Plague Doctor

Chapter 692: Seeing myself [please vote, please subscribe]

Lin Shengbo talked about some trivial things, but he knew what was needed now, and finally remembered a strange thing worth telling.

"That incident was quite strange. In our senior year of high school, when we were preparing for the college entrance examination, the school organized a spring outing to let us relax. During the spring outing, Zhou Haorui encountered a ghost. He said he saw himself."

Whether it was Lou Xiaoning or Li Zhenjing, when everyone heard this, they immediately realized that it was unusual.

Chang Qianhang's expression changed even more, "Did you see yourself?"

"We are from Derao City, and that spring outing was to Yangshan Mountain in the suburbs..." When Lin Shengbo said this, he already realized something was wrong. How could "Yangshan" be such a coincidence? "Why is there such a coincidence?" It’s called Sheep Mountain. I’m not sure. It seems that it was a place where nearby villagers used to graze sheep. The scenery is pretty good, so some tourists usually go for outings. We were led by the teacher and climbed from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. There are not everywhere there. There was a bathroom, and about halfway through the climb, Zhou Haorui wanted to urinate. Boys are like that sometimes, so he could solve the problem by walking to the side of the woods."

Hearing this, everyone guessed that something happened as soon as Zhou Haorui left the team.

Uncle Dan remembered what Ajun often said before: You can't act in separate teams. Even in horror movies, there will be no good end if you act in separate teams.

At the same time, Lou Xiaoning reported to the headquarters and requested that an investigation team be immediately dispatched to Yangshan, Derao City to conduct a search.

"He asked me to go with him, but I wasn't in a hurry, so I didn't go. In the end, only Zhou Haorui left the team and went to the nearby woods. After about 10 minutes, he hurriedly chased him back. At that time, he... I remember him He looked so frightened that his face turned pale. When he saw us, he shouted, "It's a ghost, it's a ghost, it's a supernatural force. I just saw myself..." Although at that time, the Bureau of Secrets and Supernatural Force were all The most fashionable thing, but everyone thought he was just joking. He went to take a pee and met a ghost? The sun was very strong at that time, and there were people everywhere."

Everyone listened, but they knew that the strong sunshine did not mean anything. Maybe that was the abnormality. The Little Ram Cult believed in the real sun god.

"What did he say?" Chang Qianhang was more anxious than the others, as if he had thought of something, "How did you see yourself? What does it look like?"

After all, it had been so long, and Lin Shengbo had long forgotten about Zhou Haorui, and now he really needed to sort things out in retrospect.

Now that he has received training and experienced supernatural things, the more he thinks about it, the more he realizes that this matter is not simple. There may be clues hidden deep inside. He suddenly blames himself for not thinking of it earlier and missing such a feat...

"We also heard what Zhou Haorui said. We don't know whether it is true or not. He said that after entering the woods, he felt like he was lost and the surrounding became very strange. The feeling was very strange and cannot be described. After he finished urinating, he I wanted to leave the woods quickly, but after walking around for a while, I couldn’t get out.”

Xiaoxu judged: "He may have strayed into a place shrouded by abnormal power, and there may be evil believers performing rituals there."

"It's possible, but we didn't notice it at the time." Lin Shengbo answered, and continued to talk about the matter: "Then, suddenly, he saw a figure standing opposite, it was himself, exactly the same clothes, exactly the same He looked frightened. He said he was frightened for a very short time, maybe just a second or two. Before he could react, the figure disappeared, as if it was pulled away by something... Then he ran as hard as he could outside the woods. Finally he ran out and followed us.

We didn't take it seriously at the time. Either Zhou Haorui was joking, or he was dazzled, or he was too timid to catch people's shadows. Some people joked that it was because he peed himself and caught himself... When Zhou Haorui calmed down, he I'm not sure if it's caused by my own eyesight. "

"Is that kid shortsighted?" Lou Xiaoning asked.

"No, his eyesight was normal. We didn't go to the woods to see what was going on after that. No other abnormalities happened that day after that. After returning, Zhou Haorui had a cold and a fever. The illness was not very serious, probably not serious. It will be fine in a week. At first some classmates asked him jokingly about his ghost encounter, but later he was not willing to talk about it. Because everyone was busy preparing for the college entrance examination, the matter was quickly forgotten. "

After Lin Shengbo talked about this past incident, everyone fell into deep thought.

"If Zhou Haorui is really passionate about mysticism, he should be keen to talk about this matter." Xiao Xu added.

Yes, this is a question that makes everyone wonder.

Such "ghost encounters" should excite people who are keen on occultism. Even if they were scared at the time, they would still have to think about it in the future. Zhou Haorui should believe in his own experience and talk about and study it. If this scares him so much, then he should not be interested in occultism in the future.

Because for Zhou Haorui, occultism and that incident cannot be avoided.

"Xiao Lin, do you think now," Uncle Dan asked, "Is it possible that Zhou Haorui had PTSD at that time? Was it selective forgetting afterwards?"

"I feel..." Lin Shengbo thought back seriously, although he still feels strange now, "He does not have PTSD and looks very normal. It seems that he has gradually forgotten it, or he knows that he is really dazzled. But... ...There is another situation. This is my feeling, it may not be correct, and there is no data to support it. I feel that after that incident, Zhou Haorui's mental strength became much worse."

Saying this, Lin Shengbo felt a little inexplicable, "One obvious change is that he became lethargic and yawned often, but his mental state was not as good as before. He didn't get admitted to Tianji University. In fact, I was a little bit Unexpectedly, now I feel... it's the same thing as that incident

The incident is directly related. "

"His spirit was eroded?" Lou Xiaoning guessed with a frown, "At that time, was he eroded by the power of the Black Goat?"

"It's not like that." Xiao Xu said, "Tianji's admissions assessment has that kind of link. If he had been eroded at that time, he would have reacted right away."

Deng Ximei nodded silently, and everyone thought it was reasonable, but Lou Xiaoning was still thinking about this direction: "Is it possible that the assessment didn't find out?"

"No, no...I know, it's a 'card'..." Chang Qianhang suddenly murmured, his haggard face looked strange, and what he said was also incomprehensible: "What he saw was his own card." ', Zhou Haorui's 'card' was taken away at that time, he is incomplete, even petrified patients are incomplete, they are 'cards'..."

Love the Plague Doctor.

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