Plane Master Copy

Chapter 1096: : Destined

When talking about the Westward Journey Plane, Supreme Treasure killed the Cow Demon King, so that the whole history of the Great Westward Journey has changed, Supreme Treasure disappeared out of thin air, and the whole world is being revised and changed. This made Wuyan startled, so he hid Among evolutionary homes.

At that time, Wu Yan was all devoted to the consequences of the Moonlight Treasure Box after changing the history.

Just at this time, Dr. Gallo came over and said that the research on the zombie virus had made a phased breakthrough, and even made the first phase of antidote.

At that time, Wu Yan's mind was on the history of change and the world of self-correction. In addition, the end of the world has been ended by a snap of his own fingers. Therefore, Wu Yan only spoke perfunctoryly.

Dr. Gallo took two potions to himself at first, namely the zombie virus potion and the preliminary antidote, Wu Yan didn't take it seriously.

In addition, the two bottles of medicine are very small, Wu Yan just took it in hand, and put it in his own pocket.

However, now Wu Yan reached out and touched his pocket, and his body was completely frozen.

When Wu Yan took out his hand, there were only some glass fragments in his hand. These two bottles of potion were completely broken!

Looking at the glass shard in his hand, Wu Yan reacted and understood what was going on.

When he came across time and space, he happened to be hit by the bus, right?

At that moment, the buses were sunk. Although I was hit, I could not be injured, but just then, I let the two medicines in my pocket be directly broken.

Think of the two medicaments broken up, and the potion was spread directly on a prosperous Changshi road, and then think again, the zombie virus spread with the wind.

In addition, countless people came and went on the road, and then scattered all over the place.

Wu Yan understands that it is because of this that it led to a large-scale outbreak in the last days!

"Originally, is the root of the eschatology actually on me!" After realizing all the truth of the matter, Wu Yan murmured in his mouth, for a while staying like a chicken.

This seems to fall into the paradox of time and space, right?

The source of the last-day outbreak is because of the zombie virus that he carried, and that his own zombie virus was originally owned by the world.

So, where did this zombie virus come from! ?

Thinking of the source of this eschatology, in the end it was on his own body, Wu Yan's heart was a little hard to accept for a while.

The end of the last days, the entire earth has become a purgatory on earth, countless people and even animals have died tragically. This murderer, who caused the source of the end of the outbreak, has long been cursed by hundreds of millions of people.

Even when Wu Yan was suffering himself, he secretly cursed the murderer who caused the eruption in the last days.

But now I find out that it was all because of myself.

After realizing the source of the eschatology, and actually on her body, Wu Yan immediately responded again: "Originally, I thought that after I got the moonlight treasure box, traveling through time and space was an autonomous choice. It turns out that all this is doomed? Without my crossing this time, would there be no so-called eschatology !? "

The Marvel Plane believes that space-time traversing instruments are only parallel universes, and only the moonlight treasure box is crossing the original timeline of the universe.

All this in front of me proves this again!

Realizing that the source of the zombie outbreak was on himself, and more aware that the eschatological outbreak area is mainly concentrated in Changshi now, Wu Yan is now fully capable of stopping all this.

However, Wu Yan was hesitant to stop or not.

If it is stopped, then the whole eschatology will stop, and there will be no eschatology.

Then, everything that happens will naturally disappear.

Even myself will disappear!

Then, the world just experienced a little turmoil, and it was completely restored!

She will disappear, Xiao Meng will not even have a chance to appear!

But, to sacrifice yourself for the sake of this world? Sacrifice Xiaomeng! ?

Wu Yan was tangled in his heart, hesitant, trying to make a decision, but this determination could not be made!

There may be great men in the world who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the world and for others. Wu Yan also admires this kind of person.

For example, Pei Yufeng and Sun Hao.

In order to be born in the world, he chose to betray himself and even pay for his death.

Although this behavior makes Wu Yan feel hatred, it is indeed admirable!

However, Wu Yan knew that he was just an ordinary person, not a great man.

Sacrifice yourself for life in this world! ? Wu Yan can't do such a thing!

After being silent for a long time, Wu Yan shook his head secretly, trying to stop this last-day action, and stopped.

Since all this has become history, then don't change it yourself!

I found that the source of the eschatology broke out in myself, and that I clearly have the ability to stop all of this, but I cannot stop it.

Wu Yan's heart was painful.

He shook his head and hovered in the air alone. After a long silence, he laughed at himself.

"Sure enough? Everyone who plays with time will end up playing with time locks. It was originally just to save people. I did not expect that such a thing would happen. There are too many uncertain factors across time! "

Yes, all this was completely unexpected by Wu Yan, and it completely exceeded his imagination.

If it hadn't been through this, how could Wu Yan know that the source of the eschatology would be like this? How do you know that it was because of your crossing that it caused the eruption of the last days?

Everything, everything ~ ~ It's doomed in the meditation!

Without choosing to block, Wu Yan knew very well that everything that followed would be exactly the same in his memory.

Sure enough, with the outbreak of Changshi, the speed of the spread of the zombie virus is exactly like a wild horse that has lost its grip.

Especially with the emergence of zombies and even zombies, but in just a few days, the country has almost fallen ...

Witnessing all this with his own eyes, Wu Yan did not take any action to block and interfere.

The eruption of the last days is dark and painful, and the most painful time is naturally this time of the beginning of the last days.

It was only a few days of silent attention that Wu Yan couldn't stand it anymore.

The whole world is reduced to purgatory, and every time a human tragedy occurs, Wu Yan will feel one more sin.

All these things make Wu Yan completely look down.

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