Plane Master Copy

Chapter 180: : Curious baby worshiper

The worship leader is a lonely person, because no one knows himself because of what he thinks and does.

Even if you know that this earth is actually a huge sphere, the sun and the moon are also spheres, but no one can believe him, and no one can break the world view of the circular place that has been word of mouth for millions of years he.

The worshiper of the moon worship originally thought that he was lonely, and was the only person in the heavens and earth who knew the truth of this heaven and earth, but did not expect that suddenly there were other people who proposed this concept.

Although Wu Yan proposed it in a joke tone, it attracted great attention from the worshippers.

Therefore, the worship leader asked his own questions to test him, just to test how much he knew.

If the earth where all beings live is a sphere, is that only the people at the top are alive, and no one is on either side or below?

The worship leader of course knows the answer. After all, he walked around the earth. This question is just to test Wu Yan.

"No, although the world we live in is a sphere, there are people everywhere."

This is Wu Yan's answer, and he answered it without thinking at all. Obviously he knew the answer long ago, but this answer was right.

"Since we all live on a huge sphere, why don't the people beside and below fall?"

Without waiting for the Lord of the Moon worship to speak, Li Xiaoyao beside him couldn't help but ask a question that everyone was curious about.

"What is up, what is down? For us, up is up, down is down, but for people living on the other side of our sphere, our up is actually their down, and the so-called gravity, In fact, this land we live in gives us ... ".

Wu Yan simply drew a circle on the ground and answered the question with a pattern.

"Gravity? This huge sphere is the root of gravity." After hearing Wu Yan's explanation, the worshipper of the moon worship had a sudden and cheerful feeling.

In fact, he only knew about the existence of the earth, but why the people who live everywhere in this sphere would not fall, and he didn't know.

Now, Wu Yan ’s answer makes the worship leader feel suddenly enlightened.

In this case, the problem can be explained perfectly. Indeed, the direction of the falling gravity is directed at the earth, not just a certain direction.

"It's impossible, I still find it incredible. Although this statement makes people feel novel, it is still a bit ridiculous." Liu Jinyuan next to him shook his head and put forward his own ideas.

Yes, it is not so easy to break the world view that human beings have imprinted into the bones for thousands of years, so as to accept the truth that the earth is actually a sphere.

Liu Jinyuan's words made Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru nodded. The view of time in Tianyuan has been ingrained from small to large. If he wants to break this world view and accept the concept of the earth, he will rely on Wu Yanzui for a while , Of course they will not believe it.

Wu Yan smiled slightly at Liu Jinyuan's reaction and didn't say much.

He said casually that if they listened at will, believe or not, it is not something they can control.

"Wu Gongzi, since this earth is a huge sphere, what about the sun and the moon?" However, at this time, the Shi Jie next to him continued to speak and asked Wu Yan curiously.

Wu Yan looked at him strangely. Did he really believe it? Or do you think this topic is interesting?

Hesitating for a moment, Wu Yan didn't hide the meaning of holding it. Since someone is willing to listen, it is nothing to say more.

Nodding his head, Wu Yan also told him about the relationship between the sun, the moon, and the earth, and even believed that the reason for the emergence of the solar eclipse and the eclipse was explained.

"It turns out that the principles of Tengu Food Day and Tengu Food Moon are like this, understand ..."

Wu Yan's words made Shi Jie's eyes bright, and he had a clear and cheerful feeling for his words.

For Shi Jie people, Wu Yan is no longer just a fellow traveler. Even with his questions asked, Wu Yan can perfectly answer. In the mind of Shi Jie people, Wu Yan Existence has completely become the role of a pioneer.

The three people next to Liu Jinyuan were just listening to Wu Yan ’s words as an interesting topic. However, with the questions from the Shi Jie people, Wu Yan was able to give at least a theoretical explanation. This has made Liu Jinyuan's three people dumbfounded, and the worldview has a feeling of collapse.

"Mofei, are Wu Yan's words all facts?" As Wu Yan's answers came out one by one, all of them could be established in theory, and Liu Jinyuan's mind suddenly popped up with such an idea.

Thoughts were terrifying, and even gave birth to a feeling of being afraid to listen to Wu Yan.

However, these things are like opening a brand new door to them, making them dare not listen, but they refuse to leave, instead they quietly put their ears up and listened with interest.

"Well, Mr. Wu, you said that the moon is actually orbiting our earth. One revolution is a month, so the moon has a cloudy and sunny circle within a month, and the earth is orbiting the sun again. That ’s why Are there changes in the four seasons? ".

When Wu Yan proposed the knowledge of the moon, the sun, and the earth's movements, the Shi Jie people stared at Wu Yan with wide eyes, shocked to heaven, and the title of Wu Yan has also become the honorable title of "Mr. Wu" Already.

"Yes, it is so ..." Wu Yan nodded and replied.

"So ~ ~ What is the color of the sun? Because the sun is generally red in the morning, but it turns golden at noon. What is the change of the sun?" Immediately, Shi Jie continued to ask.

In his mind, as for the mysteries of this world, Wu Yan seems to be able to get a perfect answer as long as he raises it, which makes all the doubts in the mind of Shi Jie people throw out a brain.

"The sunlight is actually white. As time varies, the light you see is different because of the refraction of light."

"Do you understand refraction? It's like you put a bowl of water in a bowl and chopsticks are inserted obliquely. It looks like the chopsticks are broken at an angle in the water. This is refraction. It's wrapped in an atmosphere ... ".

At this time, Wu Yan seemed to be a teacher of natural sciences, and the leader of the moon worship turned into a curious student.

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