Plane Master Copy

Chapter 1106: : Save Xiao Meng

Wu Yan has been listening to Pei Yufeng's plans in secret, so they know all the details of these plans.

At this time, Wu Yan was not hidden in the dark, but instead transformed into an ability. In fact, he became one of the awakeners who chased Xiao Meng and was chasing after him.

In fact, Wu Yan had deduced in his heart the opportunity to save Xiao Meng, only one.

Therefore, since crossing to this appropriate time node, Wu Yan has been quietly waiting in secret, waiting for the opportunity, waiting for this opportunity to come.

Into a snowstorm, Xiao Meng is flying very fast.

At the back, the awakening of Wu Yan's incarnation is also chasing behind. In terms of speed, it is actually not slower than Xiao Meng.

Between chasing and escaping, the two turned the other awakened people far behind.

"Well? What happened? Although Wang Cai's strength is strong, hasn't he always been his weakness? Today, why is he so fast?"

Looking at the awakened by Wu Yan, he quickly chased after Xiao Meng, and soon he couldn't see his figure. The other awakenings behind him were secretly surprised in their chests and murmured in a low voice.

Not to mention the other awakened people, what kind of thoughts are in their hearts, followed behind, and soon, Wu Yan chased Xiao Meng and entered the hero city.

Xiao Meng's mind is on how to save his brother, so after entering the hero city, the body flew directly to the place where the trap was located without hesitation.

What about Wu Yan? After flying to Hero City, the condescending one quickly understood.

It turned out that the hero city at this time really turned into a ghost city.

For the reason of going to Changshi to celebrate the festival, Zhao Lei turned out to have transferred all the situations of the Hero City to Changshi in just a few days.

Shaking his head, Wu Yan felt so much without any thought. Seeing that Xiao Meng had rushed into the house, Wu Yan's body flickered, and he hurried to catch up.

Sure enough, in this room, a Wu Yan can be seen, his whole body is bound and hung high.

It looks very miserable.


Looking at Wu Yan hung in the air, Xiao Meng's face changed, and she looked angry and distressed, shouting.

"This ability to return to the real world is really capable of falsifying the truth. Even me, I can't see it!"

Although I already knew all the details and problems from Pei Yufeng's plan, I also knew this one in front of me, just a puppet.

However, looking at this lifelike oneself, Wu Yan still felt very amazed.

So realistic, if it hadn't been known for a long time, Wu Yan would have suspected that the original situation had changed, and Pei Yufeng would hang themselves here again.

"Xiao Meng, hurry up, save me ..."

The puppet dropped in mid-air had a lifelike appearance, sound and temperament were exactly the same, miserable puppet, watching Xiaomeng who rushed in, asked for help.

Hearing this puppet's plea for help, Xiao Meng naturally wouldn't hesitate. He moved in shape and rushed towards the puppet side, and cut off the chain hanging from Wu Yan.

However, before Xiao Meng came to inquire about the situation of the cricket, suddenly, Wu Yan's cricket body appeared countless cracks.

At the same time, intense fire burst out from this crack.

"Brother !?" Xiao Meng exclaimed, looking at Wu Yan in her arms, about to turn into fiery fire.

"Xiao Meng! Hurry up! This is just a puppet!"

When this time came, Wu Yan knew that it was time for him to take a shot, and immediately released his ability to transform, shouting at Xiaomeng.

Hearing Wu Yan's shout, Xiao Meng turned his head and looked at Wu Yan who had been transformed. He froze for a while, holding on for a while, very surprised.

what happened? how? How about two brothers?

It ’s just that there is n’t that much time for Xiao Meng to wonder about it. At this time, the endless flame power burst out from Wu Yanzhang in her arms, and also completely pulled Xiao Meng's thought come back.

Quickly retreat, at the same time, Xiao Meng raised the amethyst staff in his hand, the force of the snow and snow poured out, and pressed towards the force of this flame.

In a short time, the power of endless flames and the power of terrible snow and snow seemed to transform the entire hero city into a state of ice and fire.

After a moment of stalemate with the power of flames and snow, a terrible explosion broke out suddenly.

Almost at the same time, Wu Yan's eyes were slightly condensed, and the ability of Quicksilver was activated.

With the launch of his ability, at this moment, time seemed to stop, Wu Yan could see the power of wind and snow and flames, exploded, and diffused slowly in all directions.

At the same time, the amethyst staff clenched in Xiao Meng's hand also appeared cracks at this moment, and then these cracks continued to spread.

But for a moment, the amethyst staff was full of cracks.

It looks like it is completely scrapped.

Wu Yan didn't bother about these meanings, everything else was not important, and he worked so **** his own. He deliberately walked in the world of talking about the West, deliberately captured the moonlight treasure box back, and passed back several times in succession after returning. Isn't it just this moment! ?

Taking advantage of the flames and the power of snow and ice, Wu Yan quickly came to Xiaomeng's side, and then, his fingers lightly.

The space was broken like a mirror. Immediately, Wu Yan embraced Xiaomeng and turned into the mirrored space.

With Wu Yan and Xiao Meng disappearing into the mirrored space ~ ~ This mirror-broken space returns to peace again.

Then, a terrible explosion swept everything.


As if a nuclear bomb exploded, the wind and snow mixed with the power of flames exploded, causing the entire earth to tremble violently.

In the same way, despite the city of Chang, which is hundreds of miles away, the earth's vibration can be clearly felt. At the same time, countless people looked up and looked at the hero city.

Looking at the terrible explosion from a distance, each face was full of terror.

"That? That's the direction of Hero City! What the **** happened there !?"

Here in Changshi, countless residents from the Hero City pointed horribly at the terrible explosion on the Hero City side, and they all screamed in horror.

Innumerable people even feel scared in their hearts. If they do not come to Changshi, the consequences will be disastrous.

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