to buy some worship for the master?" Xiao Qing held in his hand a piece of hair cake just bought. After taking a sip, he asked Wu Yan.

Wu Yan had said before that his father had died a long time ago. Therefore, in Xiaoqing's view, today is Qingming Festival, Wu Yan should also buy some offerings and worship the master.

"No, my father's grave is far away," Wu Yan said, shaking his head for Xiao Qing's words.

After she came out, Xiao Qing seemed to have unlocked some kind of seal, and she was very interested in many food stalls along the way.

Isn't this? I still haven't finished the hair cake on my hand. After seeing a hawker carrying a cantaloupe not far away, Xiaoqing walked happily again.

"Master, do you want to come with a bunch?" Fortunately, although greedy, Xiao Qing did not forget Wu Yan, and asked Wu Yan when she bought it.

"No, I don't like these snacks," Wu Yan said, shaking his head for Xiao Qing's words.

Immediately, Wu Yan asked the hawker who bought the sugar gourd: "This uncle, where is the broken bridge?"

"Broken bridge? It's not too far. You walk along this road, about two hundred feet away." After the hawker who bought the sugar gourds received Xiaoqing's two pennies, he gave Wuyan directions.

"Thank you," Wu Yan nodded slightly. After thanking him a bit, he walked along the specified road. Xiao Qing beside him naturally followed Wu Yan's side.

Holding the cake in one hand and the candy gourd in the other, at the same time, he asked Wu Yan with some curiosity: "Master, it doesn't look like you are out to play, it seems to come out to find someone, you Who are you looking for at the Broken Bridge? ".

"No, I didn't want to go to anyone," Wu Yan shook his head and answered Xiao Qing's words.

"Oh, Master, did you just say you don't like these snacks?", Nodded, Xiaoqing didn't think about it, and then began to speak. The words "these" in the discourse were more serious, and then asked, "So, Master What kind of snack do you like? ".

"Me? I like to eat more snacks," Wu Yan smiled slightly at Xiao Qing's words.

After thinking about it, looking at Xiao Qing's eyes brightened, when he turned his palm, a snack in a transparent bag appeared in front of Wu Yan.

"What is this? It looks weird." Looking at the red, strip-shaped things in the transparent packaging bag, Xiao Qing's face looked surprised.

Wu Yan smiled slightly and said nothing. He tore the packaging bag apart and took out one from it. He said, "Do you like it?"

Looking at the long one in Wu Yan's hand, there was this red chili oil on it, Xiao Qing put her nose on it, and smelled it gently ~ ~ said: "It is very fragrant, and there are some spicy ones I taste it. "

While talking, Xiao Qing opened her mouth and took a bite, and then Dai Mei frowned slightly.

"This taste is a bit strange, very fragrant, and a bit spicy, but not just these two flavors." After careful tasting, Xiaoqing commented.

While talking, I smashed my mouth a few times, and put all the remaining half into my mouth.

"Well, when I first started to eat, although I felt the taste was a little strange, but this thing, the more delicious it is, the younger, what is the name of this thing? I can't see what is made from it", from Wu Yan took the whole packet in his hand, Xiaoqing continued to eat, and asked at the same time.

"This? It's called the top food in the gourmet world in our hometown," he said. For Xiao Qing's serious inquiry, Wu Yan said with a smile on his face, looking serious.

"Spicy bar? That's a weird name, but it's very vivid. It's long and hot." Xiao Qing muttered in his mouth, but he was eating faster and faster.

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