Plane Master Copy

Chapter 111: : Zombie Madness

I shaved!

Wu Wuyan noticed the crisis encountered by the Lightning Lock. His body flickered and appeared immediately behind Lightning.

At the same time, he lifted the Wushuang Sword in his hand, lay it across his chest, and murmured in his heart: block.


Compared to the basin-sized fist, Wu Yan's Wushuang Sword in his hand naturally looks very slender, but with the skills of blocking, the tyrant's punch like a rainbow was successfully resisted by Wu Yan.

I looked back and watched Wu Yan jump out of her body to save herself, which surprised and delighted Lightning's heart. Wu Yan's choice was really beyond her expectations.

I just did n’t wait for Lightning to say thank you. Suddenly, from the bottom of Lightning ’s feet, a sharp branch suddenly penetrated out of the ground, like a string of gourds that suddenly penetrated Lightning ’s body.

what! ?

Suddenly there was no warning, the lightning of the third-level awakener was so dead, Wu Yan, who was close to her, widened her eyes.

This scene, even Wu Yan did not respond, if this branch was just attacking yourself, can you hide it?

The ground was cracked, and at the same time, a deformed zombie rose from the ground, and the arm of the zombie had turned into a branch.

The corpse strung on the cymbals branch was the deadly lightning bolt, with a stunned look on his face. He thought he was saved just now, but he was killed in the blink of an eye.

Grin grinned, and soon, Lightning's body looked like a shrunken ball, and quickly dried up. Then, the zombie's arm slowly turned back into a branch, and his mouth suddenly burst into fullness.

Looking at this zombie, it looks very weird. The most noticeable thing is that there is a grass on his head.

Looking at this zombie, Wu Yan's face was gloomy and watery, and he was also very dignified.

Suddenly killed several zombies, Wu Yan really gave people a feeling of momentum like rainbow, but just this scene seems to pour Wu Yan a cold water.

Whether it is the awakening or the zombies, the ability to evolve is strange, maybe there is some strange ability to capsize in the gutter.

Although the crystal point difference between the awakeners at each level is very large, but if you have the ability to restrain or have strange and strange abilities, it is not impossible to challenge the target to leapfrog.

Whimper ...

After the lightning was killed, several zombies rushed towards Pei Yufeng together. Even the zombies that evolved from the plant's ability had once again retracted into the land, seemingly waiting to find an opportunity for a sneak attack.

"These zombies have no wisdom, they don't know how to pick soft persimmons, but the leader-type zombies understand it." Wu Yan knew that the focus of these zombies' attacks was on Pei Yufeng, and his heart was anxious.

After Wu Wushuang Jian cut off the head of a second-level zombie, Wu Yan's figure moved again, and she was again blocked in front of Pei Yufeng.

The third-level tyrant smashed a punch, which Wu Yan couldn't bear, and Wushuang Sword in his hand flew out.


After Yi Yi boxed and flew Wushuang Sword, the third-level tyrant roared, his fists raised again, and he smashed at Wu Yan.

"I'm still afraid of you to compete for power!", Although Wushuang Sword was hit, Wu Yan screamed, armed with domineering entanglement on his fist, and ushered in a tit-for-tat.

Lu Jing points is not worse than this tyrant zombie, physical fitness? Wu Yan is also a lot stronger than ordinary people.

Although it looks like there is a huge difference in body shape, Wu Yan has only taken a few steps backwards with this punch.


The old technique was repeated, and at the same time, branches of Wu Yan and Pei Yufeng suddenly came out and attacked the two.

Only, the well-prepared Wu Yan and Pei Yufeng successively performed shaving and light work to hide in the past.

Puppet leader zombies mainly focused on Wu Yan and Pei Yufeng. Under her control, the main force of the remaining dozen zombies attacked them.

Only, just when the commanding zombies focused on Wu Yan, she did not notice that the Wushuang sword on the ground had quietly appeared beside her.

Then, the long sword jumped and slashed towards the commanding zombies.

With a bang, blood splattered ...

While the response of this leader-type zombies was quick, he immediately dodged, but Wushuang Sword crossed her body and cut off one of her arms directly.

Howling! Howling!

As the leader zombies were injured, the rest of the zombies were all mad, and they yelled one after another.

It wasn't just in the Jiayin Building. At this time, the zombies outside Chang City at this time all screamed at the same time.

Immediately, some of the zombies turned around and ran back inside Chang city.

"What? What happened? Did the Sword Squad succeed?" Zhao Han, who was fighting outside, saw such a situation, they were all stunned, and secretly guessed.

But then shook his head again. If the sharp knife team really succeeds, these zombies have not ruled, and it is impossible to return in such a way.

Crisis, a huge crisis like never before ...

Wuyan They took advantage of the leader-type zombies to be damaged, and after the barrier became to protect it ~ ~ successfully escaped from Jiayin Building.

However, watching the terrible tide of zombies rushing back and forth, and even controlling many flying zombies and birds, Wu Yan's face was very ugly.

They also know that it is really time for life and death.

There is a zombie frenzy in front of you, there are zombie birds and beasts in the air, and there are those evolutionary zombies hunting behind them. This is almost a situation of

"Xiao Meng, you and Pei Yufeng go first, I will create opportunities for you!", After a moment of silence, Wu Yan knew that if everyone ran together, it was impossible to escape, but only scattered.

Xiao Xiaomeng didn't speak, clutching Wu Yan's clothes tightly, his eyes were full of perseverance.

Pei Yufeng's face was full of anger, and it was a rough hand to hold Wu Yan's mind, and said, "What is your kid talking about? You and Xiao Meng should go first. You have already been a bait that day I have saved my life, and even if I do it again today, my old lady will be a bait. "

"Relax, I'm sure!".

At this critical moment, Wu Yan didn't have time to explain so much. In front of Pei Yufeng, he directly launched the ability to hide.

"This, this is ...", watching Wu Yan lose her figure in front of herself, Pei Yufeng was dumbfounded.

Is this the ability of his third-level awakening? What is this boy's awakening ability? Is there a big gap before and after?

"Xiao Meng, obediently, I will create opportunities for you ..." Wu Yan said quietly after concealing.

After talking, she let go of Xiao Meng's hand and, in a stealth state, quickly ran back towards the Jiayin Building.

Wu Wuyan understands that the only chance to save Xiaomeng and Pei Yufeng is to kill the leading zombies.

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