Plane Master Copy

Chapter 140: : Capacity of 2,500 G

"Astrology? You can know the future by looking at the palm?" Wu Yan's words made Thor's heart move slightly.

If someone else said so, of course Thunder God would not believe it, but through the friendship of fighting side by side, Thunder God still has some trust in Wu Yan.

In addition, Wu Yan has a lot of strange abilities, if it can really have astrology, it seems not impossible.

"It turns out that you still have this ability? No wonder you would have trapped in the Stark Building early, no wonder you had taken Rocky's scepter early ...", meanwhile, the next Iron Man Tony also said suddenly.

Originally surprised that Wu Yan had such a vision, but did not expect that because of this ability, it is no wonder that he snatched Rocky's scepter in advance to make preparations.

"He actually knows astrology ...", Rocky, who was imprisoned next to him, looked at Wu Yan in surprise.

It seems that in the future, he should be more careful about this guy named Wu Yan.

Regardless of what other people think, Iron Man's words seem to prove the authenticity of Wuyan astrology from the side. So, after a little thought, Thor Thor simply stretched out his palm, indicating Wuyan can be viewed.

"Asgard's Protoss, Odin considers the existence of an heir, what exactly is his bloodline?" Wu Yan looked at the palm of Thor's outstretched hand, feeling a little excited.

On the surface, however, he remained calm. He grabbed Thor's wide palm with both hands, lowered his head, and looked carefully.

Ding, found removable storage!

With the physical contact, a familiar ascension appeared in his mind. At the same time, Wu Yan decisively opened Thor's c disk.

Looking at Thor's Disk C, Wu Yan could not help but take a breath. Although he had long guessed in his heart, Wu Yan still felt a deep shock when he saw the disk of Thor.

Thor's c drive has currently used 1000g, and the most shocking thing is that the remaining capacity is 1500g!

"His c drive has a full capacity of 2500g? Is this the Protoss of Asgard?" Looking at the capacity of Thor's c drive, Wu Yan's heart was greatly shocked, and the whole person even saw a little shocked.

"What's wrong? Is there anything important that will happen in my future?" Looking at the capacity of 2500g, Wu Yan's look of surprise can't be concealed naturally, Thor's Thor is also nervous and whispered Asked.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I will continue to read clearly and say ..." Wu Yan only perfunctoryly answered the words of Thor, who naturally entered the c drive to find it.

1000g of cache files, there are too many messy files inside, dense and dense, people look dizzy.

Fortunately, it took four or five minutes for Wu Yan to successfully find the file he was looking for-the blood of Asgard Protoss!

"I found it!" Looking at this file, Wu Yan was secretly pleased. The first thing is to check the file size.

"55g !?" Looking at the capacity of this Asgard's bloodline file, Wu Yan's heart tightened slightly.

Magneto's gene is nothing more than a 10g file, but Thor's veins have a full 55g capacity?

Well, thinking of Thor ’s incredible strength and a long-life body, it is reasonable that this part of the document can have a capacity of 55g, but Wu Yan looked back and looked at his c drive. .

After these days of cultivation, the total capacity of Wuyan's c drive has reached 107g, the system cache file accounts for 40g, and the Magneto's gene accounts for 10g, so there is still 57g of capacity left.

I took a look at my remaining capacity, and then looked at the blood file of Thor, although it can be copied over, but if it is copied over, the capacity of my C drive is only 2g?

Isn't that close to death?

"What will happen if I copy it over? Is there only 2g of capacity left? Or is Asgard's blood of the Protoss functioning, and the capacity of his c drive will increase to more than 2,000g?" Groaned.

In front of him seems to be a gamble, a gamble between strength and life!

After a moment of groaning, Wu Yan quickly made a decision!

So far, all the documents copied have played a role immediately. This is the gene of Wanciwang, so is the skill, so is the knowledge ...

From this point of view, the copy of Asgard's bloodline should be the same.

Therefore, in Wu Yan's opinion, as long as Thor's blood veins are copied, if he owns the blood veins of Asgard, the c disk capacity should theoretically increase.

The reason why Wu Yan was hesitant was just that it was a bit scared to think of the remaining capacity of 2g.

This is like a single-wood bridge, suspended at a height of several hundred meters. Obviously, as long as no mistakes are made, it is perfectly ok to walk through this single-wood bridge, but looking at the abyss of several hundred meters below, there are several Hesitant?


Forcing himself not to think about the consequences of the last so-called 2g capacity, Wu Yan's mind made a copy, and directly copied the Asgard blood of the Protoss, and pasted it to his c drive.

55g of documents, it naturally takes a lot of time to copy. At this time, all members of the Avengers are looking at themselves, of course, Wu Yan has to say something.

Fortunately, after the copied progress bar started, Wu Yan no longer needed to control it.

Pretending to look down at Thor's palm print carefully, Wu Yan was thinking about the original plot of the Marvel plane.

"Well, Thor, I see that in the near future, maybe a few years later, your father, Odin, the father of the gods, will fall ...", Wu Yan said as soon as he spoke, and he was lost without saying a word. An explosive news came out.

"What !? It's impossible!", Exclaiming that Thor's face changed greatly when he heard that Odin would die in the next few years.

Even the nearby Rocky's look became a little complicated.

"Don't be excited ~ ~ I have to finish reading ...", looking at Thor's appearance, Wu Yan was really afraid that he suddenly waved his hand and didn't look at it, and hurriedly said comfortingly.

Well, Thor is not a child at this time. Although Wu Yan's words shocked him, and even anxiously wanted to rush to Asgard, after taking a deep breath, Thor Seoul still forcibly suppressed his confused thoughts.

Wu Yan lowered his head. To be honest, he really wanted to say something good to comfort Thor.

But in retrospect of the original plot related to Thor, there does not seem to be any good news.

The mother died, the father died, the beloved hammer was blown by her sister, Asgard was destroyed, and the tribe searched for a new habitat in the universe, but they encountered extermination, and the younger brother died. His friend Heimdal was dead, and Asgard's people were almost wiped out ...

"Is he fateful?"

Thinking of what Thor Thor will experience in the future, it seems that there is really no good news to comfort him. Wu Yan's face is also darkened, and he can't help secretly voicing.

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